COVID-19 Community Updates
At Elizabethtown College, the overall safety and wellbeing of our campus community is our priority. We are closely monitoring the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) updates regarding the Novel COVID-19 or coronavirus and have taken preventative measures both on and off our campus in a proactive effort to protect our community from the coronavirus. Any students or parents with questions can reach out to
COVID-19 Policy Updates - February 8, 2023
Updated Isolation Procedures
Students who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate for at least five days, starting from the day their symptoms began, or starting from the day they tested if the student is not having symptoms. Isolation can occur in the student’s family home, another off-campus location, or in the student’s room on campus if all roommates agree to this option.
On-Campus Isolation Procedures:
Students who choose to isolate on campus will do so in their rooms and follow these guidelines until they are cleared:
- The student who is isolating, and any roommates, will wear masks while awake and stay six feet apart as much as possible. No other guests should be in the room.
- The student who is isolating will wear a mask when going to the Marketplace or Jays Nest to pick up food and promptly take it back to their room to eat.
- The student who is isolating and their roommates will avoid eating at the same time so mask wearing can continue when they are together in the room.
- Be mindful of any shared spaces such as restrooms and kitchens and practice good sanitizing after each use.
- The student who is isolating will wear a mask when going down the hall to use the shared Residence Life bathroom.
- The student who is isolating will not attend class or campus activities in person.
- An individual is cleared to leave isolation:
- After five days since symptoms began.
- After five days since they tested positive and have had no symptoms.
Symptoms have significantly improved and have not had a fever for 24 hours.
Contact Tracing Procedures
Notifying Student Health
Students who test positive are expected to notify Student Health (717-588-1059 or 717-361-1405). Student Health is also available to help students with managing symptoms. If students have after-hours concerns, please call Campus Safety at (717) 361-1264.
Notifying Faculty
Students who test positive are expected to contact their faculty members to discuss how to stay connected with their academic work and assignments while missing class due to isolation. Students are under no obligation, however, to tell faculty members they tested positive or disclose any medical information to them. In addition, students have the option to request through Student Health for a generally worded courtesy notification to be sent, informing their faculty members that the student will not be attending classes for the next few days.
Notifying Close Contacts
Students who test positive are responsible for notifying Etown students and employees who meet the definition of a Close Contact. As an alternative to the student communicating directly with their Close Contacts, the student can stay anonymous by asking Student Health staff to notify their Close Contacts. A Close Contact is someone who you have been within six feet of for a combined total of at least 15-minutes (cumulative, not consecutive) over a 24-hour period during the two-day period before you first had symptoms or, if you do not have symptoms, two days before you were tested for COVID-19, through to the time you started isolation. Sample notification messaging can be found on the College's
COVID-19 webpage
For Employees
Employees who test positive should notify
Human Resources
and are responsible for notifying Etown community members who meet the definition of a Close Contact. As an alternative to the employee communicating directly with their Close Contacts, the employee can stay anonymous by asking Human Resources to notify their Close Contacts. A Close Contact is someone who you have been within six feet of for a combined total of at least 15-minutes (cumulative, not consecutive) over a 24-hour period during the two-day period before you first had symptoms or, if you do not have symptoms, two days before you were tested for COVID-19, through to the time you started isolation. Sample notification messaging can be found on the College's
COVID-19 webpage
COVID-19 Status Dashboard
The College's Status Dashboard which was implemented at the start of the pandemic will be discontinued. The College will continue to monitor and track cases of COVID-19 on campus.
COVID-19 Protocol Updates For Fall 2022
As our Elizabethtown College community continues to return to campus, it is important to be mindful of the current health crises facing our country and the world. The College continues to monitor the COVID-19 trends in both our region and beyond with cases remaining steady in Pennsylvania since the semester ended in May. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced updated guidelines on August 11
which has changed the College's policies for quarantining. See updated guidance below.
Monkeypox is also an emerging virus that is becoming more prevalent in our country with recently reported outbreaks in New York. Recently, the
World Health Organization (WHO)
declared monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern. You can find more information about this new crisis below.
Updates for Fall 2022
- Submit your most up-to-date Vaccine & Booster Verification Status to include vaccine and booster updates as soon as possible.
- COVID-19 isolation will need to take place at home or in an off-campus location. As a precaution, students should consult with their families and support networks prior to returning to campus to establish a plan for isolation.
- NEW: COVID-19 Quarantine procedures are now updated to follow new CDC guidance released on August 11 . Individuals should only quarantine if they show symptoms of COVID-19. Individuals who are identified as contacts, regardless of vaccination status, are not required to quarantine but are required to wear a mask when indoors for 10 days following the most recent contact, and test on day 5 after the most recent contact if not having symptoms.
- Masking is optional unless you have been exposed to COVID-19 and are in quarantine or isolation. The College fully supports anyone who chooses to wear a mask at any time and expects all members of the campus community to be respectful of this choice.
View COVID-19 Return to Campus Guidelines
About Monkeypox
Monkeypox symptoms include a pimple or blister-like rash as well as fever, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. Once a rash is present, the virus becomes contagious. The illness can spread through several pathways, including intimate contact (kissing, cuddling, and sex); direct contact with infectious rashes, scabs, or body fluids; and touching items (linens and clothing) previously touched by an infectious rash or body fluids. More on the illness can be found on the
CDC’s monkeypox webpage
. You can take steps to prevent the spread of monkeypox, such as avoiding close contact with people who have a rash that looks like monkeypox or close contact with objects and materials that a person with monkeypox has used. Also, wash your hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer.
Vaccination is recommended for those who have been exposed to monkeypox, including those in healthcare environments or more likely to get monkeypox as described by the CDC. As a student, if you show symptoms of monkeypox, please contact Student Health Nurse
Kati Frey
(717-588-1059) or Associate Dean of Students for Student Counseling and Health Needs
Bruce Lynch
(717-361-1405) immediately. Employees should contact their healthcare provider and report any sick leave needs to their supervisor and Human Resources.
Thank you for your due diligence and support in maintaining a safe and healthy Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown College continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic as the safety and well-being of our campus community are top priorities along with the success of our students. As we look forward to beginning the semester in person, there are several updates for our campus community related to COVID-19 guidelines and policies.
