Music Venues and Facilities
The Elizabethtown College campus has several different performance venues as well as plenty of rehearsal locations. Our facilities house ensemble performances, as well as provide regular practice space for students and members of our community.

Most music courses and rehearsals are held in Zug Memorial Hall. This building, houses various studios, classrooms and practice rooms as well as lockers for storing instruments and several lounges. Each rehearsal space is fully equipped for music study with a combination of upright and studio grand pianos, sound equipment and presentation podiums. Practice rooms are partially sound proof with upright pianos and are available for scheduled and unscheduled practice time. Our main rehearsal and performance spaces contain Steinway pianos; two Model Bs in the Recital Hall, and one Model D (Concert Grand) in the Leffler Chapel and Performance Center.
The main rehearsal space is large and accommodating with storage space for larger instruments and equipped with a computer, projector and sound podium.
The small performance space in Zug, the Recital Hall, features a stage and plenty of seating. Small groups can use the Recital Hall for practice, and it is also used for senior recitals in the spring.

The music lab on the bottom floor of Zug contains several Mac computers and printers for in-class and out-of-class use. The lab is equipped with several different programs for composing, transposing and recording.
Finally, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center is the largest performance space on campus. It is a large structure with two levels of seating. The space also contains a large green room and excellent acoustics in the main hall. It is used for all major presentations and performances on campus including campus-wide lectures, a Capella performances, and band and choir performances.