College Campus Directory

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Use the Search box to filter. Some examples are below:
  • biology - will display all members of the Department of Biology.
  • hoover - will display all persons with an office in the Hoover Building.
  • admin assist - will display all Administrative Assistants.
  • smith - will display all persons with a last name of Smith.

Disclaimer: The search box will look at all columns of the table. Thus if you search for "art" you may discover more than you asked for, because it will match with the word "Department"

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Primary DepartmentNameEmailPositionOfficePhoneDept ExtOther Dept
Academic Advising Ms. Michelle L Henry henrymichelle@etown.eduAssistant Director of Academic Advising & StarfishBaugher Student Center, Room 227(717) 361-30171415 
Academic Advising Mrs. Stephanie A Rankin rankins@etown.eduAssociate Dean of Students for Student Success Center for Student Success Baugher Student Center, Room 217(717) 361-15691405 
Academic Advising Mr. Curtis J Smith smithcurtis@etown.eduAssistant Director of Academic AdvisingBaugher Student Center, Room 218(717) 361-37671415 
Admissions Mrs. Amy L Benowitz benowial@etown.eduOffice Manager/International Recruitment Assistant Leffler House (Admissions House)(717) 361-14021400 
Admissions Ms. Gretchen D Camp campg@etown.eduSenior Director of Admissions OperationsLeffler House (Admissions House)(717) 361-11641400 
Admissions Ms. Sandra J Glynn glynns@etown.eduAdmissions RecruiterEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Admissions Ms. Linda S Kelly kellyl@etown.eduAdmissions Slate Operations Processing SpecialistLeffler House (Admissions House)(717) 361-19871400 
Admissions Ms. Sarah L Kulbitsky kulbitskys@etown.eduAdmissions CounselorLeffler House (Admissions House), Room 2000(717) 361-1165  
Admissions Mr. Shakeem T Manigault manigaults@etown.eduAdmissions Counselor & Staff Council Vice PresidentLeffler House (Admissions House), Room 2020(717) 361-1343  
Admissions Mrs. Susan E Mitchell mitchells@etown.eduAdmissions Slate Operations Records SpecialistLeffler House (Admissions House)(717) 361-15871400 
Admissions Ms. Lily Nardozzi nardozzil@etown.eduAssistant Director of Admissions & Coordinator of Transfer RecruitmentLeffler House (Admissions House), Room 2020(717) 361-11621400 
Admissions Ms. Paula F Orenstein orensteinp@etown.eduSenior Associate Director of Admissions Leffler House (Admissions House)(717) 361-13761400 
Admissions Ms. Sarah C Sandberg sandbergs@etown.eduAdmissions CounselorLeffler House (Admissions House), Room 2020(717) 361-1161  
Admissions Mr. Drew R Scoggin scoggind@etown.eduAssistant Director of AdmissionsLeffler House (Admissions House), Room 2020(717) 361-1321  
Admissions Ms. Anne C Skrabak skrabaka@etown.eduEnrollment CRM ManagerLeffler House (Admissions House)(717) 361-11631400 
Admissions Ms. Lisa J Souders soudersl@etown.eduCampus Visit CoordinatorLeffler House (Admissions House), Room 2000(717) 361-1401  
Admissions Anna Tartline tartlinea@etown.eduAdmissions Counselor & Coordinator of International RecruitmentLeffler House (Admissions House), Room 2020(717) 361-1191  
Admissions Ms. Monica A Venturella venturellam@etown.eduAssociate Director of Admissions, Slate Co-CaptainLeffler House (Admissions House), Room 2020(717) 361-11661400 
Admissions Mr. Nate Webber webbern@etown.eduRegional Admissions RecruiterEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Alumni Relations Mr. Evan Birch birche@etown.eduDirector of Alumni RelationsAlpha Hall, Room 306A(717) 361-1495  
Alumni Relations Mr. Mark A Clapper clapperm@etown.eduExecutive Director of Legacy Planning and Engagement Alpha Hall, Room 301(717) 361-14991403 
Alumni Relations Mrs. Mary A Clark clarkma@etown.eduAdministrative AssistantAlpha Hall, Room 304(717) 361-15461403 
Alumni Relations Ms. Emma D Pile pilee@etown.eduAssistant Director of Alumni Relations & Staff Council Member Alpha Hall, Room 307(717) 361-15311403 
Assoc. Provost of Institutional Effectiveness & Innovation Mrs. Carol C Costa Ouimet ouimetc@etown.eduAcademic Affairs Program Coordinator and Digital Humanities Hub Manager Steinman Center, Room 206F(717) 361-1234 Dean of Faculty and Assoc. Provost for Student Learning
Assoc. Provost of Institutional Effectiveness & Innovation Mrs. Lesley M Finney finneylm@etown.eduExecutive Director, Foundation, Corporate, & Government Grants Alpha Hall, Room 007(717) 361-14451419 
Assoc. Provost of Institutional Effectiveness & Innovation Dr. Susan C Mapp mapps@etown.eduAssociate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness & Innovation/Professor of Social Work Alpha Hall, Room 005B(717) 361-3766  
Athletics Mr. Michael G Anderson andersonm@etown.eduHead Men's and Women's Tennis CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108T(717) 361-14761137 
Athletics Mr. Kenneth A Archer archerk@etown.eduAssistant Men's Soccer CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108L(717) 361-1144  
Athletics Mr. Cody Eugene Boyer boyerc@etown.eduAssistant Men's Volleyball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108P(717) 361-1472  
Athletics Mr. Craig S Bradley bradleyc@etown.eduAssistant Men's & Women's Golf CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108U(717) 361-1593  
Athletics Mr. Robert Carmo carmor@etown.eduAssociate Head Coach Track & FieldThompson Gymnasium, Room 108P(717) 361-3756  
Athletics Mr. Erich Carroll carrolle@etown.eduVolunteer Assistant Baseball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108H(717) 361-1463  
Athletics Ms. Stefanie Cassel cassels@etown.eduAssistant Cross Country and Track & Field CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108P(717) 361-3756  
Athletics Mr. Donovan Catchings catchingsd@etown.eduAssistant Men's Basketball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108F(717) 361-1141  
Athletics Dr. Meghan Chemidlin chemidlinm@etown.eduAssistant Men's & Women's Tennis CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108T(717) 361-1476 Occupational Therapy, Dept. of , School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Athletics Mr. Pete J Christ christp@etown.eduAssistant Women's Basketball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108G(717) 361-11361136 
Athletics Ms. Jayna Class classj@etown.eduAssistant Women's Volleyball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108K(717) 361-1142  
Athletics Mr. Kyle Coblentz coblentzk@etown.eduNon Etown College EmployeeThompson Gymnasium, Room 108J(717) 361-1509  
Athletics Mr. Matthew David CrossVolunteer Assistant Wrestling CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108J(717) 361-1509  
Athletics Ms. Karly D Deam deamk@etown.eduAssistant Track & Field CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108P(717) 361-3756  
Athletics Mr. Doug Duriez duriezd@etown.eduAssistant Softball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108E(717) 361-1533  
Athletics Mr. Wyatt M Eaton eatonw@etown.eduAssistant Director of Athletic CommunicationThompson Gymnasium, Room 108T(717) 361-15351137 
Athletics Ms. Marissa EmletWomen's Basketball VolunteerThompson Gymnasium, Room 108G   
Athletics Mr. Mark Eppley eppleymark@etown.eduAssistant Athletic Trainer with OALBowers Wellness Center, Room 111(717) 361-15641591 
Athletics Mr. Lamar A. Fahnestock fahnestockl@etown.eduHead Men's Volleyball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108k(717) 361-1472  
Athletics Ms. Amy E Falk falka@etown.eduVolunteer Assistant Track & Field/XC CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108M   
Athletics Mr. Brian P Falk falkb@etown.eduDirector of Cross County & Track & Field Thompson Gymnasium, Room 108M(717) 361-11401137 
Athletics Mr. Elijah C Flasher flashere@etown.eduAssistant Wrestling CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108J(717) 361-1509  
Athletics Mr. Andrew Foltz foltzandrew@etown.eduAssistant Swim CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108C(717) 361-1274  
Athletics Mr. Duncan George georged@etown.eduAssistant Men's Soccer CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108L(717) 361-1144  
Athletics Ms. Amanda Gretz gretza@etown.eduDirector of Athletic CommunicationsThompson Gymnasium, Room 108R(717) 361-1311  
Athletics Jacob Griffin griffinj@etown.eduAssistant Men's Lacrosse CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108Q(717) 361-1980  
Athletics Mr. Thomas E Guenther guenthert@etown.eduAssistant Women's Basketball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108G(717) 361-1136  
Athletics Mr. Thomas Haines hainest@etown.eduAssistant Wrestling CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108J(717) 361-1509  
Athletics Ms. Grace E Hardy hardyg@etown.eduHead Field Hockey CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108U(717) 361-1412  
Athletics Mr. Matthew Harris harrismatt@etown.eduAssistant Men's Basketball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108F(717) 361-1141  
Athletics Ms. Katie Hatchell-Reed hatchellk@etown.eduAssistant Field Hockey CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108U(717) 361-1412  
Athletics Ms. Kambrie E Hepler heplerk@etown.eduGraduate Assistant-Athletic Operations & FacilitiesThompson Gymnasium, Room 108(717) 361-35873587 
Athletics Ms. Michele Herndon herndonm@etown.eduOffice Manager Thompson Gymnasium, Room 108(717) 361-1137  
Athletics Ms. Natalie N Hoober hoobern@etown.eduAssistant Women's Soccer CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108O(717) 361-1462  
Athletics Ms. Amy K Hough hougha@etown.eduHead Women's Soccer CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108O(717) 361-14621137 
Athletics Mr. Wayne G Hummer hummerw@etown.eduAssistant Women's Lacrosse CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108I(717) 361-1981  
Athletics Mr. Cheston D Jacobs jacobsc@etown.eduAssistant Men's Volleyball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108P(717) 361-1472  
Athletics Ms. Kendra E Jones joneskendra@etown.eduVolunteer Assistant Women's Soccer CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108O   
Athletics Ms. Madeline R Kachel kachelm@etown.eduAssociate Field Hockey CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108U(717) 361-14121412 
Athletics Ms. Ashley M Kearcher kearchera@etown.eduVolunteer Assistant Swim Coach (717) 361-1274  
Athletics Mr. Alexander Michael Kilgour kilgoura@etown.eduAssistant Women's Lacrosse CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108I(717) 361-1981  
Athletics Mr. Mark Kneasel kneaselm@etown.eduAssistant Softball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108E(717) 361-1533  
Athletics Ms. Jamie Elizabeth Kuntz kuntzje@etown.eduAssistant Women's Soccer CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108O(717) 361-1462  
Athletics Ms. Jess M Lane lanejessica@etown.eduAquatics Director/Head Swim CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108C(717) 361-12741137 
Athletics Mr. Ben Lefever lefeverben@etown.eduAssistant Men's Soccer CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108L(717) 361-1144  
Athletics Mr. Derek S Leonard leonardd@etown.eduAssistant Volleyball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108K(717) 361-1142  
Athletics Mr. Kaleb Loht lohtk@etown.eduAssistant Wrestling Coach Thompson Gymnasium, Room 108J(717) 361-1509  
Athletics Mr. Casey R McGarvey mcgarveyc@etown.eduAssistant Director of Athletics for Operations & FacilitiesThompson Gymnasium, Room 107(717) 361-3587  
Athletics Mr. Kyle M McGuire mcguirekyle@etown.eduHead Men's Lacrosse Coach Thompson Gymnasium, Room 108Q(717) 361-19801137 
Athletics Mr. Zachary K Mentzer mentzerz@etown.eduAssistant Men's Lacrosse CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108Q(717) 361-1980  
Athletics Mr. Britt C Moore moorebr@etown.eduHead Men's Basketball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108F(717) 361-11411137 
Athletics Mr. Ronald Moore moorere@etown.eduAssistant Women's Basketball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108G(717) 361-1136  
Athletics Mr. Chris E Morgan morganc@etown.eduDirector of AthleticsThompson Gymnasium, Room 108D(717) 361-14071137 
Athletics Mr. Lawrence Nawa nawal@etown.eduAssistant Track & Field CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108P(717) 361-3756  
Athletics Mrs. Veronica F Nolt noltv@etown.eduAssistant Athletic Director, Head Women's Basketball Coach & Sr. Women's Administrator Thompson Gymnasium, Room 108G(717) 361-11361137 
Athletics Mr. Karl Palmer palmerkarl@etown.eduAssistant Athletic Trainer with OAL Bowers Wellness Center, Room 111(717) 361-15641591 
Athletics Mr. Bryan D Pflanz, Jr pflanzb@etown.eduAssistant Wrestling CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108J(717) 361-1509  