Please note, these policies are based on the current trends of the pandemic as of July 21 and are subject to change based on COVID-19 conditions on campus and in the local community. Please read carefully.
Update Your Vaccination Status
In order to effectively manage the contact tracing process this fall, it is important that both employees and students please submit their Vaccine & Booster Verification Status to include vaccine and booster updates as soon as possible. While not required, the College encourages our campus community to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and booster. Vaccination status will impact the steps taken in the contact tracing process established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The College will follow the CDC's definition of fully vaccinated which is dependent on age and dosage provider. View the definition of vaccination.
Students can update their vaccination status on JayWeb.
Updated Quarantine and Isolation Procedures
Due to limited housing available on campus, students who test positive for COVID-19 during the fall semester will be required to isolate themselves at home or in an off-campus location. As a precaution, students should consult with their families and support networks prior to returning to campus to establish a plan for isolation. Students in need of assistance or who have questions about their plan should contact the COVID-19 Taskforce.
Students who are identified through contact tracing as a contact of someone who tests positive for COVID-19 should follow instructions from the Student Health Department. According to the CDC, only contacts who are not up-to-date on the vaccinations and boosters are required to quarantine. Students who quarantine on campus will do so in their rooms. Individuals who are up-to-date with the COVID-19 vaccine and booster are encouraged to wear a mask around others for 10-days following contact with someone who tests positive. If you have any questions, please contact the COVID-19 Taskforce.
Masking Requirements
Elizabethtown College will continue with a mask-optional policy for the fall semester. It is important to note that masks remain optional and acknowledge that wearing a mask is a personal choice. The College fully supports anyone who chooses to wear a mask and expects all members of the campus community to be respectful of this choice. We encourage civility and understanding around this matter.
It is also important to keep in mind that students and employees engaging in College-related experiences off-campus will need to comply with the requirements of external facilities when it comes to masking.
As always, we will update COVID-19 guidelines on as announcements are shared. We are confident that your continued compliance with our health and safety measures will position us for a successful fall semester. Thank you for your support of Etown!
Trends continue to indicate that we are emerging from the dire stages of the pandemic. Based on The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s most recent updates to its tracking and guidance,
Elizabethtown College has updated our COVID-19 guidelines to make mask wearing optional on campus, effective today, March 4 for students, employees, and all guests.
The CDC's new
tracking process
directs counties to consider the following three measures to assess the risk of the virus:
- New COVID-19-related hospital admissions over the previous week
- The percentage of hospital beds being used by COVID-19 patients
- New COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people over the previous week
With that, the CDC now advises that indoor masking is only necessary for areas experiencing high levels of COVID-19. Currently, Lancaster County is listed as a low transmission area. This classification aligns with the low amount of cases we have recorded on campus over the past month which also contributed to the College's decision to update our guidelines.
It is important to note that masks remain optional and acknowledge that wearing a mask is a personal choice. The College fully supports anyone who chooses to wear a mask and expects all members of the campus community to be respectful of this choice. We encourage civility and understanding around this matter.
It is also important to keep in mind that students and employees engaging in College-related experiences off-campus will need to comply with the requirements of external facilities when it comes to masking.
Should COVID-19 cases on our campus rise to significant levels or our county move into the CDC's high transmission categories, the College may reinstate the indoor masking mandate and will communicate that immediately. At this time, the College will continue to test our non-vaccinated student and employee population weekly at a 25% rate as a part of our COVID-19 guidelines. Visit our
COVID-19 webpage
for the most up-to-date information.
We recognize the disruption the pandemic has had on the lives of our community and are grateful for the patience and understanding you've shown throughout.
Thank you for your efforts to keep our campus community safe!
Elizabethtown College continues to monitor the developments of the COVID-19 virus including the highly transmissible Omicron variant. Given the continued surge in cases, the College has updated its Return-to-Campus Procedures for the spring 2022 semester.
The College will delay the start of the spring 2022 semester to begin on Tuesday, January 18, and will now require all students including commuters, regardless of vaccination status, to test negative for COVID-19 as they arrive on campus. Tests will be administered by the College at no cost to students on-campus as students move back between Jan. 15 to 17. Students will receive further details on testing and move-in procedures from the Office of Housing & Residence Life in a follow-up communication. (Please note: An updated undergraduate academic calendar will be published on and shared prior to the start of the semester. The School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) academic calendar remains unchanged.)
Based on this new recommendation, students no longer need to submit negative test results prior to their return to campus as they will be tested upon arrival. However, we strongly encourage students to test themselves three to five days prior to returning followed by quarantining to avoid testing positive during move-in. Students who do test positive during their return will not be able to move in nor begin in-person classes until they complete their isolation period. The College will not provide space for isolation for individuals who test positive during their check-in so the student will need to isolate at home. Students should develop a plan for this scenario.
Should a student receive a positive COVID-19 test result before returning to campus, please stay home and contact Student Health to discuss your next steps.
Updated Quarantine and Isolation Procedures
Based on the recently published guidance by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the College has updated its quarantine and isolation procedures to the following:
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will isolate for 5 days and if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours), follow that by 5 days of wearing a mask when around others to minimize the risk of infecting people they encounter.
Additionally, non-vaccinated individuals or those who are more than six months out from their second vaccine dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted who are exposed will be required to quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days.
Individuals who have received their booster shot do not need to quarantine following an exposure, but should wear a mask around others for 10 days after the exposure. For all those exposed, best practice would also include a test for COVID-19 at day 5 after exposure. If symptoms occur, individuals should immediately quarantine until a negative test confirms symptoms are not attributable to COVID-19.
Update Your Vaccination Status
Based on this new isolation and quarantine procedure, it is important that both employees and students submit their updated Vaccine & Booster Verification Status to include their booster information as soon as possible. While not required, the College strongly encourages all members of our campus community to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and booster. Non-vaccinated individuals will be subject to weekly surveillance testing at a rate of 25% of this population upon their return to campus.
