Teacher Certification
Elizabethtown College through its Department of Education, offers several programs leading to a bachelor’s degree and Pennsylvania Instructional I Teaching certification. The Department also offers a 4+1 master’s degree program in Special Education which allows students to complete both general certification and special education certification. Candidates select from either a PreK-8 or 7-12 grade concentration in special education certification. Together, the Department and College act as an agent of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the teacher certification process for students who meet all appropriate standards.
As part of its general requirements for majors and/or certification, the Education Department requires students to make application into the Teacher Certification Program.This begins with provisional acceptance (routinely this is done as a first-year student) and this is followed by formal acceptance. (routinely this is done as a sophomore student). Below you will find information on the specific requirements for provisional Acceptance followed by specific information for formal acceptance.
The programs at Elizabethtown College are accredited through the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and are governed by the General Standards of Chapter 354 of the Pennsylvania Code.
Grad Letter Requests
If you are in the process of applying for teaching positions and are being asked to provide a placeholder letter, please follow the link below to complete a Grad letter request form. Once we receive your request, we will prepare a letter for you.There is a 24 hour turnaround for letter completion. If you have any questions, please call the Education Office at 717-361-1210.
Testing Information
Certification Testing
Struggling with the PAPA, PECT or Praxis exams?
If you are struggling with the PAPA, PECT or Praxis exams,there are a variety of resources available online that can help you with your test preparation. The links listed to the right are some resources that we recommend. All of the sites have a variety of resources to help you prepare for the exams.There are also practice tests available for purchase through several of the sites. Check them out today!