49510 | ART105 - -3CE -C-A | CE DRAWING I | Burns D | Open | 10/18 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | CE DRAWING I
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) An introduction to the basic concepts, materials and techniques of drawing. These elements will be discussed and practiced through an intensive program of drawing from perception. The basic materials we use will consist of charcoal, ink and paper. Drawing subjects will include still life, interior space, portrait, self-portrait and the figure. The formal elements of line, shape, value, form, space, texture and composition will be explored through drawing done in class, on field trips and weekly homework assignments.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 60.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49854 | CJ 110 - -CJ - -A | CRIMINOLOGY | Crandall K | Open | 17/20 | (6J) 06/30/2025 to 08/15/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | CRIMINOLOGY
4.00 credits. Criminology is a theoretical course familiarizing students with criminological theories and how they explain criminal behavior. Students will be able to conceptualize and apply criminological theories to understand causes and consequences of crime.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50328 | EC 101 - -7SSC-C-A | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS | Paul S | Open | 20/20 | (6J) 06/30/2025 to 08/15/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) An introduction to a country’s gross domestic product. Topics covered include factors affecting a country’s output of goods and services, the role of fiscal policy and monetary policy in dealing with inflation and unemployment, the Federal Reserve system and the goal of price stability, causes and consequences of budget deficits, and factors affecting trade deficits and exchange rates.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50329 | EC 102 - -7SSC-C-A | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS | Krichevskiy D | Open | 19/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) Topics covered include the basis for decision-making by economic agents, utility maximization by consumers, the demand curve, profit maximization by firms, diminishing returns and input choice, optimal output and price for a firm in various market structures, market failure, income inequality, and comparative advantage and international trade.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50330 | EC 102 - -7SSC-C-B | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS | Krichevskiy D | Open | 20/20 | (6J) 06/30/2025 to 08/15/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) Topics covered include the basis for decision-making by economic agents, utility maximization by consumers, the demand curve, profit maximization by firms, diminishing returns and input choice, optimal output and price for a firm in various market structures, market failure, income inequality, and comparative advantage and international trade.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
4.00 credits. This course introduces future teachers to the special linguistic and cultural educational needs of English language learners (ELL). Aspects of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural knowledge will be studied as well as methods of instruction that focus on the language needs and background knowledge of the ELL. Theory and practices of current ELL programs will also be examined. Twenty hours of field experience required (i.e., 2 hours per week for 10 weeks). *Prerequisite(s): ED 105, and ED 150 or ED 151. *Corequisite(s): ED 341L. Formal acceptance into Education Program required.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
49908 | ED 341 -L-ED - -A | ELL: LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY LAB | Licona P | Open | 16/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 0.00 | ELL: LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY LAB
0.00 credit. Lab for ED 341. *Corequisite: ED 341.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
4.00 credits. This course is designed to familiarize students with the creative, self-expression and problem-solving skills among children in early childhood settings. Students will explore creative learning theories and research and focus on developmentally appropriate curriculum strategies in all developmental domains. This course emphasizes strategies to develop, implement and evaluate activities in the environment that encourages and supports creative self-expression and problem solving in children. *Prerequisite(s): ED 250. Formal acceptance into the Education Program required.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
49522 | EGR260 - -PY - -A | STATICS | Batista Abreu J | Open | 18/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 3.00 | STATICS
3.00 credits. Equilibria of particles and rigid bodies subject to concentrated and distributed forces with practical applications to the design of mechanical structures. Topics include structural analysis of trusses and frames, internal forces in beams, friction, and machines. *Prerequisite(s): PHY 201 and MA 121. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
49511 | EN 100 - -1PLE-C-A | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING | Fox C | Open | 16/18 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) A composition course focusing on writing as a process of discovery concerning ideas, drafting, revising, and editing. Students read, write and speak about a variety of aspects of the power of language.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49517 | EN 100 - -1PLE-C-B | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING | Noah R | Open | 18/18 | (6J) 06/30/2025 to 08/15/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) A composition course focusing on writing as a process of discovery concerning ideas, drafting, revising, and editing. Students read, write and speak about a variety of aspects of the power of language.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49885 | EN 101 - -3CE -C-A | CE LITERATURE: FORM AND PERFORMANCE; IRELAND | Moore T | Open | 16/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | CE LITERATURE: FORM AND PERFORMANCE; IRELAND
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) An examination of various forms of literature with the purpose of understanding both how they produce distinct aesthetic experiences and how to use these forms creatively. Individual sections might focus on poetry, drama, creative nonfiction, Shakespeare, short story, film, and the novel, or some combination of these. This course does not count toward the English major or minor. This course is repeatable for credit. Signature Learning Experience - Cross-Cultural Experience.
