Secular Student Alliance
What is SSA nationally?
The SSA stands for Secular Student Alliance. Nationally, this group helps facilitate the jumpstarting of start-up atheist, agnostic, and humanist groups on college campuses. This association guides the group on a path to succeeding in creating a culture for secular religions.
Why are we starting an Etown SSA?
We are starting an Elizabethtown Secular Student Alliance group to provide a steady meeting area and safe area for secularists. We also would like to educate the campus on the beliefs and values of the secular faith system.
What does it mean to be a secular student?
A secular student identifies themselves as having an atheistic view on religion. This, however, does not discount the spiritual presence of some members.
Who can join?
Any student who wishes to be educated on, or involved in, secular student affairs on campus.
What are the benefits?
This group provides a centered, welcoming meeting ground that promotes respectful debate and conversation about beliefs.
Contact information for national SSA