Module 3 Questions
Assignment 3: Techniques that Work
Please remember to use complete sentences. For example: I feel the most important characteristics of a tutor include... write more than one sentence.
Please print this page to complete the answers. When all modules are completed, submit all answer sheets to Tammie Longsderff at Learning Zone. All modules must be completed before you can receive any tutoring assignments.
Name: ____________________________________________________
1. What was your score on the communication test? Do you agree with the results of your communication test? Why?
2. What can you do to establish rapport with your student?
3. Why is it important to know why your student is seeking tutoring?
4. What is the Socratic Method?
5. There are several different types of probing questions. Name all of them and indicate which type will be used most often in your tutoring session. Why?
6. Give an example of how you might handle a wrong answer from your student?