Theatre Signature Learning Experiences
Elizabethtown College requires that all students complete at least two out of the five Signature Learning Experiences (SLEs) prior to graduation. SLEs are intended to differ from traditional classroom instruction and provide students with real world learning opportunities. Possible SLEs include supervised research, cross-cultural experiences or study abroad, community-based learning, capstone course/project/portfolio or completing an internship. SLE options are usually built into graduation requirements, but can also be completed outside of your program.
Capstone Experience
Students in the theatre program are required to complete a senior project in Theatre. This two-credit project will fulfill the SLE Capstone option. The project will be completed in your or senior year and must be in your area of concentration. Capstone completion can include a project in acting, design, direction, playwriting or management or a project in historical research and writing. This senior project gives you additional practice in the practical application of your skills, and gives you portfolio pieces as you move towards graduation.
Theatre Practica Experiences
TH 350 & TH 360--Another requirement of the Theatre program within the Department of Theatre and Dance is to complete the performance (TH 360) or design and production (TH 350) practicum classes. This allows students to earn credit for their SLE while completing significant performance or design and production work under faculty supervision, though practica experiences may also be completed without credit.
In the Department of Theatre and Dance, another option is completing an internship. As a Theatre student, you have a whole world of options working with local theatres or with easily accessible venues and companies in places such as Philadelphia, Lancaster, Harrisburg, or Baltimore. Artistic directors at such local theatres as Mt. Gretna Theatre, Theatre of the Seventh Sister, Ephrata Performing Arts Center, and the Fulton Theatre have expressed interest in having our students work with their professional staff members.
Internships in theatre can be related to technical theatre, stage management, theatre management, public relations, and, of course, performance. Internships can be completed during the school year or over the summer for college credit. Students may participate in more than one internship for credit, but may only count once towards SLE completion.
Additional SLE Options
Students are also encouraged to study abroad at some point during their four years with Etown College. Students may also complete a thesis or otherwise participate in supervised research with a minor or second major. Community-Based Learning is a project or experience that encourages students to work within the community and allows students to practice and apply skills learned in the classroom and can be completed in a number of ways.
We believe that out-of-class learning is a critical part of the college experience, and we encourage our students to take part in every opportunity.