Athletics Mr. Glenwood Pysher pysherg@etown.eduVolunteer Assistant Softball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108E(717) 361-1533  
Athletics Mr. Nolan A Quinn quinnn@etown.eduVolunteer Assistant Baseball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108T(717) 361-1463  
Athletics Mr. Skip D Roderick, IIIVolunteer-Assistant Women's Soccer CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108O(717) 361-11441137 
Athletics Mr. Evan Scheffey scheffeye@etown.eduHead Men's Soccer CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108L(717) 361-1144  
Athletics Mr. Alec Schneider schneideralec@etown.eduAssistant Men's & Women's Tennis CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108T(717) 361-1476  
Athletics Mr. Adam P Sheibley sheibleya@etown.eduHead Baseball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108H(717) 361-14631137 
Athletics Ms. Bekah Slattery slatteryr@etown.eduHead Softball Coach Thompson Gymnasium, Room 108E(717) 361-1533  
Athletics Mr. EJ J Smith smithej@etown.eduDirector of Volleyball & Head Women's Volleyball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108K(717) 361-1142  
Athletics Mr. Robert J Smith smithr4@etown.eduVolunteer Assistant Women's Basketball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108G(717) 361-1136  
Athletics Ms. Danielle N Taylor selingd@etown.eduHead Women's Lacrosse CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108I(717) 361-19811137 
Athletics Mr. James L Tetkoskie, Jr tetkoskiej@etown.eduAssistant Baseball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108H(717) 361-1463  
Athletics Mr. Eric D Walker walkered@etown.eduHead Wrestling Coach Thompson Gymnasium, Room 108J(717) 361-15091137 
Athletics Mr. Caleb L Warner warnerc@etown.eduAssistant Wrestling CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108J(717) 361-1509  
Athletics Mr. Scott K Yeakle yeakles@etown.eduHead Men's & Women's Golf CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108U(717) 361-1593  
Athletics Mr. Eric S Yoder yodereric@etown.eduAssistant Baseball CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 108H(717) 361-1463  
Biology, Dept. of Dr. David R Bowne bowned@etown.eduProfessor of Biology & Department ChairLyet, Room 147(717) 361-13171389 
Biology, Dept. of Dr. Diane M Bridge bridged@etown.eduProfessor of Biology Lyet, Room 247(717) 361-11771389 
Biology, Dept. of Dr. Jane F Cavender cavender@etown.eduProfessor of Biology Lyet, Room 244(717) 361-14481389 
Biology, Dept. of Mr. John Flesher flesherj@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Anatomy & PhysiologyLyet, Room 241(717) 361-1341  
Biology, Dept. of Dr. Christine Gleason gleasonc@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Biology, Dept. of Dr. Anya Goldina goldinaa@etown.eduAssociate Professor of BiologyLyet, Room 242(717) 361-64181389 
Biology, Dept. of Dr. Lawrence Martin Mylin mylinl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyLyet, Room 248   
Biology, Dept. of Dr. Elizabeth A Newell newellea@etown.eduProfessor of Biological Anthropology Lyet, Room 240(717) 361-13091389 
Biology, Dept. of Dr. Robert M Northington northingtonr@etown.eduAssistant Professor of Biology and Environmental ScienceLyet, Room 148(717) 361-1474  
Biology, Dept. of Ms. Sarah Noveral noverals@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor & Lab CoordinatorLyet, Room 243(717) 361-1342  
Biology, Dept. of Dr. Carsten Sanders sanderscarsten@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyLyet, Room 248(717) 361-6417  
Biology, Dept. of Kimberly Taylor Carmo taylorcarmok@etown.eduAdministrative AssistantLyet, Room 143(717) 361-1389  
Biology, Dept. of Victoria Vernail vernailv@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyLyet, Room 248(717) 361-6417  
Biology, Dept. of Dr. Debra L Wohl wohld@etown.eduProfessor of Biology Lyet, Room 144(717) 361-13261389 
Bowers Writers House Mr. Jesse B Waters watersj@etown.eduDirector of Community Impact & Bowers Writers House Steinman Center, Room 206A(717) 361-3762 English, Dept. of
Business Office Mrs. Shannon Christman christmans@etown.eduAccount Payable and Purchasing Card Coordinator & Staff Council Secretary Zug Memorial Hall, Room 212(717) 361-1219  
Business Office Mr. Benjamin S Goodhart goodhartb@etown.eduExecutive Director of Business & Financial Services Zug Memorial Hall, Room 212(717) 361-12181417 
Business Office Ms. Emerald Noll nolle@etown.eduBusiness Office AssistantZug Memorial Hall, Room 212(717) 361-1417  
Business Office Mrs. Jayma M Reaggs reaggsj@etown.eduAssistant ControllerZug Memorial Hall, Room 212(717) 361-12171417 
Business Office Ms. Amanda Stahl stahla@etown.eduInterim Vice President of FinanceAlpha Hall, Room 101(717) 361-1184  
Business Office Ms. Kim M Strickler stricklerk@etown.eduAssociate Director of Student AccountsZug Memorial Hall, Room 212(717) 361-12141417 
Business, Dept. of Ms. Lauren C Allen allenl@etown.eduExperiential Learning Coordinator for the School of BusinessHoover Business Building, Room 204(717) 361-1982  
Business, Dept. of Mr. Derek Anthony anthonyd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 221(717) 361-12811281 
Business, Dept. of Dr. Mark S Baylor baylorm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 219(717) 361-1364  
Business, Dept. of Mr. Brett L Beckfield beckfieldb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 207(717) 361-1168 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Business, Dept. of Dr. Najiba Benabess benabessn@etown.eduDean, School of Business and Professor of EconomicsHoover Business Building, Room 202(717) 361-3590 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Business, Dept. of Dr. Cristina E Ciocirlan ciocirlanc@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Business Hoover Business Building, Room 205(717) 361-66181270 
Business, Dept. of Dr. Andy Dessel dessela@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 222(717) 361-12791279 
Business, Dept. of Mrs. Beverley Doody doodyb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 222(717) 361-15971270 
Business, Dept. of Mr. Rudi B Fischer fischerr@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 221(717) 361-1281  
Business, Dept. of Ms. Becky R Giannelli giannellik@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 222(717) 361-15971597 
Business, Dept. of Mr. Guido Giuntini giuntinig@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 221(717) 361-12811281 
Business, Dept. of Ms. McKenzie Gravitt gravittm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 207(717) 361-11681168 
Business, Dept. of Dr. Bryan Greenberg greenbergb@etown.eduAssociate Professor of MarketingHoover Business Building, Room 216(717) 361-12821270 
Business, Dept. of Dr. Dmitriy Krichevskiy krichevskiyd@etown.eduAssociate Professor of EconomicsHoover Business Building, Room 208(717) 361-12711270 
Business, Dept. of Dr. Sean P Melvin melvins@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Business Hoover Business Building, Room 210(717) 361-12801270 
Business, Dept. of Mr. Jared E Miller millerjared@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of AccountingHoover Business Building, Room 220(717) 361-66161270School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Business, Dept. of Dr. Hongsong Neuhauser neuhausere@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Finance & Director of Certified Financial Planning Education ProgramHoover Business Building, Room 218(717) 361-47521270School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Business, Dept. of Mr. Kemal Ozkanca ozkancak@etown.eduAdjunctHoover Business Building, Room 222(717) 361-12811270 
Business, Dept. of Dr. Sanjay Paul pauls@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Economics Hoover Business Building, Room 206(717) 361-15431270School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Business, Dept. of Ms. Terrie L Riportella riportellat@etown.eduEdgar T. Bitting Chair of Accounting & Assistant Teaching Professor of Accounting and Director of Accounting Program Dir of Acctg Prog Hoover Business Building, Room 225(717) 361-37531270 
Business, Dept. of Dr. Petru Sandu sandup@etown.eduProfessor of Entrepreneurship and Management Entrepreneurship & Management Hoover Business Building, Room 209(717) 361-12691270 
Business, Dept. of Ms. Olga Sass sasso@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 221(717) 361-1281  
Business, Dept. of Mr. Michael W Schmid schmidm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 219(717) 361-13641270 
Business, Dept. of Ms. Kathy C SchwabAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 222(717) 361-1270  
Business, Dept. of Mr. Ed Shollenberger shollenbergere@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 224(717) 361-15761270School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Business, Dept. of Dr. William M Sloane sloanew@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 222(717) 361-1279  
Business, Dept. of Mr. Zach P Spencer spencerz@etown.eduAdministrative AssistantHoover Business Building, Room 202A(717) 361-1270  
Business, Dept. of Mr. Ravi Thomas thomasravi@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 207(717) 361-11681270 
Business, Dept. of Mr. John G Tile tilej@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 207(717) 361-11681270 
Business, Dept. of Dr. Randolph L Trostle trostler@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Hoover Business Building, Room 217   
Business, Dept. of Dr. Hossein Varamini varaminih@etown.eduTurnbull Jamieson Professor of Finance and International Business & Professor of Business Director of Intn'l Business Hoover Business Building, Room 223(717) 361-12781270 
Business, Dept. of Dr. Keith Wade wadekeith@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Business, Dept. of Mr. Nicholas J Wnuk wnukn@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 207(717) 361-11681168 
Campus Security Gerald Kelley kelleyg@etown.eduDirector of Campus Security (717) 361-12641264 
Career Development Ms. Maureen Brown brownmaureen@etown.eduDirector of the Career Development Center Baugher Student Center, Room 203(717) 361-1204 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Career Development Mrs. Carolyn S Rigo rigocarolyn@etown.eduAssociate Director of the Career Development Center & Staff Council Member Baugher Student Center, Room 204(717) 361-1486  
Center for Community and Civic Engagement Jocelyn Kosik kosikj@etown.eduGraduate Assistant for the Bonner Leader ProgramBaugher Student Center, Room 247   
Center for Community and Civic Engagement Katherine Anne Lankford lankfordk@etown.eduCenter for Community & Civic Engagement Graduate AssistantBaugher Student Center, Room 247(717) 361-3025  
Center for Community and Civic Engagement Ms. Javita Thompson thompsonjavita@etown.eduInterim Senior Advisor to the Office of the President for Diversity, Equity & Belonging & Director of the Center for Community & Civic Engagement Baugher Student Center, Room 247(717) 361-6048 Office of Civil Rights, Opportunity and Access
Center for Community and Civic Engagement Ms. Leda Werner wernerl@etown.eduProgram Coordinator, Community & Civic Engagement & Momentum DirectorBaugher Student Center, Room 250(717) 361-4765  
Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking Mr. Jaime E Ramos, II ramosj@etown.eduStudy Abroad AdvisorNicarry Hall, Room 117(717) 361-1347  
Chaplain, Religious Life, Vocation The Rev. Amy Shorner-Johnson shornera@etown.eduChaplain & Director of Spiritual and Religious LifeBrossman Commons, Room 253(717) 361-1260  
Chemistry & Biochemistry, Dept. of Dr. Amy E Defnet defneta@etown.eduAssistant Professor of BiochemistryMusser Hall, Room 210(717) 361-3592 Athletics
Chemistry & Biochemistry, Dept. of Dr. Gary G HoffmanProfessor of Chemistry Emeritus    
Chemistry & Biochemistry, Dept. of Dr. Kristi A Kneas kneask@etown.eduProfessor of Chemistry Musser Hall, Room 222(717) 361-1129  
Chemistry & Biochemistry, Dept. of Dr. James A MacKay mackayj@etown.eduA. C. Baugher Professor of ChemistryMusser Hall, Room 208(717) 361-13751126 
Chemistry & Biochemistry, Dept. of Dr. Jeffrey A Rood roodj@etown.eduProfessor of Chemistry & Department Chair Musser Hall, Room 100A(717) 361-13551126 
Chemistry & Biochemistry, Dept. of Dr. Charles D Schaeffer, Jr schaeffercd@etown.eduA.C. Baugher Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, EmeritusMusser Hall, Room 216   
Chemistry & Biochemistry, Dept. of Dr. Lauren E Toote tootelauren@etown.eduAssociate Professor of ChemistryMusser Hall, Room 224(717) 361-15441126 
Chemistry & Biochemistry, Dept. of Dr. David A Yeagley yeagleyd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyMusser Hall(717) 361-1126  
