Information for Faculty
Where and how do I submit my textbook adoptions?
Instructions can be found at under Faculty Adoptions. You will also find instructions on how to order there as well.
Return Policy for Faculty and Departments
The College Store no longer accepts the return (or swap) of a purchased book with a desk copy, nor do they accept the return of a book that was purchased while waiting for a desk copy to arrive. There are many reasons why we must establish this policy; primarily and most importantly, desk copies or instructor copies are, in many cases, different from the textbooks that students use and they cannot be sold to students, nor can they be returned to the publisher for a refund. In addition, "borrowed" books that are returned once the desk copy arrives, come back in less than pristine condition and cannot be sold or rented as new. For these reasons, new or used books purchased by a faculty member or a department must adhere to the same return policy - books purchased for the current semester are only returnable for the first three days after the start of the semester.
What is the College Store doing to offer students lower priced options to purchase or rent textbooks?
To stay current with all the options students have these days, we have implemented an in-store rental program. The in-store rental program allows a student to either order a book online from the College Store or physically take a book off the shelf and pay with their financial aid (Student ID), credit card, or cash. At the end of the semester, the student only has to return the book to the Store and we do the rest of the work.
For students who purchase or rent their books from the College Store, we offer an online ordering option at We strongly encourage students who purchase or rent their books to use this option, as it gives us the ability to properly manage inventory and avoid running out of a title during Book Rush.
Why should students buy or rent their textbooks from the College Store?
Because they will get the correct book for the correct course, since we receive information directly from you, the faculty. We offer students convenience; we are right here on campus, not in cyberspace. We offer a fair return policy, as we accept textbook returns for a full refund with a receipt during the first 3 days of class, each semester. (10 days to return if a course is dropped; you MUST prove you dropped the course). And we are college owned and operated which means every purchase at the College Store helps us fund campus activities, keeping the cost of their Etown experience lower.
Why shouldn’t I just tell my students to get all of their textbooks “online” from Amazon, etc?
We have heard “horror” stories about students who don’t receive the correct edition of a textbook (and can’t return it), or they receive an instructors copy (and can’t return it) or their order never arrives. They are then left scrambling to buy the correct book and incur even more expense. Ultimately, the Store knows what a student needs (we get that info directly from YOU) and we guarantee that they get the correct text. It won’t happen overnight, but we are trying to find ways to lower the price of textbooks, so our students make the College Store their first choice instead of their last. We ask that you help us in that endeavor by not automatically including in your syllabi or suggesting to your students “to get their books online.”
Can I cancel and/or change my textbook adoption once I submit it?
We hope cancellation or change requests are kept to a minimum, but if they happen, they are handled on an individual basis. From the textbook manager’s perspective, it is assumed that once a textbook adoption is submitted, the variables surrounding the related course offering (who/what/when) are concrete and the syllabus will reflect the identical textbook info. The manager then uses the adoption info to make ordering and buying decisions. Late changes in adoptions result in a myriad of factors that negatively affect the student and the College Store. Students who make early purchases will have to purchase the new, revised course materials and may not be allowed to return their initial purchase. Additional expense is incurred by the College Store in the form of shipping charges. Additionally, if a change in adoption happens after the buyback period, the Store also incurs additional expense in the form of dead stock, i.e. books purchased that won’t be sold AND can’t be returned. The following two questions provide more insight into the importance of early/accurate adoptions.
Why does the textbook manager need my adoption well before my course starts, and why must I provide accurate information regarding my adoption?
There are several reasons why early/accurate adoption is needed and here are the biggest reasons:
- The ordering process provides the best prices and the biggest inventory of used books the earlier an order is placed with the vendor for textbooks.
- We must comply with federal laws that dictate how early a college publishes everything associated with the cost of getting a college education; this includes the cost of textbooks.
- Time is needed to make decisions on which books can be “bought back” from Etown students. This “buyback” practice actually allows us to lower the cost of books for students who sell back to the Store. Future students who buy the book also pay a lower price for that book. When we buy back books from our students, we basically eliminate the middleman (the wholesaler or publisher) and they are the main culprits in the HIGH price of textbooks.
Once I submit my textbook adoption, should I confirm it is recorded and published correctly? And if so, where do I find that information to confirm it is correct?
Yes, it is advisable that every faculty member verify and confirm that their adoption submission is recorded and displayed correctly. This check and balance assures complete accuracy for the student, the textbook manager, and you. You can check your information by visiting the ordering portal at . You will see what the student sees. Once the registration period starts, textbooks are updated daily. You can also email the Textbook Manager at Lastly, stopping in person to the Book Room to verify correct information on the shelf tag is also an option.
What are the dates I need to be aware of regarding textbook adoption?
April 1 Adoptions due from faculty
Mid-April Textbook List published & Registration for Fall semester begins
April-May-June Wantlists for used books sent to multiple wholesalers
Mid-June Orders for textbooks placed to wholesalers and vendors
Mid-July Textbooks start arriving
End of August Classes start - Book Rush Week
October 1 Adoptions due from faculty
Mid-October Textbook List published & Registration for Winter Term begins
November 1 Adoptions due from faculty
Mid-November Textbook List published & Registration for Spring Semester begins
November/Dec. Wantlist for used books sent out to multiple wholesalers
Early December Orders for textbooks placed to wholesalers and vendors
Late December Textbooks start arriving
January Classes start - Book Rush Week
February 1 Adoptions due from faculty
Mid-February Textbook List published for May/Summer courses
Mid-April Textbooks start arriving
Mid-May Classes start
Still have a question? Contact the Textbook Manager, Joshua Stanley at or call ext. 1130.