This is a study abroad experience.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Cross-Cultural LearningAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49519 | EN 212 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM HARLEM RENAISSANCE | Allen P | Open | 16/20 | (6J) 06/30/2025 to 08/15/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | HUM HARLEM RENAISSANCE
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. This course presents an exciting opportunity to explore and engage deeply with a particular period or theme from America's extensive literary and cultural history. The subject matter of the course is shaped by the instructor's specializations and interests: past offerings include "Revolution to Civil War," "Realism: Gender, Race, and Money," and "Modernism: The World Turned Upside Down." For details about course content during a particular semester, contact the English Department. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49513 | EN 261 - -3CE -C-A | CE WRITING AND ANALYZING THE SHORT STORY | Waters J | Open | 13/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | CE WRITING AND ANALYZING THE SHORT STORY
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. Students will analyze classic short stories using the language and concepts of literary criticism through discussion, oral presentation, and a major research paper. Emulating classic literary models, they will write original short stories, revising according to detailed critiques by their peers and the instructor. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (100% Online) |
49514 | FR 111 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO ELEMENTARY FRENCH I | Attab R | Open | 16/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY FRENCH I
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50144 | HA 470 - -HA - -A | HEALTHCARE ADMINISTRATION INTERNSHP | Staff B | Open | 10/10 | (8J) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | HEALTHCARE ADMINISTRATION INTERNSHP
4.00 credits. Students enrolled in this course will complete a field experience in healthcare administration. Internships will be completed in not-for-profit or for-profit organizations. During this internship, students will gain firsthand experience through the analysis of economic, political, psychological, and social impact on healthcare organizations. *Prerequisite(s): Senior status. *Corequisite(s): HA 496.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
50143 | HA 496 - -HA - -A | SENIOR SEMINAR | Staff B | Open | 10/10 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 2.00 | SENIOR SEMINAR
2.00 credits. The senior seminar course aligns directly with the Health Administration Internship and consists of a 6-week field experience under the supervision of a preceptor who will serve as a mentor to the student. Students will formulate an Internship Project and complete research on a topic related to the organization in which they are completing their internship. *Corequisite(s): HA 470.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49998 | HMA251 - -8MA -H-A | HNR MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS | Batakci L | Open | 14/15 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | HNR MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS
4.00 credits. (Mathematics Core Course) Covers the basic principles of descriptive statistics, experimental design and statistical inference. The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to statistical thinking and methodology, and their use in the natural and social sciences. This course includes an introduction to the use of the statistical software SPSS.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (100% Online) |
4.00 credits. In this course, students not only learn about leadership but also gain leadership experience. Leadership is presented not as a quality of an individual but rather as a process of interacting with a community to create positive social change. Students will learn and practice strategies to navigate complex issues, engage in constructive conflict, overcome polarization, and take the perspectives of others. They will develop their capacities for creativity and collaboration through a social change project. Summer semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (Blended/Hybrid 75-99%) |
48933 | HON246 - -9HUM-H-A | HNR HUM REFUGEES IN GLOBAL AND REGIONAL CONTEXT | Ozkanca O | Open | 19/20 | (6J) 06/30/2025 to 08/15/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | HNR HUM REFUGEES IN GLOBAL AND REGIONAL CONTEXT
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. This course will offer the intellectual, analytical and research tools to understand the history and complexities of forced migration and refugeehood and their centrality to political, social and economic change in global, national and regional contexts. It will introduce students with an interest in local, national, as well as international career opportunities in human rights, development, refugees, and migration, as well as develop an understanding of various policy responses from around the world, including our regional context in Lancaster, PA, using extensive partnership with the Church World Services. During the course, we will analyze the global responses to refugees by examining the response from the United States, European Union, and Turkey. We will pay particular attention to the driving forces behind the record-breaking numbers of refugees around the world, such as civil wars, risk of genocide, organized crime, terrorism, ecological disasters, and lack of human security. Signature Learning Experience: Community-based Learning. Offered Summer semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Community-Based Learning (CBL)Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (100% Online) |