Masking Requirements
In order to best protect our campus community, Elizabethtown College is requiring all individuals, those fully vaccinated and non-vaccinated, to wear face masks inside campus buildings. Individuals are not required to wear face coverings while in personal residence hall rooms, apartments, quads, or offices unless guests are present.
Surveillance Testing
Non-vaccinated individuals are subject to weekly surveillance testing at a rate of 25% of this population upon their return to campus. The College continues to monitor the status of federal regulations around surveillance testing requirements and will communicate any updates to our testing procedures if necessary. Individuals selected to be tested for COVID-19 will receive an email each week from the COVID-19 Task Force to schedule a testing appointment.
View Spring 2022 Return-to-Campus Guidelines
On-Campus COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
The College has partnered with NCS Pharmacy to offer another on-campus COVID-19 vaccination and booster clinic for students and employees on Saturday, January 22 from noon to 4 p.m. in the M&M Mars Room located inside the Leffler Chapel and Performance Center. Register for the on-campus vaccine clinic. Please print and bring the completed form to your scheduled time at the vaccine clinic.
We encourage you to get vaccinated/boosted against COVID-19 as soon as you are able. You may view other vaccination sites or call 1-800-232-0233. |
Register for the On-Campus COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
We are confident that your continued compliance with our health and safety measures will position us for a successful spring semester. Thank you for your support of Etown!
Recently, Lancaster County has transitioned into a "substantial" status alert for COVID-19 community transmission. In order to best protect our campus community, beginning Thursday, Aug. 12, Elizabethtown College will require all individuals, those fully vaccinated and non-vaccinated, to wear face masks inside campus buildings. Individuals are not required to wear face masks in personal residence hall rooms, apartments, or quads unless visitors are present. Face masks must be worn in all residential common areas. Students diagnosed with a health condition that they believe precludes their adherence to College guidance should contact Lynne Davies in Disability Services by Thursday, Aug. 19 to discuss reasonable accommodations. Employees with a health condition that they believe precludes their adherence to the College’s guidance should contact Human Resources.
Please note if there are changes in our community trends, we will communicate updates to our guidelines based on state and federal recommendations. We appreciate your support and compliance with campus COVID-19 guidelines as we work to provide a healthy and safe environment for all.
Elizabethtown College also strongly encourages all members of the campus community to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. While we are not requiring individuals to be vaccinated, the College is requesting both employees and students to submit proof of their
COVID-19 Vaccination status
in order to be exempt from additional protocols including the completion of the Daily Digital Health Report (DDHR) and surveillance testing.
All students who have been fully vaccinated* must submit proof of their vaccination status in order to be exempted from the below procedures. To submit vaccination information, please complete the
COVID-19 Vaccine Verification Online Form
including your vaccine manufacturer, dosage date(s), and a photo of your vaccination card. Individuals who do not submit verification will be required to adhere to the following campus guidelines:
For campus entry, all non-vaccinated students must show the College proof of a negative COVID-19 test result from being tested within 72 hours of their move-in/check-in date. Non-vaccinated individuals should be prepared to present their negative test result during check-in. If you are experiencing any financial or logistical hardships, please
email us
for assistance.
- Non-vaccinated individuals will be subject to random surveillance. Testing will occur each week and a percentage of these individuals will be selected randomly.
- Non-vaccinated individuals must complete the Daily Digital Health Report (DDHR) each day once they return to campus.
- Please Note: Vaccinations may be required to participate in some activities and programs, such as study abroad, clinicals, and athletics. Activities and programs requiring vaccination may be determined at a later date. ( For example, student-athletes who want to participate in the Landmark Conference and/or student teachers working in-person for a school district .)
*According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , people are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 ≥2 weeks after they have received the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or ≥2 weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine (Johnson & Johnson [J&J]/Janssen).
You may also find other vaccination sites at or by calling 1-800-232-0233.
Starting today, Monday, April 5, all individuals including most higher education employees, identified in Phase 1B will be eligible for the vaccine. Those in Phase 1C should be able to begin scheduling appointments for the vaccine on Monday, April 12. That includes workers in food service, housing construction, communication, legal services, and public safety fields, among others. Lastly, on Monday, April 19, all Pennsylvanians, including students, will become eligible for the vaccine. For more details regarding the vaccine phases, please view the
Pa. DOH website
We strongly encourage all campus community members, if eligible and able to receive the vaccine, to do so. There are three regional mass vaccination sites in
, and
Also available to search for available vaccine appointments are regional locations such as Rite Aid, CVS, Weis, Giant, Wegmans, and your local pharmacy.
View vaccine distribution information
for those distribution sites. Please
contact us
if you have any questions.
Daily Digital Health Report
Students, faculty, and staff must complete the Daily Digital Health Report (DDHR) each day during the Spring 2021 semester even if you are fully vaccinated or have recently received a negative test.
You can do so by logging onto Jayweb or by accessing the link through the LiveSafe app. Repeated non-compliance with this requirement can be dealt with through the Student Conduct System or Human Resources.
As we plan for the return of our campus community for the Spring 2021 semester, we continue to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. After careful analysis and based on the current conditions of the virus, we have made some updates on our decisions with the semester calendar. We will still begin classes remotely on January 25, however in-person class instruction will now begin on Monday, Feb. 15. In addition, our campus move-in dates for students will be held between Feb. 7 and 14.
While we have made the decision to extend our remote learning environment at the beginning of the
Spring 2021 semester
for an additional two weeks, it will still provide students with 13 weeks of in-person instruction, which is the same amount our first-year students experienced this past fall. As we are committed to providing a full semester schedule, there will be no adjustments to room and board. We are hopeful this revised start to the spring schedule will lead us to another healthy and successful semester.
With national and statewide COVID-19 cases still rising and hospitalization rates expected to increase in the coming weeks, we feel this is the best course of action to protect our students, faculty, and staff as well as our local community.
Additionally, our decision is in alignment with the health and safety recommendations for higher education institutions for the spring semester from
Pennsylvania’s departments of Health and Education
You may view the updated Spring 2021 schedule below.
- Jan. 25: First day of classes. All classes begin remotely.
