Flu Season Information and Tips
Updated Fall 2023
Flu season is almost here and Student Health would like to make available some information and a few suggestions. Each flu season is unpredictable and varies in timing, severity, and length. Flu season traditionally begins in October, peaks in January and February and can end as late as April/May.
Flu symptoms can present as the following:
Suggestions on how to prepare for flu season.
Flu Shots are more Important than ever this year with COVID Pandemic.
- Get a Flu Shot (you cannot get the flu from a flu shot)
- Avoid direct contact with people who are sick
- Wash your hands frequently and disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated
- Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose, eyes as much as possible
- Keep your immune system strong by getting enough sleep, and eating a health diet
Flu Shots
Flu & HPV Clinic for Students, Faculty & Staff 2023
Flu Shots are available with the LGH Physicians by Appointment 717-689-4243 or at local pharmacies in the Elizabethtown Area.
Lori Hoffer, RN
What should I do if I get the flu?
- Get plenty of rest
- Drink lots of fluids
- Take pain relievers/fever reducers such as Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen as directed.
- Students with the flu should stay home or in their dorm room and limit contact with others.
- Email your professor(s) as soon as possible and let them know you have the flu and will not be in class; those with flu-like symptoms should not return to class until they no longer have a fever (temperature less than 100.5) for at least 24 hours without using fever reducing medications.
TIP: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a website dedicated to influenza, including tracking maps, news and health and wellness resources.
What if I need medical attention?
Please call LG Health Physicians/Sycamore Square at 717-689-4243. Call for an appoinment first. The address is 99 Masonic Drive Elizabethtown PA 17022. If transportation is needed please call Campus Safety at 717-361-1264 to arrange for a ride.
For emergencies, please call Campus Safety at 717-361-1111.
The Student Wellness website lists other local sites for urgent care in the area, including area hospitals.
Best wishes for a healthy year!