Chemistry & Biochemistry, Dept. of Dr. Desmond Yengi yengid@etown.eduVisiting Assistant Professor of ChemistryMusser Hall, Room 101(717) 361-3594  
College Store Ms. Melanie Baysinger baysingerm@etown.eduCollege Bookstore CashierBrossman Commons, Room 120(717) 361-1131  
College Store Ms. Amy McEvoy mcevoya@etown.eduManager, College StoreBrossman Commons, Room 121(717) 361-3706  
College Store Mr. Joshua D Stanley stanleyjoshua@etown.eduAssistant ManagerBrossman Commons, Room 122(717) 361-1130  
Communications, Dept. of Mr. Matthew D Barcaro barcarom@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Steinman Center, Room 206E(717) 361-13081308 
Communications, Dept. of Dr. Tamara L Gillis gillistl@etown.eduProfessor of Communications Steinman Center, Room 206G(717) 361-13861308 
Communications, Dept. of Dr. Colin M Helb helbc@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Communications Steinman Center, Room 206B(717) 361-13871308 
Communications, Dept. of Dr. Kirsten A Johnson johnsonka@etown.eduProfessor of Communications Steinman Center, Room 206H(717) 361-12581308 
Communications, Dept. of Ms. Ali A Lanyon lanyona@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Steinman Center, Room 206E(717) 361-13081308 
Communications, Dept. of Mr. Andy W Williams williamsaw@etown.eduDirector of Student Media Steinman Center, Room 207(717) 361-6414  
Community Relations Ms. Caroline Lalvani lalvanmc@etown.eduDirector, Community Affairs & College Events Alpha Hall, Room 001(717) 361-1246  
Computer Science, Dept. of Dr. Thomas R Leap leap@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Computer Science Esbenshade Hall, Room 284A(717) 361-12991392 
Computer Science, Dept. of Dr. Peilong Li lip@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Computer Science Comp and Data Science Prog DirEsbenshade Hall, Room 284B(717) 361-47611392 
Computer Science, Dept. of Ms. Nancy J Reddig reddign@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Information SystemsEsbenshade Hall, Room 284C(717) 361-13161392School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Computer Science, Dept. of Jessica Wang wangjingwen@etown.eduAssistant Professor of Computer ScienceEsbenshade Hall, Room 284D(717) 361-47601392 
Computer Science, Dept. of Dr. Joseph T Wunderlich wunderjt@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Engineering & Computer Science Esbenshade Hall, Room 284E(717) 361-12951392 
Counseling Services Jennifer M Deitz deitzjennifer@etown.eduAssistant Director for Student Counseling & Health Needs Baugher Student Center, Room 216(717) 361-6409 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Counseling Services Dr. Emily R Dietz dietze@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Head Ath Trainer & Athletics Bowers Wellness Center, Room 111(717) 361-1591  
Counseling Services Ms. Mimi Duncan duncanm@etown.eduStaff Counselor-BIPOC FocusBaugher Student Center, Room 216(717) 361-1405  
Counseling Services Dr. Bruce G Lynch lynchbg@etown.eduAssociate Dean of Students for Student Counseling and Health NeedsBaugher Student Center, Room 215(717) 361-13001405 
Counseling Services Mr. Kayshen A Morel morelk@etown.eduStaff Counselor, Counseling Services Baugher Student Center, Room 216(717) 361-1405  
Counseling Services Mrs. Sarah M Mullin mullins@etown.eduStaff Counselor, Counseling ServicesBaugher Student Center, Room 216(717) 361-4741  
Criminal Justice Dr. Kadee L Crandall crandallk@etown.eduAssistant Professor of Criminal Justice & Program DirectorNicarry Hall, Room 239(717) 361-3675  
Criminal Justice Mr. Brian M Curtis curtis@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 224(717) 361-6419  
Criminal Justice Mr. Christopher S Fitz fitzc@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 238   
Dean of Faculty and Assoc. Provost for Student Learning Mr. Jean-Paul Benowitz benowitzj@etown.eduDirector of Prestigious Scholarships and Public Heritage Studies Myer Administration, Room 2207(717) 361-11103758 
Dean of Faculty and Assoc. Provost for Student Learning Dr. Jodi L Lancaster lancasterj@etown.eduAssociate Provost for Student Learning & Dean of Faculty Alpha Hall, Room 006(717) 361-1325 Biology, Dept. of
Dean of Faculty and Assoc. Provost for Student Learning Ms. Dana Maulfair maulfaird@etown.eduAssistant to the Associate Provosts Alpha Hall, Room 005(717) 361-3734 Assoc. Provost of Institutional Effectiveness & Innovation
Dean of Faculty and Assoc. Provost for Student Learning Mr. Eric J Schubert schuberte@etown.eduPublic Heritage Studies Graduate Student Research/Teaching Assistant    
Development Mrs. Carrie P Bornmann bornmanncp@etown.eduAssistant Director of Donor RelationsAlpha Hall, Room 306B(717) 361-3707  
Development Ms. Cori K Breault breaultc@etown.eduExecutive Director of Relationship Management and Advancement OperationsAlpha Hall, Room 308(717) 361-14981419 
Development Mr. Brian G Falck falckb@etown.eduVice President for Institutional AdvancementAlpha Hall, Room 303(717) 361-14601419 
Development Ms. Koreen L Garber garberkoreen@etown.eduAssistant to the Vice President for Institutional AdvancementAlpha Hall, Room 302(717) 361-1419  
Development Andy D Herring herringa@etown.eduAssociate Director of Development ResearchAlpha Hall, Room 305C(717) 361-3738  
Development Ms. Liz M Martin martinliz@etown.eduAdministrative Assistant for Giving Programs & Writing CoordinatorAlpha Hall, Room 305D(717) 361-14901419 
Development Mr. Ben R Osterhout osterhoutb@etown.eduDirector of Annual GivingAlpha Hall, Room 203D(717) 361-37491419 
Development Mr. Benjamin Scott Rupp ruppb@etown.eduExecutive Director of Giving ProgramsAlpha Hall, Room 302A(717) 361-3591  
Development Mr. Marty Thomas-Brumme brummem@etown.eduMajor Gifts OfficerAlpha Hall, Room 309(717) 361-64931419 
Development Ms. Alyssa R Trentzsch trentzscha@etown.eduIndividual Giving OfficerAlpha Hall, Room 310(717) 361-1257  
Development Ms. Tina M Zarfoss zarfosst@etown.eduGift Accounting CoordinatorAlpha Hall, Room 305B(717) 361-64101419 
Dining Services Mrs. Dara A Andrews andrewsdara@etown.eduHost/Barista/CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Brad Michael Beamenderfer beamenderfb@etown.eduCatering Sous ChefBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Brian T Bechtel bechtelb@etown.eduMarketplace Senior Lead CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Cameron R Benner bennerc@etown.eduPM Lead General Kitchen CoordinatorBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Rickie L Bishop, Jr bishopr@etown.eduMarketplace CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Lori J Bitner bitnerl@etown.eduRetail Manager, Dining ServicesBrossman Commons, Room 135(717) 361-1158  
Dining Services Ms. Samantha C Brant brants@etown.eduCatering ManagerBrossman Commons, Room 137(717) 361-11551158 
Dining Services Ms. Darlene Burkhart burkhartd@etown.eduMarketplace CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Alexander L Cain cainalexander@etown.eduPM Lead Cook-Jay's NestBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Tammy L Dommel dommelt@etown.eduMarketplace CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Heather K Droege droegeh@etown.eduBaker/CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Brandon Einsmann einsmannb@etown.eduCookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Keri M Essig essigk@etown.eduGeneral ManagerBrossman Commons, Room 136(717) 361-13221322 
Dining Services Ms. Eybi Y Figueroa de Amaya figueroae@etown.eduCook Brossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Rebecca L Fitz fitzr@etown.eduBakerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Joshua C Frizzell frizzellj@etown.eduGeneral Kitchen/Utility WorkerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Matthew S Frye fryem@etown.eduJay's Nest CookBrossman Commons   
Dining Services Ms. Katie F Funck funckk@etown.eduMarketplace CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mrs. Christine Gagliardi gagliardic@etown.eduMarketplace Lead CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Jeffrey A Gregoire gregoirej@etown.eduGeneral Kitchen/Utility WorkerBaugher Student Center   
Dining Services Ms. Savannah Greiner greiners@etown.eduRegistered DieticianBrossman Commons, Room 132   
Dining Services Mr. Richard W Gressley gressleyr@etown.eduCook/ReceiverBrossman Commons   
Dining Services Jason Hampton hamptonj@etown.eduExecutive Chef & Staff Council Member Brossman Commons, Room 268(717) 361-11571158 
Dining Services Mr. Cordell Hebensberger hebensbergerc@etown.eduDining Support StaffBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Charles R Hemperly hemperlyc@etown.eduGeneral Kitchen/Utility WorkerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Abigail Zetta Horst horstabigail@etown.eduGeneral Kitchen/Utility WorkerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Kristen Kauffman kauffmankristen@etown.eduGeneral Kitchen-Utility WorkerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Matthew L Kreider kreidermatt@etown.eduLead AM Jay's Nest CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Jennifer Kroft kroftj@etown.eduDining Services Support StaffBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Cara B Laffey laffeyc@etown.eduLead BakerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Thomas D Levosky, Jr levoskyt@etown.eduGeneral Kitchen/Utility WorkerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Jason R Lichty lichtyj@etown.eduLead CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. John W Lowell V lowellj@etown.eduCatering AssistantBrossman Commons, Room 268(717) 361-11551158 
Dining Services Mr. John A Max maxj@etown.eduGeneral Kitchen/Utility WorkerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Brandon M Mercier mercierb@etown.eduGeneral Kitchen/Utility WorkerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Maddy L Minnich minnichm@etown.eduMarketplace CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Shannon J Moyer moyers@etown.eduLead Marketplace CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Dil M Neopaney neopaneyd@etown.eduJay's Nest CookBrossman Commons, Room 133   
Dining Services Ms. Alexis Odenwalt odenwalta@etown.eduAM Lead General Kitchen CoordinatorBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Kellie Anne Olson olsonk@etown.eduCookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Carrianne Perez perezc@etown.eduCookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Emma L Richey richeye@etown.eduBakerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Heather Jo Rutledge rutledgeh@etown.eduGeneral Kitchen/Utility WorkerBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Danielle L Sanders sandersdanielle@etown.eduExecutive Sous ChefBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Samantha M Sellers sellerssamantha@etown.eduJay's Nest CookBrossman Commons   
Dining Services Mr. Hayden Singletary singletaryh@etown.eduMarketplace Omelet CookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Ms. Wilhelmina Stapf stapfw@etown.eduDining Services HostBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Eric C Turzai turzaiec@etown.eduDirector of Dining ServicesBrossman Commons, Room 139(717) 361-12451158 
Dining Services Mr. David D Wagner wagnerd@etown.eduCookBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Dining Services Mr. Bill T Wright, Jr wrightw@etown.eduCook/Receiver/Catering AssistantBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Education, Dept. of Dr. Kathryn M Bateman batemank@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Education, Dept. of Mrs. Wendy L Bellew bellew@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Education and Program DirectorNicarry Hall, Room 140(717) 361-12481210School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Education, Dept. of Mr. Allen Boyer boyerallen@etown.eduScience in Motion Mobile Educator-Computer Science/Technology FocusNicarry Hall, Room 138(717) 361-1716  
Education, Dept. of Dr. Kathryn A Caprino caprinok@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Education & Director of the Teaching and Learning Design StudioNicarry Hall, Room 136(717) 361-11271210Etown Teaching & Learning Design Studio
Education, Dept. of Dr. Kelly K Cartwright cartwrightk@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Education, Dept. of Dr. H. Elizabeth Coyle coyleh@etown.eduDistinguished Professor (717) 361-11341210School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Education, Dept. of Dr. Timothy D Dietrich dietricht@etown.eduClinical SupervisorNicarry Hall   
Education, Dept. of Ms. Kathy A Eshbach eshbachkathy@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 142(717) 361-1225  
Education, Dept. of Dr. Maureen E Felix felixm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall   