- Feb. 7-14: Students move-in
- Feb. 15: First day of in-person classes
- No Spring Break (Classes in session)
- March 3: No classes; Day of Service
- March 25: Study Break (No classes)
- April 2: Good Friday (No classes; College Holiday)
- April 5: (Classes in session/ Friday schedule. Offices open.)
- April 20: SCAD (No classes)
- May 6: Last day of classes
- May 7: Study Break (No classes)
- May 8-12: Finals (Note: Finals will be held on Saturday. No finals will be held on Sunday.)
- May 13-14: Senior Days/Commencement Rehearsal
- May 15-16: 2021 Commencement Ceremony/Weekend
We hope you are staying safe and healthy in the new year. As shared previously, Elizabethtown College has chosen to conduct the Spring 2021 semester with in-person class instruction. Beginning today, Jan. 4, and through Jan. 8, students who would like to learn remotely and live at their permanent address during the Spring 2021 semester have the opportunity to select those choices through an online form hosted on Jayweb. Students should log in to Jayweb to access the form and click on Remote Learning Request* to make any selection updates. Note: If you do not complete the form, your status will default to in-person classroom instruction and living on-campus. (As always, the Spring 2021 schedule is subject to change based on updates with the current COVID-19 pandemic. The College will communicate any changes to the proposed schedule as soon as possible.)
*Students will have a four-week period to make updates to their Spring 2021 selections if they so desire. From Jan. 25 through Feb. 19, students may reverse their academic and living choices. After that time period, the College will not honor changes unless it is recommended by Student Health Services or a waiver is granted by Student Life. There will be no room and board refunds provided to students following the fourth week of the semester for students who choose to move from on campus to remote learning or living accommodations.
Testing & Move-In
We plan to have all students returning to campus test for COVID-19 prior to their arrival and will share those details soon. Our move-in dates for students are currently scheduled between Jan. 23 and 31 with all classes beginning remotely on Jan. 25. In-person class instruction is planned to begin on Feb. 1. Please note, we are preparing for the best but also planning for multiple scenarios as circumstances evolve with the virus. Please check your email and for the latest COVID-19 updates and announcements. Thank you!
We hope you are staying healthy and reenergizing yourself over the holidays as we prepare for the New Year, and a new semester at Elizabethtown College. We are closely monitoring developments with the COVID-19 virus, and in order to keep our campus functioning during the Spring 2021 semester, we must remain diligent with our College's health and safety guidelines as we did so cooperatively and successfully in the fall.
Academic & Move-In Selection: Jan. 4-8
Our institution has chosen to conduct the Spring 2021 semester with in-person class instruction. As shared previously, if students would like to learn remotely and live at home with their parents/guardians during the spring 2021 semester, they will have the opportunity to select those choices through an online form between Jan. 4 through 8, 2021. When the form opens, students will receive an email alerting them to log in to their Jayweb accounts and click on the form titled Remote Learning Request to make their selection. If you do not complete the form, your status will default to in-person classroom instruction and living on-campus.
Please note: Students will have a four-week period to make updates to their Spring 2021 selections if they so desire. From Jan. 25 through Feb. 19, students may reverse their academic and living choices. After that time period, the College will not honor changes unless it is recommended by Student Health Services or a waiver is granted by Student Life. There will be no room and board refunds provided to students following the fourth week of the semester for students who choose to move to remote learning or living accommodations.
Testing & Move-In
We plan to have all students returning to campus test for COVID-19 prior to their arrival on campus and will share those details once our process is finalized. Our move-in dates for students are currently scheduled between Jan. 23 and 31 with all classes beginning remotely on Jan. 25. In-person class instruction is planned to begin on Feb. 1. Please note, we are preparing for the best but also planning for multiple scenarios as circumstances evolve with the virus. Please check your email and for the latest COVID-19 updates and announcements.
We are confident that your continued compliance with our health and safety measures will position us for a successful spring semester. Thank you for your support of Etown.
We want to make you aware that in the past 24 hours we have experienced an uptick in COVID-19 cases. As a community, we need to remain vigilant against the spread of the virus. You may view our
COVID-19 campus status
dashboard below which indicates two new positive COVID-19 student cases. There are also seven students quarantining at the present time, two on-campus and five off-campus.
It is critical that we continue to follow the campus health and safety protocols that we have in place. We must wear face masks indoors and outdoors when social distancing can not occur. We also ask that you make careful decisions when planning to be around others, and continue practicing proper hygiene. Stay updated and review the campus
health and safety guidelines
August 27, 2020
Fall 2020 Events Update Sincerely, Cecilia M. McCormick, J.D. President Elizabethtown College |
August 25, 2020
We are busy preparing our campus for our students' return to Elizabethtown College this fall under the guidance of medical and public health professionals as well as recommendations from higher education partners and following orders from the state of Pennsylvania.
We will welcome students this fall in a variety of class formats—including in-person, hybrid, or remote instruction based on students’ preferences and learning needs. That is why it is so important to read our guide so all students know how we will operate our campus in a safe and healthy environment.
Our new health and safety measures are clearly defined and outlined in our return-to-campus guide for students.
We strongly encourage students to read the guide to become knowledgeable and aware of how we will operate our campus this fall and learn the information you need to prepare in advance.
Read the student return-to-campus guide
Have a question about the upcoming Fall 2020 semester? Please visit the College's FAQ section at for new information that is being updated regularly. If you are not finding an answer to your question, please email us and we will work to get you an answer.
Thank you for your commitment to Etown. We're looking forward to a successful fall semester!
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves every day, we are constantly reevaluating and measuring our College’s plans, recognizing the need to be flexible and adaptable. For months, our administration and staff have been working to ensure our campus is safe and healthy for our students' return. All summer, our faculty have developed their courses to deliver in-person, remote, and hybrid formats so our students are provided with the exceptional education they have come to expect at Etown.
Fall 2020 Semester Update
After strong consideration and in consultation with medical and public health professionals, we have decided in the interest of our campus community's health and well-being, we will bring back students in a sequenced approach. The Fall 2020 semester schedule will be updated as follows:
- Momentum/Kinesis/RAs/Peer Mentor students will move-in on August 17 and will begin in-person instruction on August 24.