49853 | INT233 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH THE ARAB SPRING (PS 233) | Ozkanca O | Open | 10/10 | (3J) 05/12/2025 to 05/30/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | NCH THE ARAB SPRING (PS 233)
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) This course provides an in-depth analysis of the Arab Spring, series of revolutions, protests, rebellions that have been ongoing in the Arab world since 2011. It analyzes the causes behind the uprisings and the path that each continues to take. Situating the Arab Spring in diplomatic history, it explores the political and socio-economic characteristics of the countries to illustrate why the success of democratic transition in the Middle Eastern and North African region vary. *A Guided Writing and Research Course. May term only.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (100% Online) |
50039 | IS 470 - -ET - -A | INTERNSHIP IN INTEGRATIVE STUDIES | Lancaster J | Open | 9/10 | (8J) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | INTERNSHIP IN INTEGRATIVE STUDIES
2.00 credits.Internships provide students with practical workplace experience at a venue that provides training, mentorship and oversight by working professionals in the field. Graded Pass/No Pass. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor. Repeatable for credit. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor. Repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49515 | JA 250 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH DISCOVERING CONTEMPORARY JAPAN: A 3-WEEK CULTURAL IMMERSION EXP | Bhattacharya M | Open | 20/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | NCH DISCOVERING CONTEMPORARY JAPAN: A 3-WEEK CULTURAL IMMERSION EXP
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course). A three-week in-depth immersion in Japanese culture, conducted in Japan during the May term of each academic year. Signature Learning Experience: Cross-Cultural Experience.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Cross-Cultural LearningAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49933 | MA 251 - -8MA -C-A | MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS | McDevitt T | Open | 20/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS
4.00 credits. (Mathematics Core Course) Covers the basic principles of descriptive statistics, experimental design and statistical inference. The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to statistical thinking and methodology, and their use in the natural and social sciences. *This course may not be taken for credit after completing MA 250. In terms of mathematical and statistical content and outcomes, MA 251 is identical to MA 250.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49941 | MA 251 - -8MA -C-B | MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS | Batakci L | Open | 19/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS
4.00 credits. (Mathematics Core Course) Covers the basic principles of descriptive statistics, experimental design and statistical inference. The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to statistical thinking and methodology, and their use in the natural and social sciences. *This course may not be taken for credit after completing MA 250. In terms of mathematical and statistical content and outcomes, MA 251 is identical to MA 250.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49921 | MKT215 - -BU - -A | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING | Greenberg B | Open | 9/10 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING
4.00 credits. An introductory course emphasizing key concepts and issues underlying the marketing process and how it operates in today's dynamic organizations. The marketing mix is examined on a broad scale, with students developing an understanding of how decisions in each element impact and influence the others. Among the topics covered are segmentation, consumer behavior, product development, promotional campaigns, marketing research, distribution planning and pricing strategies. The course will culminate in a final project or major case study, with students developing and presenting a marketing plan.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49922 | MKT215 - -BU - -B | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING | Greenberg B | Open | 8/10 | (6J) 06/30/2025 to 08/15/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING
4.00 credits. An introductory course emphasizing key concepts and issues underlying the marketing process and how it operates in today's dynamic organizations. The marketing mix is examined on a broad scale, with students developing an understanding of how decisions in each element impact and influence the others. Among the topics covered are segmentation, consumer behavior, product development, promotional campaigns, marketing research, distribution planning and pricing strategies. The course will culminate in a final project or major case study, with students developing and presenting a marketing plan.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
4.00 credits. Drawing on students' foundational course work in marketing, this course examines current marketing topics in more depth and with more rigor. The text and topics explored in this course are shaped by the instructor's specializations and interests. For details about materials covered during a particular semester, please review the course listing each semester during open registration. Research and/or projects are primary learning tools. *Prerequisite(s): MKT 215 and MKT 312. Since this course may vary in focus, it is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
