Computer Labs
Elizabethtown College provides numerous computer labs around campus to assist students in their academic endeavors. The following is a list of the computers installed in computer labs on campus. Software in specific labs may be viewed here.
Esbenshade 164 (Physics & Engineering)
10 Dell Optiplex 755s- Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Esbenshade 182 (Physics & Engineering)
10 Dell Precision T3500s - Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Esbenshade 260H (Psychology)
15 Dell Optiplex GX520s - Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Esbenshade 281 (Computer Science)
24 Dell Optiplex 780s - Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Esbenshade 368 (Mathematics)
19 Dell Optiplex 780s - Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Hoover 108
24 Dell Optiplex 780s - Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Musser 231 (Chemistry)
12 Dell Optiplex 7010s - Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Nicarry 208
24 Dell Optiplex 780s - Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Nicarry 234
20 Dell Optiplex 755s - Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
McCormick Lab - (High Library)
16 Dell Optiplex GX620s - Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Steinman 210 (Communications)
19 Macintosh iMacs - OS X 10.7
Zug 114 (Fine & Performing Arts)
8 Macintosh iMacs - OS X 10.6
24 Hour Lab - BSC Second Floor Lounge
7 Dell Optiplex 755s - Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Lab Hours
The General Purpose Labs (E260H, E368, H108, N208, and N234) operate under the following hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am-11:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday: 12:00pm-5:00pm
Sunday: 12:00pm-11:00pm
• The 7 computers in the BSC Lounge are available 24 hours a day.
• Lab Hours are subject to change due to classes in the labs or building closures.