- First-year Honors students will move-in on August 18 and will begin in-person instruction on August 24.
- Remaining first-year and transfer students will move-in on August 19 and 20 and will begin in-person instruction on August 24.
- All other Elizabethtown College students will begin courses remotely on August 24 until their scheduled move-in date.
- All seniors and graduate (fourth and fifth-year) students will move-in on September 5 and 6 and will begin in-person instruction on September 7.
- All sophomores and juniors will move-in on September 17, 18, and 19 and begin in-person instruction on September 21.
- If students elect to learn remotely, you will be able to do so.
- All students will receive a confirmation email of their elected selections from the Office of Academic Affairs on August 10. Students will need to confirm any updates to their selections by Wednesday, August 12.
- Most sophomores, juniors, and seniors will receive a reduction in room and board costs based on their newly scheduled return-to-campus date. If for some reason, we would be required to go remote, we will prorate room and board charges as we did last semester.
- The Office of Student Life will email specific move-in dates and procedures directly to students prior to their scheduled move-in date.
- For students who are working remotely, there will not be a reduction in tuition. The College has made significant investments in ensuring that both our remote and in-person instructional experiences reflect the high educational standards at Etown.
Our Reasoning for the Sequenced Schedule
We have shared previously that the schedule is always subject to change based on the virus and its latest developments. We feel strongly that we need to bring our first-year and transfer students to campus first as they begin their college journey, participate in orientation, and acclimate to the higher education workload and environment. It was important for us to have our seniors return next as they begin their final year at Etown. Finally, we are bringing back our sophomores and juniors in our sequenced approach so we can make sure an increased density of students will not create a potential uptick in cases of the virus.
We also found in the results of our recent Fall 2020 Semester Student Survey that nearly 80% of you elected to have your education delivered in-person while 20% chose to learn remotely. Students will receive a follow-up confirmation email on Monday, August 10 to confirm both their academic and housing selections for the Fall 2020 semester.
COVID-19 Testing Procedures
Many of you have asked specifically about testing. As previously shared, all students, faculty, and staff returning to campus will complete a COVID-19 test. As students arrive on campus, students will be directed to a specific COVID-19 testing tent on campus where medical professionals will collect an oral swab sample for testing so that we have a baseline affirmation that our community is protected as we begin the semester. Within 24 to 48 hours, the student and College will be notified of the results. While waiting for those results, students will be quarantined in their residence halls. There will be an initial testing fee to students of no more than $89 placed on their student accounts. Students who experience hardship from this fee are encouraged to contact the College’s Financial Aid Office. Any further testing throughout the semester to identify and address the potential emergence of the infection early and avoid further spread through symptomatic and random testing will be funded by the College.
Please continue to check our College COVID-19 web section as well as our FAQs that we are updating regularly. We also invite all students to join our student virtual Town Hall sessions tomorrow, Thursday, August 6 at 3 p.m. for all first-year, transfer, and sophomore students and at 4:30 p.m. for all juniors, seniors, and graduate students. Zoom links have been emailed to students.
Moving Etown Forward
As we move Etown forward, I want you all to know that these decisions are never made lightly. I ask that we continue to stay positive and work together as a community to create engaging and memorable experiences for our students as we face this public health crisis in our nation’s history.
Cecilia M. McCormick, J.D.
Elizabethtown College
As we prepare for Elizabethtown College student's arrival to campus this August, we recognize this year will feel different and we will all have to be adaptable as we navigate our new routines. Our goal is to continue to provide our exceptional education and student life experience with the health and well-being of our campus community at the forefront of all our decisions.
As we have shared with you, we have had a dedicated group of administration and faculty members diligently working to impose new campus safety measures and health guidelines so our community can live, learn, and interact in a secure environment. We will also stay in compliance with Pennsylvania Governor Wolf's executive orders and will continue to follow the guidance provided by the
PA Department of Health
, the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
, and the
PA Department of Education
. This is why it's imperative that we ask our campus community to remain patient with us as schedules and events may change based on the current climate.
The health and well-being of our community is our priority and the standards we are putting in place should be read carefully and followed by all on campus. The following outlines important updates for students return-to-campus in August. Information will be added and updated throughout the summer as the pandemic continues to evolve and new guidance is received.
Face masks/Cloth Face Coverings:
Face masks or face coverings are expected to be worn by all community members inside all College buildings. If students are alone, or with a roommate(s) inside their residence hall room, it may be removed. Employees alone in their office may also remove their face covering. An exception will be made while eating. Community members must wear facial coverings outdoors when six-feet of distance from others cannot be maintained. According to the CDC, appropriate use of face masks or coverings is critical in minimizing risks to others near you. You could potentially spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick. The mask or cloth face covering is not meant as a substitute for social distancing.
One face mask will be provided to all students
. It is recommended that students also bring several other face coverings with them to campus.
Move-In: First-year and incoming transfer students will move in on August 19 and 20. All returning students will move in during a staggered schedule that will be communicated to students prior to arrival. There will be a limit of two people permitted to assist with student move-in as well as the screening of all individuals upon entrance to campus.
Housing: Students will remain in housing set-ups as they are accustomed to however no guests will be permitted (either overnight or visitors from other residence halls). Social distance measures will be marked within the buildings including students reserving shower times both in the morning and evenings. There will be other housing guidelines that will be shared with students prior to their arrival on campus.
First Day of Classes: The first day of classes is Monday, August 24. Students are highly encouraged to stay on campus through November 20. Following Thanksgiving, there will be several instruction days and finals conducted remotely. The Fall 2020 semester schedule has been released and may be viewed at
Classroom Instruction: For the safety and well-being of our faculty and students, we will reconfigure classrooms and other spaces on campus to provide appropriate social distances within these spaces. Although most instruction will continue to be in-person, some courses will intentionally be constructed to provide a vibrant remote learning experience to maintain social distancing regulations and reduce larger groups of students in our instructional spaces.
Testing/Monitoring: All students returning to campus in the Fall will be tested for the Novel COVID-19 coronavirus prior to their arrival. Further details will be provided in the coming weeks. Additional testing will also be available after students arrive for those who are symptomatic at the Student Health Center.