48793 | MPA500 - -PA - -A | MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY | Rookey D | Open | 5/30 | (5U) 07/02/2025 to 08/08/2025 ONLN | 1.00 | MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY
1.00 credit. In this course, students will learn the principles of medical word building and medical vocabulary used as a physician assistant through root words, prefixes and suffixes. Graded Pass/No Pass. Summer term. Online only. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (100% Online) |
48839 | MPA503 - -PA - -A | CLINICAL HEALTH SCIENCES | Molina R | Open | 7/30 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 M (09:00am-12:00pm) | 3.00 | CLINICAL HEALTH SCIENCES
3.00 credits. This course provides an in-depth study of topics in human anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology in a system-based approach. Instruction will emphasize material on gastrointestinal, renal and genitourinary systems as well as some introduction to pregnancy and pediatrics and surgical components. *Prerequisite(s): MPA 501 and MPA 502. Register by Instructor. Summer term. Hours: lecture 3.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48840 | MPA504 - -PA - -A | INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL STUDIES | Rookey D, Fink H, Thomasson C | Open | 5/30 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 WH (09:00am-03:00pm) | 4.00 | INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL STUDIES
4.00 credits. This 4-credit course will introduce students to the process of collecting and documenting data (patient history), basic physical exam skills and medical abbreviations. There is discussion of each component of a SOAP note and how to document appropriately as well as introductory interviewing skills. Students will learn oral and written presentation skills. Students will learn the basic head to toe physical exam needed as a foundation for the remainder of the didactic year, clinical rotations and career as a physician assistant. Summer term. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA504 - -PA - -A | LAB - INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL STUDIES | | | | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 MF (09:00am-10:00am) | | |
48841 | MPA505 - -PA - -A | INTRODUCTION TO ANATOMY | Goldina A, Molina R | Open | 5/30 | (5U) 07/02/2025 to 08/08/2025 F (10:00am-12:00pm) | 3.00 | INTRODUCTION TO ANATOMY
3.00 credits. This 3-credit course will introduce students to the cadaver lab, cadaver use and anatomy. Students will dissect portions and identify components of anatomy on a cadaver in small groups. Students will learn the basic head to toe anatomy needed as a foundation for the remainder of the didactic year, clinical rotations and career as a physician assistant. Summer term. Hours: lecture 2, laboratory 1.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA505 - -PA - -A | LAB - INTRODUCTION TO ANATOMY | | | | (5U) 07/02/2025 to 08/08/2025 T (09:00am-12:00pm) | | |
48842 | MPA513 - -PA - -A | CLINICAL MEDICINE III | Indeck D, Staff S | Open | 7/30 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 TW (09:00am-11:00am) | 6.00 | CLINICAL MEDICINE III
6.00 credits. This course will continue to build on the foundation of the broad scope of clinical medicine and disease processes. Included will be pathology and prevalence, microbiology, signs and symptoms, evaluation and management in a system-based approach. This course will explore disorders of gastrointestinal, renal, genitourinary and reproductive systems as well as including special populations of pregnancy, pediatrics, geriatrics and emergency medicine. *Prerequisite(s): MPA 511 and MPA 512. Summer term. Hours: 6.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA513 - -PA - -A | CLINICAL MEDICINE III | | | | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 M (01:00pm-04:00pm) | | |
48843 | MPA523 - -PA - -A | PHARMACOLOGY III | Ngu E | Open | 3/15 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 W (11:00am-12:30pm) | 3.00 | PHARMACOLOGY III
3.00 credits. This course continues building on the mechanism by which drugs influence physiologic manifestations of disease and the principles of drug action, metabolism, elimination, toxicity and therapeutics. The third course introduces therapeutics for gastrointestinal, renal, genitourinary and reproductive systems. There is also discussion on pregnancy, pediatrics, geriatrics and alternative medicines. *Prerequisite(s): MPA 521 and MPA 522. Summer term. Hours: lecture 3. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA523 - -PA - -A | PHARMACOLOGY III | | | | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 F (01:00pm-02:30pm) | | |
48844 | MPA523 - -PA - -B | PHARMACOLOGY III | Ngu E | Open | 4/15 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 W (11:00am-12:30pm) | 3.00 | PHARMACOLOGY III
3.00 credits. This course continues building on the mechanism by which drugs influence physiologic manifestations of disease and the principles of drug action, metabolism, elimination, toxicity and therapeutics. The third course introduces therapeutics for gastrointestinal, renal, genitourinary and reproductive systems. There is also discussion on pregnancy, pediatrics, geriatrics and alternative medicines. *Prerequisite(s): MPA 521 and MPA 522. Summer term. Hours: lecture 3. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA523 - -PA - -B | PHARMACOLOGY III | | | | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 F (01:00pm-02:30pm) | | |
