One Button Studio @ Etown

The One Button Studio in the High Library offers students, staff, and faculty a resource for rehearsing presentations and for developing high-quality video projects without knowing anything about lights and cameras. All that’s needed is a reservation, a prepared presentation, and a flash drive, and you’re ready to push the button.
What can you do with the One Button Studio?
One Button Studio FAQ
The OBS is located on the main (2nd) floor of the High Library, in room 219.
You can reserve the OBS online: If you are in the library, you can use the iPad located at the entrance to the OBS to make your reservation.
No food or drinks are allowed in the OBS. Please do not handle the equipment. Contact the ITS at extension #3333 if there are any technical issues.
Formatting a USB drive will delete any files that are currently on the drive and are not recoverable. Please ensure you have all files saved from the drive before completing these steps.
- Connect USB drive to computer.
- Double-click “This PC” on the desktop.
- Right-click the USB drive to be formatted. Warning: Double-check you select the correct USB drive to ensure you do not accidentally delete files.
- On the pop-up menu, select “FAT32” under “File System” and name the drive under “Volume Label”.
- Click the Start button.
- A warning message will appear – select OK. Warning: Formatting a USB device deletes all files.
- After the formatting completes, click OK on the confirmation message.
- Close the Format and This PC windows.
USB drive sizes vary, but typically, 1GB roughly equals 25 minutes of recording time. We highly recommend using at least a 1GB USB drive in the One Button Studio.
Flash drives must be formatted as FAT32 in order to be used with the One Button Studio. Other formats will not work. Note: SD cards with adapters and novelty flash drives do not work in many instances. If you continue to have errors, you may need to reformat your USB flash drive to FAT32.
You can borrow a formatted flash drive to use in the OBS at the library circulation desk. You must transfer your video file from the flash drive before returning it to the circulation desk.
The One Button Studio saves your newly produced video as mp4 file. You can share these videos immediately to YouTube or Vimeo. Also, you can import the file into a video editing software, such as iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, or Adobe Creative Cloud.
Contact the ITS Helpdesk at extension #3333 with any questions or technical issues that you are having with the One Button Studio.