Education, Dept. of Mr. James M Filizzi filizzij@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall(717) 361-1210  
Education, Dept. of Ms. Peggy A Filizzi filizzip@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall(717) 361-1210  
Education, Dept. of Ms. Linda Fungaroli-Azaroff fungaroliazaroffl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Education, Dept. of Ms. Regina K Gliot gliotr@etown.eduAdministrative AssistantNicarry Hall, Room 143(717) 361-1210 Social Work, Dept. of
Education, Dept. of Dr. Shannon Haley-Mize mizes@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Education & Director of the Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking Associate Prof of Education Nicarry Hall, Room 121A(717) 361-37021210Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking , School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Education, Dept. of Ms. Irene Hawkins hawkinsi@etown.eduScience in Motion Mobile EducatorEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Education, Dept. of Ms. Carly S High highc@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 143(717) 361-1210  
Education, Dept. of Dr. LeeAnna Hooper hooperl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Education, Dept. of Ms. Emily V Kramer krameremily@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 139(717) 361-12101210 
Education, Dept. of Dr. Peter R Licona liconap@etown.eduAssociate Professor of PK-12 STEM Education Nicarry Hall, Room 144(717) 361-12971210School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Education, Dept. of Ms. Diane Lupia lupiad@etown.eduClinical SupervisorNicarry Hall   
Education, Dept. of Ms. Ashley J Mahoney mahoneyashley@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Education, Dept. of Ms. Wendy K Martin martinw@etown.eduSTEM Education Outreach DirectorNicarry Hall, Room 138(717) 361-13051210 
Education, Dept. of Mrs. Loretta S MillerClinical SupervisorNicarry Hall   
Education, Dept. of Mrs. Laura Moser moserlaura@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 143(717) 361-1210  
Education, Dept. of Dr. Kevin Peters petersk@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of EducationNicarry Hall, Room 141(717) 361-1296 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Education, Dept. of Ms. Lena K Poff poffl@etown.eduDirector of Education Field ExperiencesNicarry Hall, Room 142   
Education, Dept. of Mrs. Lyndsey F Quintana quintanal@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Education, Dept. of Ms. Jodi Reagan reaganj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Education, Dept. of Ms. Nicole S Shoemaker shoemakern@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall(717) 361-1210  
Education, Dept. of Ms. Barbara J St. John stjohnb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Education, Dept. of Dr. Carroll R Tyminski tyminskic@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Nicarry Hall, Room 134(717) 361-13781210 
Education, Dept. of Mr. David W Yavoich yavoichd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Sara A Atwood atwoods@etown.eduDean of the School of Engineering and Computer Science & Professor of Engineering & Physics Esbenshade Hall, Room 285(717) 361-14341392 
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Jean C Batista Abreu batistajc@etown.eduAssociate Professor of EngineeringEsbenshade Hall, Room 161C(717) 361-47701392 
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Mark R Brinton brintonm@etown.eduAssistant Professor of EngineeringEsbenshade Hall, Room 161B(717) 361-15631392 
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Shannon Clancy clancysm@etown.eduAssistant Professor of EngineeringEsbenshade Hall, Room 160C(717) 361-4746  
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Brenda L Daily, P.E. readb@etown.eduProfessor of EngineeringEsbenshade Hall, Room 160D(717) 361-13481392 
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Kurt M DeGoede degoedek@etown.eduProfessor of Engineering and Physics Esbenshade Hall, Room 160E(717) 361-13801392 
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Tomas E Estrada estradat@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Electrical Engineering Esbenshade Hall, Room 160A(717) 361-37551392 
Engineering Dept. of Mr. David FerruzzaAssociate Professor of Engineering Emeritus    
Engineering Dept. of Mr. Mark M Gatti gattim@etown.eduMgr of Engineering Laboratories & Student Fabrication Esbenshade Hall, Room 174(717) 361-47691392 
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Nathaniel E Hager, III hagerne@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 173(717) 361-13771392 
Engineering Dept. of Ms. Jill Suzanne Kovach kovachj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall(717) 361-1392  
Engineering Dept. of Mr. Adam Marsh marshadam@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Esbenshade Hall(717) 361-1392  
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Troy O McBride mcbridet@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Engineering Dept. of Mrs. Jennifer L McFadden mcfaddenj@etown.eduAdministrative Assistant School of Engineering & Computer Science Esbenshade Hall, Room 287(717) 361-1392 Computer Science, Dept. of
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Michael A Scanlin scanlima@etown.eduEmeritus, Professor of Geosciences & Engineering & Distinguished Professor Esbenshade Hall, Room 184A(717) 361-13231392 
Engineering Dept. of Mr. Andrew J Slippey slippeya@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall   
Engineering Dept. of Mr. John Edward Steck steckj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall(717) 361-1392  
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Mark Stuckey stuckeym@etown.eduProfessor of Physics Esbenshade Hall, Room 160B(717) 361-14361392 
Engineering Dept. of Mr. Aaron R Troutman troutmana@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Sophia Vicente vicentes@etown.eduPostdoctoral Associate in Engineering EducationEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Engineering Dept. of Dr. Judson E Wagner wagnerjudson@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of PhysicsEsbenshade Hall, Room 160F(717) 361-17081392 
Engineering Dept. of Mr. Timothy E Wickard wickardt@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Esbenshade Hall, Room 160(717) 361-1392  
Engineering Dept. of Mr. William E Yoder, III yoderw@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building(717) 361-1392 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Engineering Dept. of Ms. Stephanie Erin Zegers zegerss@etown.eduAssistant Director for STEM Career & Employer Relations Development & Staff Council Chair Esbenshade Hall, Room 161D(717) 361-47441392 
English, Dept. of Dr. Kimberly VanEsveld Adams adamsk@etown.eduAssociate Professor of English Emeritus    
English, Dept. of Dr. Patrick S Allen allenp@etown.eduAssistant Professor of English LiteratureWenger Center, Room 108(717) 361-1713  
English, Dept. of Ms. Suzanne E Biever-Grodzinski bievergrodzinskis@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center(717) 361-1982  
English, Dept. of Dr. Jill E Coste costej@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 200(717) 361-1706  
English, Dept. of Ms. Catherine M Daubenspeck daubenspeckc@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
English, Dept. of Ms. Erica M Dolson dolsone@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of EnglishWenger Center, Room 111(717) 361-12311192 
English, Dept. of Dr. Charity Fox foxcharity@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Wenger Center, Room 106(717) 361-12421381 
English, Dept. of Dr. Tara Moore mooret@etown.eduAssociate Professor of EnglishWenger Center, Room 109(717) 361-12501192 
English, Dept. of Mr. Rashid Noah noahr@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 110(717) 361-1230  
English, Dept. of Dr. John C Rohrkemper rohrkemj@etown.eduAssociate Professor of English Emeritus Wenger Center, Room 112(717) 361-12291192 
English, Dept. of Dr. Suzanne E. Webster websterse@etown.eduRalph W. Schlosser Professor of EnglishWenger Center, Room 107(717) 361-12351192 
Etown Teaching & Learning Design Studio Dr. Sharon K Birch birchs@etown.eduAssistant Director of the Teaching and Learning Design Studio and Instructional Technologist Nicarry Hall, Room 115(717) 361-15181192 
Etown Teaching & Learning Design Studio Mrs. Jillian Kleis kleisj@etown.eduTeaching & Learning Design Studio Program CoordinatorNicarry Hall, Room 116(717) 361-1192 Information and Technology Services (ITS)
Exercise Science Mr. Christopher Michael Sanders sandersc@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Exercise Science & Field Experience CoordinatorNicarry Hall, Room 225(717) 361-1351  
Exercise Science Dr. Adam J Swartzendruber swartzendrubera@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Exercise Science & Program DirectorNicarry Hall, Room 223(717) 361-1711  
Exercise Science Dr. Alan C Utter uttera@etown.eduDean of the School of Sciences & Health and Professor of Exercise ScienceLyet, Room 143A(717) 361-1318  
Facilities Management Mr. Derrick C Becker beckerd@etown.eduProject SupervisorBrown Building   
Facilities Management Mr. Gavin Tyler Carr carrg@etown.eduGrounds Maintenance Technician IBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Ms. Allison M Crowl crowla@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Matthew James Dennes dennesm@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Justin P Elmer elmerj@etown.eduMechanical Trades SupervisorBrown Building, Room 0870   
Facilities Management Mr. Michael C Fasick fasickm@etown.eduGrounds SupervisorBrown Building, Room 0800(717) 361-1709  
Facilities Management Ms. Vita Ferrarelli ferrarelliv@etown.eduEnvironmental Services Lead AssistantBrown Building   
Facilities Management Mr. Thomas L Greenly greenlyt@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building   
Facilities Management Mr. Joshua K Groff groffjoshua@etown.eduCarpenterBrown Building   
Facilities Management Ms. Caylah Heaps heapsc@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Bill J Hogan, Jr hoganw@etown.eduHVAC TechnicianBrown Building   
Facilities Management Mr. Josh David Hummel hummelj@etown.eduGrounds Maintenance & ES Trash TechnicianBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Ms. Tammie R Hummel hummelt@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building   
Facilities Management Ms. Gloria Jean Kreiser kreisergloria@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Chace Letter letterc@etown.eduMechanical Trades TechnicianBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Ms. Heather Mann mannh@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Ms. Samantha D McFadden mcfaddens@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Connor R McGinn mcginnc@etown.eduLead Electrical Technician Brown Building, Room 0800(717) 361-14081408 
Facilities Management Wendy S McNece mcnecew@etown.eduEnvironmental Services Lead AssistantBrown Building   
Facilities Management Ms. Amy J Miller milleram@etown.eduEnvironmental Services SupervisorBrown Building, Room 0800(717) 361-14961408 
Facilities Management Mr. Robert D Mrgich mrgichr@etown.eduOffice ManagerBrown Building(717) 361-14781408 
Facilities Management Mr. Kobi Woodrow Patterson pattersonk@etown.eduHVAC Technician IIBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Paul M Petersen petersenp@etown.eduOperations SupervisorBrown Building   
Facilities Management Mr. Scott A Petersen petersenscott@etown.eduTrades WorkerBrown Building   
Facilities Management Mr. Joshua C Prokopchak prokopchakj@etown.eduGrounds Maintenance Technician IIBrown Building, Room 0800(717) 361-17091408 
Facilities Management Ms. Melissa S Reisinger reisingerm@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building   
Facilities Management Mr. Jermaine L Rivera riverajermaine@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Jerry F Schaber, Jr schaberg@etown.eduDirector of Facilties ManagementBrown Building, Room 0810(717) 361-1720  
Facilities Management Mr. Carson R Shepler sheplerc@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Ian H Showalter showalih@etown.eduES Worker Brown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Aaron Smith smithaaron@etown.eduPainter & Staff Council Member Brown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Ms. Luann M Smith smithluann@etown.eduManager of Environmental ServicesBrown Building(717) 361-14961408 
Facilities Management Ms. Amie E Sundy sundya@etown.eduEnvironmental Services Lead AssistantBrown Building   
