OT Alumni Survey
Greetings from the OT Department at Elizabethtown! We need your help!
The ACOTE, Accreditation Council of Occupational Therapy Educators, in the Standards for Accredited Educational Programs requires us to routinely gather and analyze information about the quality of our educational program and about program outcomes and graduate competencies. We ask that you participate in this process by completing an alumni survey that can be accessed on-line through the link provided below.
In addition, we ask that you participate in our employer survey process by providing your supervisor with a link to the Employer Survey.
All information from both surveys is confidential and names need not be included. Data are entered and analyzed free of any personal identification and are used for program evaluation purposes only.
We want your input and value your support in this program evaluation process and look forward to receiving your response. Thank you in advance for taking time to complete your survey. With your assistance we can continue to strengthen the occupational therapy educational experience at Elizabethtown.
You may direct any questions about either survey or the program evaluation process to Judy Ericksen at 717-361-4751 or ericksenj@etown.edu.