Fieldwork & Observations
As an education major at Elizabethtown College, you will have field experiences every year from your first year through your senior year. Field placements occur in urban, suburban and rural schools, and in a variety of grades within your certification guidelines. Our program stresses the importance of quality supervised filed experiences which complement on-campus courses in education. It is the embodiment of theory into practice.
Affiliated Placement Sites
The following list is a compilation of school districts that include public and private schools that we typically place students in for Field Placements.
Student Teaching
Student teaching, your professional internship, is the capstone experience of our various teacher preparation education programs. Student teachers are placed at cooperating school districts in the local and surrounding areas. Students may petition to be considered for partial student teaching abroad in combination with a Pennsylvania placement. College supervisors and cooperating teachers work in partnership to mentor the student teacher and provide a quality learning experience.Student Teaching
Steps to certification: For start to finish information on certification click here to be directed to the PDE (Pennsylvania Department of Education) website.