Facilities Management Ms. Laura L Swarr swarrl@etown.eduEnvironmental Services Lead AssistantBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Brian M Umberger umbergerb@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building   
Facilities Management Ms. RaeAnn Ann Umberger umbergerr@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Ms. Julia Rose Whitman whitmanj@etown.eduES WorkerBrown Building, Room 0800   
Facilities Management Mr. Matthew M Yoksh yokshm@etown.eduEnvironment Services Trash & Recycling CoordinatorBrossman Commons, Room 268   
Facilities Management Mr. Chad Zunich zunichc@etown.eduGrounds Maintenance TechnicianBrown Building, Room 0800(717) 361-15591408 
Financial Aid Ms. Lindsey Barton bartonlindsey@etown.eduAssistant Director of Financial AidZug Memorial Hall, Room 208(717) 361-12011404 
Financial Aid Mrs. Molly R Brandt brandtm@etown.eduAssociate Director of Financial AidZug Memorial Hall, Room 208(717) 361-12021404 
Financial Aid Mrs. Carolina Concepcion concepcionc@etown.eduFinancial Aid CounselorZug Memorial Hall, Room 208(717) 361-1290  
Financial Aid Ms. Jocelyn Martin martinjocelyn@etown.eduDirector of Financial AidZug Memorial Hall, Room 208(717) 361-1302  
Financial Aid Ms. Kristin L Mott-Kuntz mottkuntzk@etown.eduAdministrative AssistantZug Memorial Hall, Room 208(717) 361-1429  
Financial Aid Ms. Jennifer A Stark starkj@etown.eduFinancial Aid AssistantZug Memorial Hall, Room 208(717) 361-3759  
Fine and Performing Arts, Div. of Mrs. Amy J Reynolds reynoldsa@etown.eduAdministrative AssistantZug Memorial Hall, Room 201(717) 361-1212  
Fine Art Program Dr. Kristi L Arnold arnoldkl@etown.eduAssociate Professor of ArtSteinman Center, Room 103(717) 361-14331212 
Fine Art Program Mr. Daniel Burns burnsd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultySteinman Center   
Fine Art Program Mr. Jeff Bye byej@etown.eduAdjunct FacultySteinman Center(717) 361-12121212 
Fine Art Program Dr. Lisa Erdman erdmanl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 101   
Fine Art Program Dr. Ndubuisi C Ezeluomba ezeluomban@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Fine Art Program Mr. Milton D Friedly friedlmd@etown.eduProfessor of ArtSteinman Center, Room 102(717) 361-13851212 
Fine Art Program Dr. Katherine A Hughes hugheska@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Graphic Design & Program Director Wenger Center, Room 100(717) 361-12591308 
Fine Art Program Mr. Zachary Johnson-Medland johnsonmedlandz@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 101(717) 361-1319  
Fine Art Program Ms. Cecile C Madonna madonnac@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 101(717) 361-1319  
Fine Art Program Dr. Patricia L Ricci riccipl@etown.eduProfessor of Art History Emeritus & Distinguished Professor Steinman Center, Room 206C(717) 361-15171212 
High Center for Family Business Mr. Dwight C Bechtold bechtoldd@etown.eduManaging DirectorEC Remote Office, Room 0000(717) 361-1275  
High Center for Family Business Ms. Nicole Dotta dottan@etown.eduManaging DirectorEC Remote Office, Room 0000(717) 361-1275  
High Center for Family Business Ms. Elizabeth A Heisey heiseye@etown.eduBookkeeper/Administrative AssistantHoover Business Building, Room 115(717) 361-1704  
High Center for Family Business Mr. Rick D Higley higleyr@etown.eduManaging DirectorEC Remote Office, Room 0000(717) 361-1275  
High Center for Family Business Mrs. Shari A Kain kains@etown.eduOperations & Peer Coordinator Hoover Business Building, Room 115(717) 361-12871275 
High Center for Family Business Mr. Bryan Kelley kelleyb@etown.eduManaging DirectorEC Remote Office, Room 0000(717) 361-1275  
High Center for Family Business Ms. Julie Larison larisonj@etown.eduManaging Director, Non-Profit CenterEC Remote Office, Room 0000(717) 361-1275  
High Center for Family Business Mr. Mike L Mitchell mitchellm@etown.eduExecutive Director, S. Dale High CenterHoover Business Building, Room 118(717) 361-13521275 
High Center for Family Business Mr. John Morefield morefieldj@etown.eduManaging DirectorEC Remote Office, Room 0000( 71) 736-1275  
High Center for Family Business Mr. Tad H Renner, III rennert@etown.eduSenior Managing DirectorHoover Business Building, Room 117(717) 361-15281275 
High Library Mr. Joshua P Cohen cohenjp@etown.eduInstruction and Outreach LibrarianHigh Library(717) 361-14531451 
High Library Ms. Rachel M Grove Rohrbaugh grover@etown.eduArchivistHigh Library(717) 361-15061451 
High Library Ms. Clarissa M Grunwald grunwaldc@etown.eduAccess Services LibrarianHigh Library(717) 361-1451  
High Library Ms. Susan Krall kralls@etown.eduSystems Librarian & SC Marketing Coordinator High Library(717) 361-1457  
High Library Ms. Sarah Penniman pennimans@etown.eduCollege Librarian and Director of the High LibraryHigh Library(717) 361-14281451 
High Library Ms. Jennifer F Strain strainj@etown.eduInstruction and Scholarly Communications LibrarianHigh Library(717) 361-1480  
High Library Mrs. Carol H Warfel warfelch@etown.eduLibrarian Emerita    
High Library Mr. Thomas M Zaharevich zaharevicht@etown.eduCollections and Technical Services LibrarianHigh Library(717) 361-14521451 
History, Dept. of Dr. David S Brown brownds@etown.eduRaffensperger Professor of History Wenger Center, Room 202(717) 361-12491381 
Honors Program Mr. Luke D Mackey mackeyl@etown.eduAssistant Director of Honors Program and Academic Affairs Program AssistantMyer Administration, Room 2207(717) 361-37583758 
Human Resources Mrs. Lori A Bomboy bomboyl@etown.eduRecruiting & Onboarding ManagerMyer Administration, Room 2200(717) 361-11181406 
Human Resources Mr. Rich M Caloiero caloieror@etown.eduAssistant Director of Human ResourcesMyer Administration, Room 2200(717) 361-11091406 
Human Resources Ms. Israiel L Carter carterisraiel@etown.eduHuman Resources GeneralistMyer Administration, Room 2200(717) 361-1194  
Human Resources Ms. Ann M Eckert eckertann@etown.eduAssistant Vice President for Human ResourcesMyer Administration, Room 2200(717) 361-1395  
Human Resources Ms. Deborah Frey freyd@etown.eduPayroll & System ManagerMyer Administration, Room 2200(717) 361-12131406 
Human Resources Mrs. Christine M Reed reedchristine@etown.eduHuman Resources Assistant Myer Administration, Room 2200(717) 361-3158  
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Mr. Jason P Allison allisonj@etown.eduAudio-Visual Systems EngineerNicarry Hall, Room 107(717) 361-14733333 
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Ms. Theresa B Carey careyt@etown.eduClient Systems AdministratorNicarry Hall, Room 105E(717) 361-15821582 
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Mr. David J Ferguson fergusond@etown.eduHelp Desk SupervisorNicarry Hall, Room 125(717) 361-13723333 
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Mr. Eric W Heberlig heberlige@etown.eduDatabase Support SpecialistNicarry Hall, Room 105B(717) 361-15783333 
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Mr. Brian C Helm helmb@etown.eduSenior Director of Information & Technology ServicesNicarry Hall, Room 125C(717) 361-15683333 
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Mr. Brandon M Hinderer hindererb@etown.eduNetwork Systems Administrator & Staff Council Member Nicarry Hall, Room 105G(717) 361-15483333 
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Mr. Randall G Kreider kreiderr@etown.eduDirector of Infrastructure and Security Nicarry Hall, Room 105H(717) 361-15673333 
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Mr. Joshua Martin martinjoshua@etown.eduDatabase Integration DeveloperNicarry Hall, Room 105D(717) 361-64163333 
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Mr. Nick M Nolt noltn@etown.eduClient Services Generalist & Staff Council Member Nicarry Hall, Room 125B(717) 361-15663333 
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Ms. Jill M Petronio petronjm@etown.eduDatabase Support Specialist Nicarry Hall, Room 105C(717) 361-12863333 
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Mr. Steve J Wayde waydes@etown.eduSenior Database Administrator Nicarry Hall, Room 105A(717) 361-15813333 
Learning Zone Ms. Lynne C Davies daviesl@etown.eduDirector of the Learning Zone & Disability Services Baugher Student Center, Room 228(717) 361-12271549 
Learning Zone Mr. Richard J Fellinger fellingerr@etown.eduFellow in the Writing Wing Baugher Student Center, Room 229(717) 361-37651549English, Dept. of
Learning Zone Mr. Gene A Thomas thomaseugene@etown.eduAssistant Director of the Learning ZoneBaugher Student Center, Room 232(717) 361-3733  
Mail Services Ms. Sandra L Baker bakers@etown.eduMail Services ClerkBrossman Commons, Room 101(717) 361-11241124 
Mail Services Mr. James L Beamenderfer beamenjl@etown.eduOn-Call Mail Services ClerkBrossman Commons, Room 101(717) 361-11581158 
Mail Services Ms. Tonya P Bernhard bernhardt@etown.eduMail Services ClerkBrossman Commons, Room 101(717) 361-11241124 
Mail Services Mrs. Kathi K Moyer moyerkk@etown.eduMail Services SupervisorBrossman Commons, Room 101(717) 361-13911124 
Marketing & Communications Mr. Austin M Crull crulla@etown.eduAssistant Vice President of MarketingAlpha Hall, Room 210(717) 361-14641410 
Marketing & Communications Mrs. Lindsay M Enochs enochsl@etown.eduPrint and Web DesignerAlpha Hall, Room 203B(717) 361-12681268 
Marketing & Communications Mr. Justin L Herforth herforthj@etown.eduSocial Media & Content Marketing Coordinator Alpha Hall, Room 207(717) 361-1537  
Marketing & Communications Mr. Zachary D Klinedinst klinedinstz@etown.eduFront-End Web Developer & DesignerAlpha Hall, Room 206(717) 361-15261410 
Marketing & Communications Mrs. Wendy L Sheaffer sheafferw@etown.eduSenior Director of Creative ServicesAlpha Hall, Room 204(717) 361-11431410 
Marketing & Communications Mrs. Keri B Straub straubk@etown.eduVice President for Enrollment Management, Marketing and Communications Alpha Hall, Room 210A(717) 361-64121410 
Marketing & Communications Ms. Emily M Svetecz svetecze@etown.eduDigital Marketing SpecialistAlpha Hall, Room 209(717) 361-1396  
Marketing & Communications Mr. Brad Weltmer weltmerb@etown.eduDirector of Communications and Social Media Alpha Hall, Room 208(717) 361-17101710 
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Mr. Shree Adhikari adhikaris@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Dr. Leyla Batakci batakcil@etown.eduProfessor of Mathematics and Program Director Esbenshade Hall, Room 384G(717) 361-13351329 
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Dr. Bogdan D Doytchinov doytchinovb@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Mathematics Esbenshade Hall, Room 384C(717) 361-12241329 
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Dr. Daniel Droz drozd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 384B(717) 361-4759  
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Dr. James R Hughes hughesjr@etown.eduProfessor of Mathematics Esbenshade Hall, Room 384H(717) 361-13341329 
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Mrs. Tina M Martin martinchristina@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Mathematical ScienceEsbenshade Hall, Room 384A(717) 361-1338  
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Dr. Timothy J McDevitt mcdevittt@etown.eduProfessor of Mathematics Esbenshade Hall, Room 384F(717) 361-13371329 
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Dr. Gabriela R Sanchis sanchisgr@etown.eduProfessor of Mathematics Emeritus    
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Dr. Bobette H Thorsen thorsenbh@etown.eduProfessor of Mathematics Emeritus    
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Ms. Melinda J Tobin tobinm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 387(717) 361-1340 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Mathematical Sciences, Dept. of Ms. Wanggefei Wu wuw@etown.eduAssistant Professor of Actuarial ScienceEsbenshade Hall, Room 384D(717) 361-1339  
Modern Languages, Dept. of Ms. Rahima Attab attabr@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Modern Languages, Dept. of Dr. Antoinette Barffour barffoura@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Modern Languages, Dept. of Dr. Mahua Bhattacharya bhattacharm@etown.eduProfessor of JapaneseWenger Center, Room 213(717) 361-12391381 
Modern Languages, Dept. of Ms. Yan Chen-McBride chenmcbridey@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Modern Languages, Dept. of Mr. Sean di Renzo direnzos@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 303(717) 361-3709  
Modern Languages, Dept. of Ms. Sarah B Dutton duttons@etown.eduVisiting Assistant Teaching Professor of SpanishWenger Center, Room 312(717) 361-1240 Education, Dept. of , School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Modern Languages, Dept. of Dr. Iwona B Lech lechi@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Modern Languages, Dept. of Ms. Raquel Lodeiro lodeiror@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 303(717) 361-3709  
