Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I consult with the LGH/Student Health Nurse about health concerns for free? A: Yes. You can be connected with Lori Hoffer, RN by calling her 717-588-1059 phone number at LGH Sycamore Square during weekday office hours.
Q: Where is LG Physicians Family Medicine Sycamore Square located?
A: About a four minute drive from campus. Travel down College Avenue past the Dove Chocolate factory and the NWEMS ambulance service, and turn right onto Masonic Drive. The address is 99 Masonic Drive, Suite 101. The phone number for Etown College students is 717-588-1059.
Q: What if I don't have access to a car for transportation?
A: Call Campus Safety at 717-361-1264, or LGH/Student Health Nurse Lori Hoffer at 717-588-1059, and request a Lyft ride to a medical appointment. Under the agreement that Etown College has with Lyft, students attending a medical appointment will not be charged for those ride services.
Q: What if I have a medical emergency?
A: In the case of a daytime or after-hours medical emergency, call Campus Safety at 717-361-1111 or call 911. Campus Safety can respond and call an ambulance to come to campus.
Q: How do I know if Penn Medicine Lancaster General health accepts my insurance?
A: You can call customer service on the back of your insurance card, or you can check the following website
Q: What kinds of services can I come to LG Health Physicans Family Medicine Sycamore Square for?
A: The office is a family practice facility. They can provide care for illness and injuries, routine physicals for drivers license, sports, internships or field work, routine gynecological care, allergy injections, blood work, immunizations, STD testing, Tuberculosis skin testing.