Regarding COVID-19 monitoring, all students, faculty, and staff will be directed to monitor their health regularly and will complete a daily digital health report, with students directed to take their temperature and answer questions regarding any symptoms they may be experiencing. Students should bring a thermometer to campus with them in the Fall.
Tracking: Any student testing positive for COVID-19 will not be publicly identified and the College will follow its FERPA and HIPPA requirements which guarantees privacy. With that said, notification of a positive test must be shared with local and state officials. Additionally, the campus community will be notified by email of any reported positive case on campus confirming the presumed location and any contact tracing information. The College will only report positive cases that are self-identified. Identification suspected and reported by another individual is prohibited and will be met with swift and significant actions through our student conduct system or Human Resources office.
Tracing: Tracing provides an additional layer of awareness and protection to our campus community. The College will require that all members of the community comply with tracing efforts. Tracing provides retrospective information to ensure that members of the community are made aware of potential interaction when someone is confirmed positive with the virus.
Education and Training: All students and employees will participate in safety and health training to educate and familiarize them with new campus standards.
Fall Athletes: The College will report any changes to the Fall 2020 athletic season when decided by the Landmark Conference. Safety precautions and enhanced health measures will be communicated to and expected to be followed by all athletes. Fall athletes are scheduled to move in on August 17.
Student Activities/Events:
The College is fully committed to offering a robust schedule of events for students during the Fall 2020 semester to ensure a great experience for our Etown students. Event organizers will adapt events to align with health and safety guidelines. In addition to the normal slate of student activities held in the Fall semester, the College is planning activities over the weekends to highly encourage students to stay on campus. An updated Events list will be shared once finalized with student input.
Students are highly encouraged to stay on campus through November 20. Minimizing non-essential travel supports student safety by reducing potential exposure to the virus. Any college-sponsored travel must be pre-approved.
The Etown Dining Services team is committed to offering high-quality operations and students will have four location choices available to them. The Marketplace will operate with social distancing, with the KAV being a new option to have a custom grab-n-go meal prepared for you on demand. In addition, the Jayʻs Nest will feature pre-packaged grab-n-go options and the Jay Truck will offer comfort food both during meals and again on weekend late-nights. There will be modifications made in order to properly maintain safety and social distance guidelines. Instructions will be clearly communicated and labeled for all community members.
Campus Safety Measures:
New campus signage and safety markers will be installed to remind community members to social distance while on campus and to practice good personal hygiene habits such as frequent hand washing, coughing or sneezing into elbows instead of hands, longer periods in between classes, and hand-sanitizing stations. We also have instituted deep cleaning protocols across campus to support a safe environment.
We have a dedicated
FAQ section
to address the upcoming semester. Please visit our website frequently to learn more and you may
email us
your questions to be added to the FAQ page (as deemed appropriate). As always, our knowledge and understanding of the COVID-19 virus will continue to evolve, and our policies and plans will be updated as more information becomes available. Return-to-campus guides for students, faculty, and staff will also be distributed prior to everyone's arrival to campus.
It will take the patience, flexibility, and commitment of our entire community to ensure our population’s health and well-being. While this is a unique time in our institution’s history, it is showing us how we can all work together effectively and deliberately so our students receive the exceptional academic instruction and student living environment they deserve and desire.
We will continue to keep our campus community updated on any changes to the schedule as the evolving guidance requires. I truly appreciate everyone’s understanding and support during this time, and look forward to August and seeing you all on campus once again.
Cecilia M. McCormick, J.D.
Elizabethtown College
Fall 2020 Semester Update - June 17, 2020
Fall Schedule Announcement - June 5, 2020
As we prepare to reopen our campus, we are so excited to welcome our students and families to our beautiful Elizabethtown College campus beginning in August. We cannot deny that the pandemic has certainly altered our normal routines. As many college and university leaders are currently in the thick of scenario planning for their student's return, Elizabethtown College is doing the same. We do not have all our details to share yet, as our state mandates and restrictions will determine much of our process moving forward, however, I am fully confident that all of our students will live and learn in a safe, healthy, and engaging environment as we all navigate our new way of living.
First, it’s important to share that we have shifted our academic schedule in order to safeguard our campus community as much as we possibly can. The following outlines the fall 2020 semester schedule: (*Subject to change based on Pennsylvania mandates. The College will communicate as soon as any changes may alter the following schedule.)
- Elizabethtown College Fall 2020 Schedule
- Momentum/Kinesis/RAs/Peer Mentors Students Move-In Date: August 31
- Honors Students Move-In Date: September 1
- First-Year Students Move-In Dates: September 2, 3
- Orientation Dates: September 4, 5, 6
- Returning Students Move-In Dates: September 4, 5, 6
- First Day of Classes: Monday, September 7 (Labor Day)
- No Fall Break: October 1-2/Class instruction
- Students Depart Campus for Fall Semester: Saturday, November 21 – Sunday, November 22
- Remote Learning Week: November 23, 24, 25
- Thanksgiving Break: November 26, 27
- Remote Learning Weeks: Monday, November 30 through Friday, December 11
- Remote Finals Week: Monday, December 14 to Friday, December 18
- *Fall student-athletes will be notified about a return-to-campus date based on NCAA and Landmark Conference updates
We will deliver our semester face-to-face, on campus, in modified formats until Thanksgiving break. The weeks following the break and leading up to finals will be conducted remotely. As president and a parent myself, I felt these updates to our schedule present us with the least amount of risk and greatest benefit for our students to receive the educational experience they so desire. As of June 5, Lancaster County has moved into the Yellow phase. This gives our College an adequate amount of time to prepare for the arrival of our students.
As we have been sharing, at the forefront of all our decision-making is the overall health and wellbeing of our students, faculty, and staff members. We have a dedicated group of key members across our campus community who have been diligently working on various scenarios we may face. It’s important we have all procedures and guidelines in place prior to our student's return and we will continue to communicate with you those modifications that may impact you. This planning group has an established framework to help guide them as they create the standards we will all be introduced to over the next couple of months. The four areas we are deeply focused on planning are the following:
- Health, Safety and Wellbeing: Our priority remains on our campus community. We are following guidance provided by our state Department of Health (DOH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for implementing health and safety measures in our buildings and facilities, dormitories, and dining areas. These health and safety measures will also influence how we will hold events, athletics, and activities on our campus.