Modern Languages, Dept. of Dr. Charla N Lorenzen lorenzenc@etown.eduProfessor of Spanish Wenger Center, Room 309(717) 361-19961381 
Modern Languages, Dept. of Ms. Milagros Saez saezm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 311(717) 361-3709 Education, Dept. of
Modern Languages, Dept. of Dr. Nobuaki Takahashi takahashin@etown.eduAssociate Professor of JapaneseWenger Center, Room 206(717) 361-15731381 
Music Program Mrs. Lindsay C Amspacher amspacherl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Music Program Dr. Justin A Badgerow badgerowj@etown.eduProfessor of MusicZug Memorial Hall, Room 105(717) 361-36681212 
Music Program Dr. Gene Ann Behrens behrenga@etown.eduProfessor of Music Emeritus    
Music Program Brent M Behrenshausen behrenshausenb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 201   
Music Program Dr. E. Douglas Bomberger bombergere@etown.eduProfessor of Music Zug Memorial Hall, Room 202(717) 361-11151212 
Music Program Mrs. Teresa D Bomberger bombergert@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall(717) 361-12121212 
Music Program Ms. Cheryl F Braun brauncf@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 201(717) 361-12121212 
Music Program Mr. Michael Checco checcom@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Music Program Ms. Amy Christmas christmasa@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Music Program Mr. David T Cullen cullend@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 119(717) 361-1117  
Music Program Dr. Hayden Richard Denesha deneshah@etown.eduArtist-in-ResidenceZug Memorial Hall, Room 118(717) 361-1178  
Music Program Mrs. Ann L DinsmoreAdjunct Faculty    
Music Program Mr. Joseph Reid Edington edingtonj@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty    
Music Program Mr. Gregory W Flury fluryg@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 201   
Music Program Ms. Emily Yoder Frantz frantze@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor & Director of Music Therapy ProgramZug Memorial Hall, Room 108(717) 361-17121712 
Music Program Dr. Matthew P Fritz fritzm@etown.eduProfessor of Music Zug Memorial Hall, Room 107(717) 361-11121212 
Music Program Ms. Elizabeth C Ghiorzi kohlere@etown.eduAdjunct FacultySteinman Center(717) 361-12121212 
Music Program Dr. Anne Gross grossanne@etown.eduAssociate Professor of MusicZug Memorial Hall, Room 103(717) 361-11161212 
Music Program Dr. Amy E Gustafson gustafsona@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 106(717) 361-1120  
Music Program Dr. Colleen M Haas haasc@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Music Program Dr. Jim L Haines hainesjl@etown.eduProfessor of Music Emeritus & Distinguished Professor Zug Memorial Hall, Room 123(717) 361-12891212 
Music Program Mr. Leon H Hillard, Jr hillardl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 127(717) 361-12121212 
Music Program Mr. Kory D Hilpmann hilpmannk@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 127(717) 361-1212  
Music Program Mrs. Taylor N Hood hoodt@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty    
Music Program Ms. Kathleen Keener Shantz shantzk@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall   
Music Program Tara Kelly kellytara@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Music Program Ms. Alison R Mekeel mekeela@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 104(717) 361-11131212 
Music Program Mr. Grant W Moore II mooreg@etown.eduDirector of Preparatory DivisionZug Memorial Hall, Room 127(717) 361-11141212 
Music Program Dr. Paula C Nelson nelsonp@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 104(717) 361-11131212 
Music Program Dr. Erin E Price-Hamilton pricee@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Music Program Ms. Lisa Sempsey sempseyl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Music Program Ms. Sarah L Shafer shafers@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 127(717) 361-1241  
Music Program Ms. Faith E Shiffer shifferf@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 124(717) 361-11191212 
Music Program Dr. Kevin T Shorner-Johnson shornerk@etown.eduDean of the School of Arts & Humanities & Professor of MusicZug Memorial Hall, Room 202(717) 361-15321212School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Music Program Dr. J. Robert Spence spencejr@etown.eduDistinguished Professor Dir of Instrumental Studies Zug Memorial Hall, Room 118(717) 361-11781212 
Music Program Ms. Stephanie M Strauss strausss@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Music Program Mr. Michael Tatoris tatorism@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Music Program Dr. Trish J Winter winterp@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Music Program Dr. Mark Yingling yinglingm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyZug Memorial Hall, Room 118(717) 361-1178  
Nursing Program Dr. Deborah A Cardenas cardenasd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Nursing Program Dr. Nakiya Torres torresn@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Nursing & Program DirectorNicarry Hall, Room 219(717) 361-3700 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Lori Engle Benner bennerl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 365F(717) 361-11741174 
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Nicole M BrackmanAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Hannah E Burleigh burleighh@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty   School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Nancy A Carlson carlsona@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Occupational Therapy Esbenshade Hall, Room 365C(717) 361-13241174 
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Karen M Conrad conradkm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall   
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Laura B Cunningham cunninghamlw@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Occupational Therapy Esbenshade Hall, Room 365E(717) 361-17071174School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Kiki K Davis daviskristin@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 365J(717) 361-1174  
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Marla Davis davismarla@etown.eduAssistant Professor of Occupational TherapyEsbenshade Hall, Room 365F(717) 361-1171 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Terri R Dennehy dennehyt@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Occupational TherapyEsbenshade Hall, Room 365D(717) 361-47531174School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Kristina E DiGaetano digaetanok@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Judy B Ericksen ericksenj@etown.eduDistinguished Professor Esbenshade Hall, Room 365A(717) 361-47511174 
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Gina M Fox foxg@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Occupational TherapyEsbenshade Hall, Room 365F(717) 361-14211174 
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Susan L Friguglietti frigugliettis@etown.eduAcademic Fieldwork CoordinatorEC Remote Office, Room 0000  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Kerri L Hample hamplek@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Occupational Therapy & Doctoral Program DirectorEsbenshade Hall, Room 369(717) 361-11721174School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Sarah E Hodgson hodgsons@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty    
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Tamera K Humbert humbertt@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Nicarry Hall, Room 135(717) 361-4750 0School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Kelly J Mahler mahlerk@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Diane M Martin martindiane@etown.eduCapstone CoordinatorEsbenshade Hall(717) 361-33311174School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Daniel Panchik panchikd@etown.eduProfessor of Occupational TherapyEsbenshade Hall, Room 385(717) 361-13661174 
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Dana L Paulk paulkd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 365J(717) 361-1160  
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Portia J Posatko posatkop@etown.eduFieldwork Support Specialist855 College Avenue - Kershaw OT, Room 855(717) 361-11591174 
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Mrs. LeeAnn Riegler rieglerl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 365J(717) 361-1160  
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Helen Russell russellh@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Hilary Sauder sauderh@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Mrs. MaryAnn B Sluzis sluzism@etown.eduAdministrative AssistantEsbenshade Hall, Room 365(717) 361-1174  
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Ms. Beth N Smalls smallsb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Mrs. Kelli A Spayd spaydk@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Richelle A Walker walkerrichelle@etown.eduAcademic Fieldwork Coordinator855 College Avenue - Kershaw OT, Room 855   
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Debbie Waltermire-Burton walterda@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Occupational Therapy & Program DirectorEsbenshade Hall, Room 365B(717) 361-11731174 
Occupational Therapy, Dept. of Dr. Erica K Wentzel wentzele@etown.eduAssistant Professor of Occupational TherapyEsbenshade Hall, Room 365G(717) 361-11751174 
Office of Civil Rights, Opportunity and Access Ms. Jenn Frey freyjennifer@etown.eduDeputy Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator & Staff Council Member Alpha Hall, Room 202(717) 361-3159  
Office of Civil Rights, Opportunity and Access Mr. Darcey V Mills millsd@etown.eduDirector of Student Opportunity, Access and Engagement & Staff Council Member Baugher Student Center, Room 208(717) 361-1998  
Office of Civil Rights, Opportunity and Access Ms. Gabrielle A Reed reedg@etown.eduCivil Rights & Title IX Coordinator Baugher Student Center, Room 210(717) 361-3727  
Office of Institutional Research Ms. Lisa M Kennedy kennedyl@etown.eduDirector of Institutional ResearchAlpha Hall, Room 003(717) 361-14941494 
Operations & Auxiliary Services, Office of VP for Mr. Bob J Kerin kerinr@etown.eduVice President for Operations & Auxiliary ServicesAlpha Hall, Room 203A(717) 361-1220  
Operations & Auxiliary Services, Office of VP for Mr. Jeffrey A Williams williaja@etown.eduLocksmith541 S Mt Joy St, Room 207(717) 361-3611  
Physician Assistant Program Ms. Diana M Cobb cobbd@etown.eduProgram Administrative Specialist813 College Ave - Physicians Asst Prog, Room 1(717) 361-4764  
Physician Assistant Program Ms. Heather F Fink finkh@etown.eduClinical Coordinator813 College Ave - Physicians Asst Prog, Room 3(717) 361-3721  
Physician Assistant Program Mrs. Lauren A Fischer fischerlauren@etown.eduClinical Site Specialist813 College Ave - Physicians Asst Prog, Room 2(717) 361-3725  
Physician Assistant Program Mrs. Kimberly Ann Henry henrykimberly@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyThompson Gymnasium, Room 104(717) 361-3723  
Physician Assistant Program Daria Indeck indeckd@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Position in the Physician Assistant ProgramThompson Gymnasium, Room 104(717) 361-3723  
Physician Assistant Program Dr. Raphael A Molina molinar@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor in the Physician Assistant ProgramNicarry Hall, Room 214(717) 361-4758  
Physician Assistant Program Dr. Emmanuel Mbaku Ngu ngue@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Physician Assistant Program Brandon Rauhauser rauhauserb@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor for the Physican Assistant ProgramThompson Gymnasium, Room 106(717) 361-3723  
Physician Assistant Program Ms. Dionna C Rookey rookeyd@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor in the Physician Assistant Program & Program Director813 College Ave - Physicians Asst Prog, Room 1(717) 361-47664764 
Physician Assistant Program Dr. Tiffani Russ russtiffani@etown.eduMedical Director, Physician Assistant ProgramEC Remote Office, Room 0000(717) 361-47664764 
Physician Assistant Program Ms. Cynthia J Thomasson thomassonc@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor in the Physician Assistant ProgramNicarry Hall, Room 221(717) 361-3720  
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Mr. Bill J Bova bovaw@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall   
