The Honors Center
The Honors Center is a beautiful lounge and study area located in the administrative wing of Myer Hall. The Center features a private entrance, four study carrels, two conference rooms, gender-neutral restrooms, a lounge area with a growing game collection, a kitchenette, and more. The study carrels and conference rooms are all
reservable by Honors students for studying and meetings. The Honors Center also houses the offices of the Honors Program Director, Assistant Director, and the Director of Prestigious Scholarships & Fellowships.
Honors Outdoor Orientation Trek (HOOT)
First-Year Honors students join the other new Honors students, Honors Program Faculty, Peer Mentors, and members of the Honors Council in collaboration with staff from a local camp for a day filled with team-building activities, playing games, learning, eating, and bonding.
Honors Living Learning Community (LLC)
Honors students, especially first-year Honors students, are welcome to live in the Honors Living Learning Community (LLC) in Schlosser Hall. The Honors LLC provides students with an academic and social network, in which students are encouraged to pursue academic excellence, engage in campus co-curricular activities, and embody the ideals of campus citizenship. This is a great way to connect with fellow Honors students and facilitate study groups, service projects, and social activities.
Honors Council
The Honors Council acts as the student governance body for the Honors Program. The Honors Council Executive Board consists of the Executive Cabinet and representatives from all Honors cohorts. The Executive Cabinet helps to coordinate activities in the Living Learning Community, social events, and special guest speakers. It also works closely with the Director of the Honors Program to coordinate Honors Programming, including first-year orientation activities.
Homecoming weekend is a wonderful time for Honors Program alumni to reconnect with each other and network with current Honors Students. The Honors Council participates in the Homecoming Parade and have won 1st place for their float design several times.
Yuletide Festival
Recently, the Honors Program started a new tradition of having a Yuletide Festival at the end of each fall semester for Honors students to attend. Yuletide Festivals are ancient celebrations not rooted in any religion or creed. Instead Yuletide Festivals are rooted in solstices from the Latin words for “sun” and “to stand.” Solstices are days when the sun reaches its farthest northern and southern declinations. Yuletide, marks the mid-point of winter and brings the promise of new beginnings as we move out of the darkness and into increasingly lighter, warmer days. Yuletide signals the return of light after the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere as from this day forward a new cycle begins of increasing daylight as the sun begins its journey Northward, each day becoming a little bit lighter. Most religions have incorporated these elements of Yuletide into their sacred wintertime celebrations.
Senior Celebration
Every spring prior to graduation, the Honors Program hosts an Honors Senior Celebration event to recognize the achievements of the graduating seniors. This event normally includes a senior luncheon at an area vineyard. The Outstanding Honors Professor Award is also presented during the event to a faculty member in recognition of their outstanding instruction for the Honors Program.
Each year, Honors Program students attend national and regional conferences. They often present their individual or program research and ideas. In the past, we have attended both the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) Conference held in major cities around the country, as well as the Northeast Regional Collegiate Honors Council (NRHC) Conference.
Social Media
The Honors Program posts upcoming events and activities on
Instagram, and
X and highlights student achievements on these platforms as well. We utilize
LinkedIn to keep in touch with our alumni. Our
Flickr page and our
photo archive folder house photos from Honors Program events and trips from over the years.