- Academic Continuity: We will lean on the creativity and innovation of our faculty who are currently working on ways we will conduct our in-person learning formats in a socially distance friendly environment. Utilizing more campus spaces and our labs, classrooms, studios, learning centers, as well as continuing to expand our digital education tools, approaches, and resources will all be shaped in our plan. This group will establish the best practices to resume our clinicals, fieldwork, and internships, and provide options for engaging hybrid or online learning, even while on campus.
- Future Planning: While our immediate focus is on our fall 2020 semester, our administration has already started to evaluate and plan beyond the near future to ensure we have comprehensive plans in place for the remaining academic year.
- Sustainability: The campus operations and fiscal responsibilities are of utmost importance as we plan for the long-term viability of our institution. The pandemic has forced us to look at every area of our college. Our strategies put into action now will help navigate us through the challenging times so we come out stronger than ever.
As our county moves toward reopening, we will carefully bring back our employees to work on campus during the summer weeks. Employees will be directly notified by their supervisors and will be given three business days to prepare for their return.
Everyone’s patience and flexibility will be critical to ensuring we can all enjoy our treasured campus once again. I am truly humbled by the support and dedication of our campus community. I hope you all have an enjoyable and safe summer. We look forward to welcoming you back to our campus soon.
Cecilia M. McCormick, J.D.
Elizabethtown College
Fall Semester Planning Update - May 1, 2020
As an Elizabethtown College community, we were able to transform our campus environment online in just a few days to finish the spring semester as we faced insurmountable circumstances with the COVID-19 pandemic. I’ve shared it many times in the last few weeks, but it must be said again, our resilient community inspires me, even more, to lead our institution through these trying times.
We know there are many questions, and we currently have a leadership team in the process of examining multiple scenarios and creating a framework to provide more clarity to our students, parents, faculty, staff, and the broader community.
We are planning that Elizabethtown College will have all students return to campus in August. We also anticipate bringing back our faculty and staff to campus in phases over the next several months. The safety and health of our campus community remain at the core of our decision-making and we will continue to follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) guidelines, and communicate our preventative safety measures to you as we prepare our return to campus.
Fall 2020 Planning
We will deliver our on-campus class instruction by optimizing our facilities to offer our academic programs while maintaining social distancing measures. We will lean on the creativity and innovation of our faculty to conduct our in-person learning formats—in labs, classrooms, studios, learning centers, as well as continue to expand our digital education tools, approaches, and resources. Our proposed plans for the fall 2020 semester include:
- Utilizing larger spaces and creating smaller classes, labs, studios, and learning centers/offices to incorporate appropriate social distancing practices
- Resuming clinicals/fieldwork/internships in accordance with best safety practices
- Providing options for engaging hybrid or online learning, even while on campus
- Expanding academic and personal support services for our students
We also realize the value of the residential student experience with 85% of our students living on campus. While we will have to be flexible, we intend to offer the student life experience our students desire. Our plan includes:
Opening residence halls*
Opening Dining Services*
Opening athletic and wellness facilities*
In addition, the innovative and compelling teaching our professors have delivered has been nothing short of first-class. I am enthused by their newly adopted resolution to “providing all our students with a nurturing, safe, and connected educational experience in the fall.” I also commend our staff who take intentional care and support through their daily work to ensure our institution continues to operate efficiently.
We cannot wait to welcome our students back to campus. We will continue to keep you informed throughout the summer as we have more updates to share. I’m looking forward to celebrating the Class of 2020 during our upcoming
virtual celebration
on May 16.
Best wishes for health and happiness,
Cecilia M. McCormick, J.D.
Elizabethtown College
Student Refund Update - April 23, 2020
Elizabethtown College is committed to providing each student with high-quality instruction during these unprecedented times which have required us to transition to an online distance learning model. We are pleased to share that beginning Friday, April 24, Elizabethtown College will begin issuing partial housing and meal refunds to students. We have worked diligently to develop a fair refund policy for our students that recognizes the fixed costs of operating our housing and dining operations. Please carefully read the guidelines below to learn about our methodology and how you will receive your refund.
Grading Policy Update - April 8, 2020
In light of the changes to our learning environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Elizabethtown College faculty adopted the following changes to the College’s grading policies for the spring 2020 semester. The following policies apply for students in the traditional College and sgps undergraduates in the S3 2020 session.
- Students will have the option to convert a final course grade from a letter grade to S (A, B, C, D) or NS (F) . Students will be permitted to make this change after final grades have been reported. Letter grades are calculated in the GPA as usual; S/NS grades are not. Students will want to consult with their academic advisors to ensure that they have considered carefully the implications of these decisions (e.g., for entrance to graduate schools and professional programs). By the final week of April, Department Chairs will communicate with students whether or not particular prerequisites or graduation/accreditation requirements cannot be met with a grade of S/NS. Please be patient as academic departments consider the implications of the new policy and convey any necessary considerations to students.
- Incomplete Grade Options: Students may also request that a faculty member submit a COVID-19 specific incomplete grade of IC, COVID-19 Incomplete or RC, COVID-19 Repeat. Each option is at the faculty member’s discretion, and are described in greater detail here.
- Signature Learning Experiences: Any student in the traditional program who is enrolled currently in a Signature Learning Experience (SLE) and earns a passing grade will receive credit toward fulfillment of the SLE graduation requirement. If the SLE also fulfills a departmental program requirement, the academic department chair will identify a suitable plan for a student to fulfill the graduation requirement.
- Academic Honors: Academic Honors policies that stipulate letter-graded coursework will be upheld as published.
Please consult your instructor, academic advisor, and/or department chair concerning specific advising questions related to spring 2020 semester grading options.
General inquiries may be directed to
Brian Newsome
, Dean for Curriculum and Honors.