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Ambassador John B Craig craigj@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Nicarry Hall, Room 120(717) 361-37571147 
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Dr. Nathan D Gibson gibsonn@etown.eduAssistant Professor of Political ScienceNicarry Hall, Room 243(717) 361-12521308 
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Mrs. Christine M Horting hortingc@etown.eduAdministrative Assistant for the Dean of Public ServiceNicarry Hall, Room 237(717) 361-1308  
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Mr. Rick K Jones jonesrk@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 224(717) 361-64191308 
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Dr. April C Kelly kellya@etown.eduDean of the School of Public Service and Professor of Political Science Nicarry Hall, Room 236(717) 361-12851308 
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Dr. Craig K Lang langcraig@etown.eduVisiting Assistant Professor of Political ScienceNicarry Hall, Room 245(717) 361-1312  
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Dr. Fletcher McClellan mcclelef@etown.eduProfessor of Political Science Emeritus & Distinguished Professor Nicarry Hall, Room 244(717) 361-13041308 
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Mr. Chris E Miller millerc@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty Nicarry Hall, Room 224(717) 361-64191308 
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Dr. Oya Ozkanca dursuno@etown.eduCollege Professor of International Studies, Professor of Political Science & Director of the Honors Program Myer Administration, Room 2200(717) 361-47491308Honors Program
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Dr. Gabriel R Ricci riccigr@etown.eduProfessor of Humanities Nicarry Hall, Room 248(717) 361-11391308 
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Dr. Wayne A SelcherProfessor of International Studies Emeritus Nicarry Hall, Room 242   
Politics, Philosophy & Legal Studies, Dept. of Dr. Michael D Silberstein silbermd@etown.eduProfessor of Philosophy Wenger Center, Room 308(717) 361-12531308 
President, Office of the Dr. Elizabeth A Rider riderea@etown.eduPresident and Professor of Psychology Alpha Hall, Room 100B(717) 361-1193  
President, Office of the Mr. Jerry L Silberman silbermang@etown.eduSenior Advisor to the PresidentEC Remote Office, Room 0000(717) 361-37373737 
President, Office of the Ms. Lisa A Wolfe wolfel@etown.eduExecutive Assistant to the Office of the President & Board RelationsAlpha Hall, Room 100(717) 361-1193  
Print Services Mrs. Erica F Hobbs hobbse@etown.eduManager of Print ServicesMyer Administration, Room 2205(717) 361-11221122 
Print Services Ms. Amanda Kauffman kauffmanamanda@etown.eduPrint Services OperatorMyer Administration, Room 2205(717) 361-1122  
Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Jill E Moore moorejill@etown.eduExecutive Assistant to the Provost and Vice President for Academic AffairsAlpha Hall, Room 102(717) 361-1555  
Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Matthew W Telleen telleenm@etown.eduInterim Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs Alpha Hall, Room 102B(717) 361-1272 Communications, Dept. of , School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Psychology, Dept. of Dr. A. Michael Caprino caprinom@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 260G(717) 361-1328 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Psychology, Dept. of Dr. Elizabeth D Dalton daltone@etown.eduAssociate Professor of PsychologyEsbenshade Hall, Room 260D(717) 361-13321126School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Psychology, Dept. of Ms. Jaime L Gibson gibsonjaime@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 260G(717) 361-1328  
Psychology, Dept. of Dr. Catherine E Lemley lemleyce@etown.eduProfessor of Psychology Emertia    
Psychology, Dept. of Ms. Katie Linebarger linebargermarykate@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 260G(717) 361-1328  
Psychology, Dept. of Dr. Sharmin Sharmin Maswood maswoods@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 260J(717) 361-1383 Biology, Dept. of
Psychology, Dept. of Dr. Valerie Minnich minnichv@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 260J(717) 361-1383 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Psychology, Dept. of Ms. Jihan Owens-Tyler owenstylerj@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor in the M.A. in Counseling Psychology ProgramEsbenshade Hall, Room 265(717) 361-3596 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Psychology, Dept. of Dr. Jean E Pretz pretzj@etown.eduProfessor of Psychology Esbenshade Hall, Room 260F(717) 361-12671126 
Psychology, Dept. of Mrs. Cori A Reed reedcori@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 260G(717) 361-1714 School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Psychology, Dept. of Dr. Charles Patrick Resavy resavyc@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 260A(717) 361-4773  
Psychology, Dept. of Dr. Michael Roy roym@etown.eduProfessor of Psychology & Department ChairEsbenshade Hall, Room 260E(717) 361-13311126 
Psychology, Dept. of Mr. Mike J Shook shookm@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor in the M.A. in the Counseling Psychology ProgramEsbenshade Hall, Room 261  School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
Psychology, Dept. of Dr. Evan Smith smitht@etown.eduAssociate Professor of Psychology Esbenshade Hall, Room 260B(717) 361-13201126 
Psychology, Dept. of Dr. Jennifer L Wittmeyer wittmeyerj@etown.eduAssistant Professor of PsychologyEsbenshade Hall, Room 260C(717) 361-3595  
Public Health Program Dr. Robert E Aronson aronsonr@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Public Health & Program DirectorNicarry Hall, Room 247(717) 361-47681308 
Public Health Program Dr. Christine X Doroshenko doroshenkoc@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 224(717) 361-64191308 
Registration and Records Mrs. Laureen A Bogel bogell@etown.eduAcademic Records Coordinator Zug Memorial Hall, Room 210(717) 361-14491409 
Registration and Records Ms. Kelly L Boutsikaris boutsikarisk@etown.eduSenior Associate RegistrarZug Memorial Hall, Room 210(717) 361-14231409 
Registration and Records Ms. Katharine L Daniels danielsk@etown.eduAssociate Registrar - Graduate and Online Zug Memorial Hall, Room 210(717) 361-37351409 
Registration and Records Ms. Erika Dupes dupese@etown.eduAssociate Registrar-Registration & SchedulingZug Memorial Hall, Room 210(717) 361-37511409 
Registration and Records Ms. Stephanie L Johnson johnsonstephanie@etown.eduAssistant Registrar-Undergraduate Academic ServicesZug Memorial Hall, Room 210(717) 361-1424  
Registration and Records B. Beverly Schmalhofer schmalhofeb@etown.eduRegistrarZug Memorial Hall, Room 210(717) 361-14221409 
Religious Studies, Dept. of Dr. Christina A Bucher bucherca@etown.eduCarl W. Ziegler Professor of Religious EmeritusWenger Center, Room 210   
Religious Studies, Dept. of Dr. Sughra Husain husains@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 212(717) 361-1577  
Religious Studies, Dept. of Mrs. Naomi Jill Kraenbring kraenbringn@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 209(717) 361-1277 Young Center
Religious Studies, Dept. of Dr. Jeffery D Long longjd@etown.eduCarl W. Zeigler Professor of Religious Studies Wenger Center, Room 214(717) 361-15071381 
Religious Studies, Dept. of Mr. Trevor B Williams williamstrevor@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 212(717) 361-1577  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. John M Abel abelj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Aimee L Ackley ackleya@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Nathaniel R Andes andesn@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Colleen M Andrews andrewsc@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Jennie B Andrews andrewsjennie@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Jill Archer archerj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. John N Badovinac badovinacj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Brian Balduzzi balduzzib@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Amy Martin Balsbaugh balsbaugha@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Andrea Barrow barrowan@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Billy Bataille batailleb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Brittany Beers beersb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Matt B Bergman bergmanm@etown.eduAssessment & Curriculum CoordinatorHoover Business Building, Room 104   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Erick Blank blanke@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Amber Maree Bowers bowersamber@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Nicholas A Brooks brooksn@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Valdijah Brown brownvaldijah@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Karl J Brummer brummerk@etown.eduAdjunct Facultyx Dixon Online Classroom, Room ONLNE   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Justin Bush bushjustin@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mrs. Lori K Cauffiel cauffiell@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Judith Chandrasena chandrasenaj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Lorelei E Coplen coplenl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Richard C Coplen coplenr@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. John D Cromer cromerj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Chris J D'Imperio dimperioc@etown.eduDirector of Corporate PartnershipsNicarry Hall, Room 216(717) 361-3479  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Sandra Davermann davermanns@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Stephen P Desjardins desjardinss@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Lisa M Driendl driendll@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Susan C Eckert eckertsusan@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) David J Emrhein emrheind@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Jarryd Erb erbj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Danielle Franklin franklind@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Terry A Freed freedt@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Ed E Frick frickje@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000(717) 361-12961210 
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Philip I Fried friedp@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Stephen K Fries friess@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 222(717) 361-1279 Business, Dept. of
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Kelly E Garrett garrettk@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Christina Garten gartenchristina@etown.eduAcademic Advising Coordinator Hoover Business Building, Room 105(717) 361-1373  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Adam C Geiman geimana@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Lisabeth E Gencavage gencavagel@etown.eduInstructional DesignerHoover Business Building, Room 102(717) 361-3741  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mrs. Michelle Marie George georgem@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Vahid Ghomi ghomiv@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Andrew M Godfrey godfreya@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Matthew J Goodman goodmanmatthew@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Carolyn J Grasse grassec@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Frederick Griffiths griffithsf@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Robert L Gross Adjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Rick W Gundlach gundlachf@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Simon Hauser hausers@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Ted S Herman hermant@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Kimberly Hess hesski@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Stacey R Hinzman hinzmans@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Patrick C Hooper hooperp@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Stephanie A Hughes hughesstephanie@etown.eduAcademic Advising CoordinatorHoover Business Building, Room 103(717) 361-34773477 
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Robert E Innerst innerstr@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building, Room 203(717) 361-13141270 
