The Clifford B. & Hazel K. Huffman Electronic Organ:
The organ in Leffler Chapel and Performance Center was the gift of Mr. Clifford B. Huffman '47 and Hazel K. Huffman '49. Built by the Britson Musicworks of Sumner, Washington, it has two manuals and pedals. If it were a pipe organ, it would have 1,930 pipes arranged in 33 ranks. Each one of these 1,930 pipes has been replaced by an oscillator, which generates pitch, and a tone generating circuit, which gives the pitch the desired tone quality, attack and release characteristics, and the noise each pipe makes as the air blows into it. The result is that every note of each stop can be tuned, "voiced," and "finished and regulated" just as with a pipe organ. These notes are projected into the room by 98 separate and independent channels each consisting of an amplifier and a loud speaker, most of which carry 18 notes in groups of six consecutive notes, each from a different range (frequency) to avoid interference and distortion. The channels operate at 60 to 100 watts. Every speaker is mounted at the end of a cylindrical tube. The largest speakers are 18 inches, at the ends of tubes 12 feet long.
The console is American Guild of Organists standard with draw knobs, with the usual accessories and equipment, including an adjustable combination action with 64 memories.
The specification was drawn up by Carl E. Schroeder with both instruction and performance in mind. The right stops are found in the right places, so that standard historical registrations of all periods can be realized according to the composers' intentions, which cannot be accomplished on most organs, strangely enough.
Console layout was by Carl E. Schroeder in consultation with Gundling Organ Company, of Lancaster, Britson's local representative. Installation was by Gundling Organ Company. Electronic design was by Thomas Britanyak, Tonal Director of Britson. Regulation and Finishing were done by Mr. Britanyak, Walter and David Gundling, and Carl E. Schroeder.
Reprinted from the 15 September 1996 Clifford B. & Hazel K. Huffman Organ dedication program featuring Peter Stoltzfus in recital.
Organ Stoplist
1. Bourdon 16'
2. Principal 8'
1. Bourdon 8'
3. Gamba 8'
4. Octave 4'
5. Twelfth 2 2/3'
6. Fifteenth 2'
7. -10. Mixture IV
26. Bassoon (SW.) 16'
11. Trompette 8'
12. Clairon 4'
Chimes (tubular)
13. Gemshorn 16'
14. Geigen Principal 8'
15. Rohrflöte 8'
16. Salicional 8'
17.Voix Celeste 8'
18. Prestant 4'
19. Koppelflöte 4'
20. Nazard 2 2/3'
21. Blockflöte 2'
22. Tierce 1 3/5'
23. -25. Plein Jeu III
26. Hautbois 8'
27. Soubasse 32'
28. Principal 16'
27. Soubasse 16'
1. Bourdon (Gt.) 16'
13. Gemshorn (Sw.) 16'
28. Octave 8'
27. Soubasse 8'
1. Bourdon (Gt.) 8'
13. Gemshorn (Sw.) 8'
28. Choralbass 4'
27. Flute 4'
29. -32. Mixture IV
26. Bassoon (Sw.) 32'
33. Bombarde 16'
26. Bassoon (Sw.) 16'
33. Trompette 8'
26. Hautbois (Sw.) 8'
33. Clairon 4'
26. Hautbois (Sw.) 4'
26. Hautbois (Sw.) 2'