Testing Information
Students registered for a course who qualify for testing accommodations will give you a letter from our office. You and the student can decide on a mutually acceptable method of meeting this accommodation. Students who use assistive technology such as a screen reader will need to take tests in sites where this is available. Should you both decide the best location is in Disability Services, it is the student’s responsibility to schedule the exam with Lynne Davies daviesl@etown.edu, Director of Disability Services, at least 48 business hours prior to the exam date by following the procedure below.
- The student should schedule their exam at the same time/day as when the class is taking the exam, however they may need to start earlier or stay later than the class to have their full allotted time. Should a student need to take their exam at a different time due to a conflict with another scheduled class, they should speak with you prior to scheduling the exam with our office. We are generally able to provide space for exams between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
- Students requesting testing accommodations will bring a form from our office for you to complete. Please be sure to indicate how you can be reached during the exam in the event questions arise.
- Please email the exam as a WORD or PDF attachment to daviesl@etown.edu at least 24 hours prior to the time of the test.
- Students who arrive more than 15 minutes after the arranged time will not be permitted to take the exam without your permission to do so either by phone or in writing (email).
- Academic integrity issues will be reported immediately to faculty.