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Angie K Jones jonesangela@etown.eduAssociate Director of Admissions & Staff Council Member Nicarry Hall, Room 217(717) 361-3597  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Debra A Jones jonesd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Bradley K Jordan jordanbradley@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Robert J Kennedy, III kennedyr@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Peggy Suzanne Kerr kerrp@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Jonathan E Kiehl kiehlj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Christy A King kingch@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Deborah K Klahold myersdk@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Miles Aaron Klein kleinmiles@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Nikole Laros larosn@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Michele L Leader leaderm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Daniel Lingle lingled@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Evelyn Lisi lisie@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Robert E Lowe lower@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. John F MacDonald macdonaldj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Lisa Marshall marshalll@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Joyce A Martin martinjo@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. C. Robert May maybo@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Marcy J McCarty mccartym@etown.eduDean of the School of Graduate and Professional StudiesHoover Business Building, Room 100(717) 361-3580  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Michael G McVey mcveym@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Dana M Milakovic milakovicd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Ellen M Min mine@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. David Miron mirond@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Terry R Mollett mollettt@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. David R Musser musserdr@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Barry L Nelson nelsonb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) John Neuhauser neuhauserj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. David A Nice niced@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Bruce G Nilson nilsonb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Lauren E Nonnemaker nonnemakerl@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Willy Ong ongw@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Daniel L Ozimek ozimekd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Kim A Page pagekimberly@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Jessie L Pearson pearsonj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Tara N Pomparelli pomparellit@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Nicholas E Port portn@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Brian Charles Raab raabb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. David R Radcliff radcliffd@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Michelle Rapiey rapieym@etown.eduDirector of Professional ProgramsHoover Business Building, Room 104(717) 361-1145  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Debra M Rebman rebmand@etown.eduAcademic Advising CoordinatorHoover Business Building, Room 106(717) 361-3478  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Alaisen Reed reedalaisen@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. James D Reichenbach, III reichenbachj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Cindy W Rose rosec@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Robert J Rudy rudyb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Adam G Saubel saubela@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Cynthia Marie Klinger Schanke schankec@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Robert Schanke schanker@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Timothy L Schauer schauert@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Abigail G Scheg schega@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Wendy J Schucker schuckerw@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Michael L Seavers seaversm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Donald P Sharples sharplesd@etown.eduAssociate Director-SGPSEC Remote Office, Room 0000(717) 361-1288  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Anthony D Smith smithanthony@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Liz M Smith smithel@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Marcus S Snow snowm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Robena L Spangler spanglerr@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Meghan D Stalebrink stalebrinkm@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Brian J Stevens stevensbj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Shannon Strohl strohls@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEsbenshade Hall, Room 260A(717) 361-4773  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Jane A Stubb stubbj@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Miranda K Sweetman sweetmanmiranda@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Arnold Tilden tildena@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Jaci L Verghese verghesej@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Roger R Vigus vigusr@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Craig H Wagner wagnercr@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Kae Wagner wagnerkae@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Ms. Julie A Walton waltonja@etown.eduDirector of Program Operations & Staff Council Treasurer Hoover Business Building, Room 101(717) 361-35881411 
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Matthew A Weaver weavermatthew@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building(717) 361-1281 Business, Dept. of
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Robert J. Wesoloskie, CPA wesoloskier@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. John Whitehouse whitehousej@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyHoover Business Building   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Steven H Williams williamsst@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. David A Woffington, Jr woffingtond@etown.eduSenior Director of Graduate & Online ProgramsNicarry Hall, Room 113A(717) 361-1293  
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Dr. Eleanor Zabrecky Franges zabreckyfrangese@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) Mr. Kenneth D Zimmerman zimmermankenneth@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Social Work, Dept. of Mrs. Brooke J Andersen andersenb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 222(717) 361-1369  
Social Work, Dept. of Mr. James R Corbin corbinj@etown.eduAssistant Teaching Professor of Social Work & Program DirectorNicarry Hall, Room 213(717) 361-47454745 
Social Work, Dept. of Ms. Kristin M Kurjiaka kurjiakak1@etown.eduVisiting Assistant Teaching Professor of Social Work & Field Experience DirectorNicarry Hall, Room 215(717) 361-1446  
Social Work, Dept. of Ms. Chelsea R Ranney ranneyc@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 222(717) 361-1369 Criminal Justice
Social Work, Dept. of Dr. Amy C Sagen sagena@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 222(717) 361-15271308 
Social Work, Dept. of Ms. Nicole M Woods woodsn@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyEC Remote Office, Room 0000   
Sociology & Anthropology, Dept. of Dr. Conrad L Kanagy kanagycl@etown.eduProfessor of Sociology Nicarry Hall, Room 242(717) 361-13011308 
Sociology & Anthropology, Dept. of Dr. Michele Lee Kozimor kozimor-kim@etown.eduProfessor of Sociology Nicarry Hall, Room 227(717) 361-15711308 
Sociology & Anthropology, Dept. of Ms. Teri A Miller-Landon millerlandont@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyNicarry Hall, Room 224(717) 361-64191308 
Special Events and Summer Programs (SESP) Mrs. Samantha K Crossley crossleys@etown.eduAssociate Director of Special Events & Summer Programs 541 S Mt Joy St, Room 201(717) 361-36601418 
Special Events and Summer Programs (SESP) Mr. Shawn D Dabbs dabbss@etown.eduEvent Setups/Assistant Locksmith541 S Mt Joy St, Room 208(717) 361-1481 Operations & Auxiliary Services, Office of VP for
Special Events and Summer Programs (SESP) Mr. Steven C Diener dieners@etown.eduMoving CoordinatorCampus Services Warehouse - Brown Lot, Room 001(717) 361-37783778 
Special Events and Summer Programs (SESP) Mr. Barry L Fritz fritzbl@etown.eduTechnical Operations DirectorLeffler Chapel(717) 361-13741408 
Special Events and Summer Programs (SESP) Ms. Melissa A Gruber gruberm@etown.eduProcurement Manager541 S Mt Joy St, Room 202(717) 361-11861418 
Special Events and Summer Programs (SESP) Ms. Melissa R Hagman hagmanm@etown.eduAssistant Director of Technical OperationsLeffler Chapel(717) 361-47721408 
Special Events and Summer Programs (SESP) Mr. Joe D Hudzick hudzickj@etown.eduAssistant Vice President for Operations & Auxiliary Services Alpha Hall, Room 002(717) 361-1203  
Special Events and Summer Programs (SESP) Ms. Brianna L Kain kainb@etown.eduManager of Special Events & Summer Programs541 S Mt Joy St, Room 204(717) 361-3586  
Student Life Mrs. Amy C Berra berraa@etown.eduSenior Assistant for Student LifeBaugher Student Center, Room 216(717) 361-1196 Center for Student Success , Counseling Services
Student Life Ms. Ashley Marie Blake blakea@etown.eduArea Coordinator for Residence LifeOber Residence Hall(717) 361-15951197 
Student Life Ms. Nichole J Gonzalez gonzaleznichole@etown.eduVice President for Student Life & Dean of StudentsBaugher Student Center, Room 257(717) 361-1179  
Student Life Mr. James R Hilton, SrAssociate Dean Emeritus    
Student Life Ms. Brooke Hollinger hollingerbrooke@etown.eduAssistant Director of Student Activities & Commuter EngagementBaugher Student Center, Room 255(717) 361-3676  
Student Life Mrs. Tara N Hoover hoovert@etown.eduDirector of Residence Life & Staff Council Member Brossman Commons, Room 258A(717) 361-36771197 
Student Life Ms. Asia M Lewis lewisasia@etown.eduArea Coordinator for Residence LifeFounders Residence Hall, Room 99C(717) 361-13541197 
Student Life Ms. Maria J Petty pettym@etown.eduInternational Student Programs Advisor, PDSO & Staff Council Member Brossman Commons, Room 248(717) 361-1594  
Student Life MK White whitemk@etown.eduArea Coordinator for Residence LifeSchlosser Residence Hall(717) 361-19831197 
Student Life Mrs. Stacey L Zimmerman zimmermans@etown.eduDirector of Leadership & New Student/Family Orientation Brossman Commons, Room 256(717) 361-1353  
Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center (SVMC) Ms. Karen L Hodges hodgesk@etown.eduProgram Coordinator Young Center, Room 112(717) 361-1450  
Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center (SVMC) Donna M Rhodes rhodesd@etown.eduExecutive Director of the Susquehanna Valley Ministry CenterYoung Center, Room 112(717) 361-1450  
The Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness and Well-Being Mrs. Whitney E Crull crullw@etown.eduSenior Director for Student Involvement & WellbeingBowers Wellness Center, Room 216(717) 361-1590  
The Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness and Well-Being Ms. Joni Eisenhauer eisenhauerj@etown.eduAssistant Director of Health PromotionBowers Wellness Center, Room 215(717) 361-11231405School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS)
The Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness and Well-Being Mr. Jeff Moore moorejeff@etown.eduHead Strength & Conditioning CoachThompson Gymnasium, Room 107   
The Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness and Well-Being Mrs. Margaret B Shaffer shafferp@etown.eduAdjunct Faculty    
Theatre Program Ms. Kristin Pontz pontzk@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyBaugher Student Center, Room 111(717) 361-13571212 
Theatre Program Mr. Bruce Walsh walshb@etown.eduAdjunct FacultyWenger Center, Room 303   
Young Center Dr. Jeffrey A BachEmeritus, Director of the Young CenterYoung Center, Room 123(717) 361-14671470Religious Studies, Dept. of
Young Center Mr. Edsel B Burdge, Jr burdgee@etown.eduResearch AssociateYoung Center, Room 113(717) 361-14701470 
Young Center Ms. Cynthia L Nolt noltcl@etown.eduResearch & Editorial Associate to the Senior Fellow Young Center, Room 120(717) 361-14681470 
Young Center Dr. Steven M Nolt nolts@etown.eduDirector of the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies and Senior Scholar Young Center, Room 121(717) 361-14591470History, Dept. of
Young Center Ms. Kay L Wolf wolfk@etown.eduAdministrative AssistantYoung Center, Room 114(717) 361-47474747 
Elizabethtown College