Event Tier System FAQ's:
Below are some frequently asked questions pertaining to the new Event Tier Management System.
What is the timeline for each category?
Signature Events: Scheduled by the Scheduling Office prior to first business day in December
Platinum Events: Scheduled by the Scheduling Office prior to first business day in December
Gold Events: First business day in December through first business day in February
Silver Events: Third week in February through first business day in April
What happens if I schedule my event after the tier window my event falls into?
Events submitted after their appropriate tier timeline has ended will no longer receive priority, and will be scheduled in the context with the next event tier. For example, if a Gold Event request is submitted after the third week in February for the upcoming academic year, it will be reviewed at the same time as Silver Event requests.
All events requested after the third week in April for the upcoming academic year, will be reviewed on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Which category does my event fall into? What is the protocol for exceptions?
The category your event falls into is determined by the criteria for each tier. The lists of example events by category is representative and not all-inclusive. We will continue to learn and refine scheduling processes in order to solve issues that arise and to also proactively address potential issues the best we can. The Scheduling Office will be involved in day to day decision-making, as is currently the case, and the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Student Life will be ultimate decision-makers.
How far in advance can Signature College Events be scheduled?
Signature College Events will continue to be scheduled according to current timelines (currently 2+ years in advance), and scheduling will continue to follow the same campus coordination procedures that are currently in use.
How do I see what Tiered Events have already been scheduled?
The Scheduling Office has created a calendar filter in 25Live to include all confirmed tier events (as well as academic related events). Similar to the filters like "Events & Meetings", "All Spaces", this filter will include all of the Signature and Platinum events on one calendar as of the first business day of December. Programmers looking to schedule their Gold Tier Events can use this to view dates of these events and help in planning of their own. Once Gold Tier events have been confirmed each year they will appear on the calendar, which Silver Tier Event planners can view when looking to schedule their events. Once the Silver Tier events have been confirmed, users can view this calendar when looking to schedule any events that do not fall into any of the tier categories.
To view how to open this calendar in 25Live, click here or visit our Tutorial and Guides page.
How do I make myself more aware of what is happening in 25Live? Who else is doing a similar event or complementary event?
The work of updating the scheduling process is ongoing. We encourage collaborative event planning and scheduling when possible. Additional resources and materials will be developed to aid this effort. Training about more effectively using 25Live will be provided. Please watch for these opportunities.
What happens if there is a scheduling conflict between events in the same tier?
The Scheduling Office will make recommendations, and the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Student Life will be ultimate decision-makers.
What happens when a great opportunity for an event, which will require significant resources, comes at the last moment?
Resource intensive, last minute scheduling requests are likely to be denied. The tiered scheduling system has been designed to help guide event planning and execution across campus, while also helping to more effectively balance resource utilization. Stewardship of limited college resources is a key factor that we ask you to guide your event planning.
How will the new event planning procedure be assessed?
It will take time to accumulate data to assess the effectiveness of the new scheduling process. Overall, the goal is to improve space utilization while helping ensure successful events across campus that most effectively use college resources. Assessment will be an ongoing process and will inform event scheduling process revisions.
How do I provide feedback?
We are interested in your feedback. Please provide feedback to the Scheduling Office: eventscheduling@etown.edu