April 1, 2020
Dear Elizabethtown College Students:
I hope you and your family are doing well and staying safe. I am continuously inspired by the degree of commitment and impressive work you are producing in your courses as we have transitioned online. Your professors are sharing positive messages of your optimism and dedication to completing your spring semester successfully.
The administration and College’s Emergency Management Group (EMG) continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic, and as you are likely aware, we have all learned this week that the nation has been advised to continue to social distance through April 30. Lancaster County is also currently under a stay-at-home mandate. As a result, we have no choice but to delay our return-to-campus schedule that was slated to begin on April 6, and we will provide updates regarding a new timeline for students to return to campus and retrieve their belongings when it is safe to do so.
I know this may cause some disappointment, however, all of our decisions have been based on the safety and well-being of our campus community and beyond as well as the guidelines provided by our government and health agencies.
We appreciate your understanding as we all navigate this unprecedented time. I’m so proud of all you are accomplishing and encourage you to work hard toward achieving your goals as you complete your spring semester.
Cecilia M. McCormick, J.D.
Elizabethtown College
April 1, 2020
Dear Elizabethtown College Faculty and Staff:
I hope you and your family are all doing well and staying safe as we face these unparalleled times during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am so impressed by our dedicated faculty and committed staff who continue to provide our students with an exceptional online learning experience.
As you are most likely aware, we learned this week that the nation has been advised to continue to social distance through April 30. The state of Pennsylvania also is under a stay-at-home order. This means all faculty members, as we have previously communicated, will remain teaching their courses online, and all employees, unless otherwise authorized as essential personnel, will continue working remotely.
While we had previously anticipated bringing our campus community back by April 6, the evolving coronavirus situation presents too much uncertainty. The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) continues to monitor the coronavirus situation very closely along with the College's Emergency Management (EMG) team. We will provide updates regarding a timeline for employees to return to work on campus as we determine it is safe to do so.
As a community, we remain diligently focused to meet the needs of our students so they can successfully finish their semester.
With thanks,
Cecilia M. McCormick, J.D.
Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown College Return to Campus Preventative Measures:
If you are a student or employee of Elizabethtown College and have traveled outside of the United States over spring break, we are asking that you undergo a telephone evaluation performed by a health professional before rejoining the campus community. If you are a student, please contact the Student Health Department to set up a medical phone screening using the contact information provided below. Our College Health Liaison will determine whether you can return to campus or self-distance for the recommended 14-day isolation period.
- Students: Schedule a medical phone screening by contacting: Eileen Wagener RN, College Health Liaison at (717) 489-1021. For students who choose to use their own medical provider, please email documentation to Bruce Lynch or call (717) 361-1405
- Employees: Please seek a medical phone screening through your own medical provider and share documentation that you are cleared to return to campus. Employees may email documentation to Human Resources or call (717) 361-1406.
Student health medical care is provided in collaboration with Penn State Health Medical Group Elizabethtown:
- One Continental Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (*Located on the edge of campus, just off College Avenue near the Alumni House).
- Students can also meet with our College Health Liaison for no additional charge, or use their health insurance (a variety of types are accepted) to meet with other health care providers.
- Eileen Wagener RN, College Health Liaison, 717-489-1021.
- Penn State Health Medical Group Elizabethtown, 717-361-0666.
- Campus Security at 717-361-1264 (To access the Nurse Triage line for non-urgent concerns)
- 717-361-1111 (For a medical crisis)
The Emergency Management Group at Etown has identified a self-contained incubation/quarantine site on the edge of campus in the event any student will need to self-isolate. The College will provide amenities along with daily food and check-ins, and the ability to complete coursework.
We also have plans in place to provide remote working options to employees who may need to stay at their own residence in isolation.
Campus Precautions:
In an effort to prevent the potential spread of the coronavirus, our Campus Facilities team has enhanced its cleaning procedures specifically identifying areas with high touch volume and disinfecting those areas several times daily. In addition, the CDC guidelines state the best ways to avoid being exposed to the coronavirus is to follow the same everyday preventive procedures that are recommended regarding the flu and other respiratory viruses:
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Get a flu vaccine.
We currently have students studying abroad through several program partnerships with the College. We remain in close contact with each of those individuals and their families working through their situations on a case-by-case status. We’ve also made the decision to cancel an upcoming History Study Tour to China that was scheduled in May. We are reviewing other upcoming international trips along with the travel guidelines and restrictions and will provide updates as decisions are made.
We are also posting campus updates at . Thank you for your cooperation and flexibility as we work to maintain a safe and healthy campus community.
While the risk on our campus remains low, the coronavirus is spreading in different parts of the world. The Student Health Department and the Penn State Health Medical Group in Elizabethtown are maintaining the procedure of asking each incoming patient if they have traveled outside of the United States, particularly China, over the past 30 days, and if they are ill with respiratory illness and fever. Patients who say yes to the second question are given a mask to wear and will receive medical care. You can view all travel health updates in real-time on the CDC website. You may also view a Travel Destination list to find out the latest updates on specific destinations.
Campus Community Traveling Abroad (Non-College Sponsored Trips) In an effort to support our campus community and provide any necessary updates and resources regarding the spread of the coronavirus, if you are a student or employee at Elizabethtown College and you will be traveling outside of the country during spring break, we encourage you to please fill out the following travel registration form so we can properly help students or employees in need of assistance.
Precautions: The CDC guidelines state that the best ways to avoid being exposed to the coronavirus is to follow the same everyday preventive procedures that are recommended regarding the flu and other respiratory viruses:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick. • Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Get a flu vaccine.
Student Health medical care is provided in collaboration with Penn State Health Medical Group Elizabethtown, at 1 Continental Drive in Elizabethtown (on the edge of campus, just off College Avenue near the Alumni House). Students can also meet with our College Health Liaison for no additional charge, or use their health insurance (a variety of types are accepted) to meet with one of the other health care providers.
Any inquiries, please contact: Eileen Wagener RN, College Health Liaison, 717-489-1021 or Penn State Health Medical Group Elizabethtown, 717-361-0666.
For medical concerns after hours, please call Campus Security at 717-361-1264 (to access the Nurse Triage line for non-urgent concerns) or 717-361-1111 (for a medical crisis). View more Student Health information. Thank you.