Core Revitalization Conversations and Current Core Programming
The Elizabethtown College Core Committee is working with community partners on a Core Revitalization. The implementation of the revitalized Core Program is presently unknown. This page is dedicated to keeping our campus community apprised of any conversations that directly impact the existing Core Program in our Online Catalog(s).
Points of Information
- Regardless of when a student enrolls at Elizabethtown College, every student is required to complete a minimum of 40 credits of general education to earn a bachelor's degree. For more information, please refer to the PA State System of Higher Education Board of Governors Policy 1993-01-A: General Education at State System of Higher Education Universities .
- General Education – Guided Writing and Research Student Learning Outcomes were approved for publication in the 2025-26 Catalog.
- Core Course Transitions and approvals impacting current Core Program.
Mathematics Area of Understanding.
- Criminal Justice and Political Science Majors may satisfy the Mathematics Area of Understanding by completing PS 230.
- Psychology and Neuroscience Majors may satisfy the Mathematics Area of Understanding by completing PSY 280.
- Any student may satisfy the Mathematics Area of Understanding through the successful completion of MA 250, 251 (Probability and Statistics), or 121 (Calculus).
Natural and Physical Science Core. All courses submitted for Natural and Physical Science will have a student learning outcome of "collect, analyze, and interpret data. As a result, the Core Program will transition to requiring a single Natural and Physical Science Course.
Please note:- Students Enrolling Fall 2025 will be required to complete a single Natural and Physical Science course.
- Students enrolling with the College Fall 2024 will transition to a single natural and physical science course provided the course completed incorporated the student learning outcome of "collect, analyze, and interpret data." If a student completed a previously classified Core Program non-lab science, the course will continue to count toward the overall 125 credits required for degree completion, however, they will need to complete an additional Natural and Physical Science under Core Revitalization.
- Students enrolling Prior to Fall 2024 will be required to complete two Natural and Physical Science courses in two different disciplines. Any course previously classified as "non-lab" sciences, at the time of enrollment and completion, will not satisfy the new Natural and Physical Science student learning outcome of collect, analyze, and interpret data.
Core Program - Guided Writing and Research Student Learning Outcomes
A course with a Guided Writing and Research (GWR) designation includes direct instruction in the research and writing process. This includes the following: locating and analyzing sources; crafting and supporting a logical thesis or argument; incorporating and correctly citing reliable academic sources via direct quotation and paraphrase; and organizing an essay such that the argument is fully explained and supported. Faculty provide consistent feedback on research and writing that culminates in a minimum of 3500 words of finished written work produced throughout the course. Evaluation of a student's performance in research and writing is a significant component of the final grade. Classes are appropriately reduced in size to facilitate careful instruction in research and writing. Additionally, only 200-level classes are designated as GWR.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Apply advanced information literacy skills based on instruction by a librarian to course assignments.
- Organize and integrate research from sources appropriate to the assignment to fully achieve a specific purpose with clarity, accuracy, and depth.
- Use professional language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and coherence and adheres to conventions of style appropriate to the genre, audience, and purpose.
- Demonstrate flexible strategies for reading, drafting, reviewing, collaborating, revising, rewriting, and editing.
Core Program Updates for Currently Enrolled Students
Course | AU | GWR? | Course Title | Approval Date | Notes |
CH 109 | NPS | No | Introduction to Forensic Science | 4.3.2024 | Course transitioned from an NPS (Non-Lab Science) to an NPS (Lab Science) for currently enrolled students effective Fall 2024. |
CS 113 | NPS | No | The Power and Beauty of Computing | 9.18.2024 | Course transitioned from an NPS (Non-Lab Science) to an NPS (Lab Science) for currently enrolled students effective Spring 2025. |
PBH 111 | NPS | No | Priciples of Public Health | 4.17.2024 | Course transitioned from an NPS (Non-Lab Science) to an NPS (Lab Science) for currently enrolled students effective Fall 2024. |
PS 230 | MA | No | Research Methods | 12.3.2024 | Students majoring in Political Science or Criminal Justice may satisfy the Mathematics Area of Understanding in the Core Program with the successful completion of PS 230. |
PSY 280 | MA | No | Psychological Statistics | 12.3.2024 | Students majoring in Psychology or Neuroscience may satisfy the Mathematics Area of Understanding in the Core Program with the successful completion of PSY 280. |