49523 | MPA533 - -PA - -A | PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT & PROCEDURE III | Thomasson C | Open | 7/30 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 H (09:00am-10:30am) | 3.00 | PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT & PROCEDURE III
3.00 credits. This course is a lecture and laboratory course designed to further explore the physical examination, procedural and basic point of care skills across the life span. The students will continue their comprehensive physical examination, problem focused data collection based on patient presentation, point of care and procedural skills. They will also be introduced to more complex procedures (biopsy, incision and drainage, intubation, etc). *Prerequisite(s): MPA 531 and MPA 532. Summer term. Hours: lecture 1.5, laboratory 4.5. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA533 - -PA - -A | LAB - PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT & PROCEDURE III | | | | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 H (10:30am-01:30pm) | | |
49524 | MPA543 - -PA - -A | CLINICAL REASONING III | Staff S | Open | 7/30 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 H (02:30pm-03:30pm) | 3.00 | CLINICAL REASONING III
3.00 credits. This course is a small group case- based setting to practice the skill of collecting a history and critical thinking for problem solving and medical decision making to further master effective patient evaluation, diagnosis and management. Standardized patients, facilitators, self-directed learning and small group discussion will be used. This final installment of the course will utilize more complex cases, evidence based medicine and diverse populations across the life span. Students will continue to practice oral presentation and written SOAP notes. *Corequisite(s): MPA 541 and MPA 542. Summer term. Hours: lecture 1, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA543 - -PA - -A | LAB - CLINICAL REASONING III | | | | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 WF (01:00pm-04:00pm) | | |
49525 | MPA600 - -PA - -A | TRANSITIONS TO CLINICAL PRACTICE | Fink H | Open | 7/30 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 M (02:30pm-03:30pm) | 1.00 | TRANSITIONS TO CLINICAL PRACTICE
1.00 credit. This course is a review of all pertinent material related to clinical rotations and clinical practice. Students will review and receive updates on any policies and procedures, HIPPA, documentation, patient safety, professionalism, ethics, etc. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework. Summer semester. Hours: lecture .5, laboratory 1.5. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49526 | MPA605 - -PA - -A | PANCE PREPARATION III | Rookey D | Closed | 0/26 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | PANCE PREPARATION III
1.00 credit. Attaining board certification is a requirement for all Physician Assistants intending to apply for state licensure and practice medicine upon graduation throughout the United States. This course is a comprehensive review of material presented throughout the didactic and clinical years. Topics align directly with the blueprint provided by the National Commission for Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA). Students will repeat the PACKRAT, designed to assess student readiness for the Physician Assistant National Certification Examination (PANCE) administered by the NCCPA. *Prerequisite(s): MPA 603 and MPA 604. Graded Pass/No Pass. Summer term. Online only.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49527 | MPA611 - -PA - -A | INTERNAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R7) 05/12/2025 to 06/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | INTERNAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of health in the Internal Medicine Setting. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute and chronic disease in inpatient and/or outpatient settings. Emphasis will be placed on the care of the adult and geriatric patient. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49528 | MPA611 - -PA - -B | INTERNAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R8) 06/30/2025 to 08/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | INTERNAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of health in the Internal Medicine Setting. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute and chronic disease in inpatient and/or outpatient settings. Emphasis will be placed on the care of the adult and geriatric patient. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49529 | MPA612 - -PA - -A | WOMEN'S HEALTH PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R7) 05/12/2025 to 06/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | WOMEN'S HEALTH PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare to patients in the field of women's health. Emphasis will be placed on prenatal and gynecologic care. Supervised clinical practice experience may be gained in the inpatient, outpatient, or surgical setting during this rotation. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49530 | MPA612 - -PA - -B | WOMEN'S HEALTH PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R8) 06/30/2025 to 08/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | WOMEN'S HEALTH PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare to patients in the field of women's health. Emphasis will be placed on prenatal and gynecologic care. Supervised clinical practice experience may be gained in the inpatient, outpatient, or surgical setting during this rotation. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49531 | MPA613 - -PA - -A | PEDIATRICS PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R7) 05/12/2025 to 06/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | PEDIATRICS PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of care to pediatric patients. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute, chronic, and preventive care medicine. Supervised clinical practice experience may be gained in the inpatient or outpatient setting during this rotation. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49532 | MPA613 - -PA - -B | PEDIATRICS PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R8) 06/30/2025 to 08/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | PEDIATRICS PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of care to pediatric patients. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute, chronic, and preventive care medicine. Supervised clinical practice experience may be gained in the inpatient or outpatient setting during this rotation. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49533 | MPA614 - -PA - -A | FAMILY PRACTICE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R7) 05/12/2025 to 06/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | FAMILY PRACTICE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of health in the Family Practice Setting. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute and chronic disease in the outpatient settings. Emphasis will be placed on the care of patients across the lifespan. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49534 | MPA614 - -PA - -B | FAMILY PRACTICE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R8) 06/30/2025 to 08/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | FAMILY PRACTICE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of health in the Family Practice Setting. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute and chronic disease in the outpatient settings. Emphasis will be placed on the care of patients across the lifespan. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49535 | MPA615 - -PA - -A | EMERGENCY MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R7) 05/12/2025 to 06/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | EMERGENCY MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare across the lifespan for patients in an emergency medicine and/or acute care setting which includes exposure to, and the care of patients presenting to the Emergency Department. Emphasis will be placed on developing an increased understanding of critical vs noncritical patient presentations and methods for evaluation and stabilization in acute, life-threatening events. Students will observe and assist in clinical procedures, giving them the experience necessary to evaluate, treat, and refer patients appropriately. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49536 | MPA615 - -PA - -B | EMERGENCY MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R8) 06/30/2025 to 08/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | EMERGENCY MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare across the lifespan for patients in an emergency medicine and/or acute care setting which includes exposure to, and the care of patients presenting to the Emergency Department. Emphasis will be placed on developing an increased understanding of critical vs noncritical patient presentations and methods for evaluation and stabilization in acute, life-threatening events. Students will observe and assist in clinical procedures, giving them the experience necessary to evaluate, treat, and refer patients appropriately. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49537 | MPA616 - -PA - -A | SURGERY PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R7) 05/12/2025 to 06/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | SURGERY PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical preceptorship designed to enhance student competence in the care of the surgical patient in pre-operative, intraoperative, and post-operative settings. B3.03d, B3.07d. Students will become familiar with a variety of common surgical conditions, providing adequate patient education about his/her surgical condition, and recognizing potential complications. B3.04d Students will observe and assist in surgical procedures, giving them the experience necessary to evaluate and refer patients for surgical treatment. However, emphasis will not be placed on the meticulous details surrounding completion of any specific surgical procedures. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49538 | MPA616 - -PA - -B | SURGERY PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R8) 06/30/2025 to 08/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | SURGERY PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical preceptorship designed to enhance student competence in the care of the surgical patient in pre-operative, intraoperative, and post-operative settings. B3.03d, B3.07d. Students will become familiar with a variety of common surgical conditions, providing adequate patient education about his/her surgical condition, and recognizing potential complications. B3.04d Students will observe and assist in surgical procedures, giving them the experience necessary to evaluate and refer patients for surgical treatment. However, emphasis will not be placed on the meticulous details surrounding completion of any specific surgical procedures. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49539 | MPA617 - -PA - -A | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R7) 05/12/2025 to 06/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week clinical rotation that exposes them to the care of patients with behavioral and psychiatric conditions. Emphasis will be placed on the enhancing the student's development of skills and knowledge necessary to manage patients with behavioral and psychiatric conditions. Students may complete this rotation in an outpatient or inpatient setting. Students will be able to observe and assist in the diagnosis and management of patients, as well as develop an awareness of psychosocial problems likely to be encountered in a primary care practice. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49540 | MPA617 - -PA - -B | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R8) 06/30/2025 to 08/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week clinical rotation that exposes them to the care of patients with behavioral and psychiatric conditions. Emphasis will be placed on the enhancing the student's development of skills and knowledge necessary to manage patients with behavioral and psychiatric conditions. Students may complete this rotation in an outpatient or inpatient setting. Students will be able to observe and assist in the diagnosis and management of patients, as well as develop an awareness of psychosocial problems likely to be encountered in a primary care practice. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49541 | MPA618 - -PA - -A | CLINICAL SPECIALTY PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R7) 05/12/2025 to 06/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | CLINICAL SPECIALTY PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare to patients in a medical specialty or subspecialty of their interest. For this rotation, the program will design an individualized curriculum to ensure a safe and positive learning experience for each student. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49544 | MPA618 - -PA - -B | CLINICAL SPECIALTY PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R8) 06/30/2025 to 08/13/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | CLINICAL SPECIALTY PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare to patients in a medical specialty or subspecialty of their interest. For this rotation, the program will design an individualized curriculum to ensure a safe and positive learning experience for each student. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49545 | MPA699 - -PA - -A | CULMINATING EXPERIENCE | Rookey D, Molina R | Closed | 0/26 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 By Arrangement | 3.00 | CULMINATING EXPERIENCE
3.00 credits. This course is a culmination of the preparatory clinical preceptorships, PANCE preparation, and education and research courses completed in previous semesters. Upon completion of this course students will have utilized prior clinical experiences, the program curriculum, and specific student interests to gain greater insight into healthcare related issues while actively participating in community service. Additionally, students will have mastered knowledge and skills necessary to enter clinical practice upon graduation. Students will present their final capstone project in the form of a written paper with an accompanying poster presentation and complete the program's required summative evaluation. *Prerequisite(s): MPA 601 and MPA 602. Summer term.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50010 | MU 479 - -MU - -A | PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP IN MUSIC THERAPY | Frantz E | Open | 7/10 | (8J) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP IN MUSIC THERAPY
0.00 credit. An approximately six-month, supervised practical experience with a board-certified registered music therapist in an AMTA-approved facility. Total number of clinical training hours must equal 1,200. Taken only after completion of all other Music Therapy degree requirements. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48935 | OT 550 - -OT - -A | ADVANCED OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY THEORY AND APPLICATION | Dennehy T | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 T (09:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | ADVANCED OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY THEORY AND APPLICATION
4.00 credits. Students will learn how to apply theory to practice in this seminar course. A key element of this course will be combining theories to maximize therapeutic outcomes. Students will have the opportunity to explore and build upon existing theories, as well as create their own. *Prerequisite(s): OT 525.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48936 | OT 550 - -OT - -B | ADVANCED OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY THEORY AND APPLICATION | Dennehy T | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 W (09:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | ADVANCED OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY THEORY AND APPLICATION
4.00 credits. Students will learn how to apply theory to practice in this seminar course. A key element of this course will be combining theories to maximize therapeutic outcomes. Students will have the opportunity to explore and build upon existing theories, as well as create their own. *Prerequisite(s): OT 525.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48937 | OT 550 - -OT - -C | ADVANCED OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY THEORY AND APPLICATION | Dennehy T | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 H (09:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | ADVANCED OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY THEORY AND APPLICATION
4.00 credits. Students will learn how to apply theory to practice in this seminar course. A key element of this course will be combining theories to maximize therapeutic outcomes. Students will have the opportunity to explore and build upon existing theories, as well as create their own. *Prerequisite(s): OT 525.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
49926 | OT 553 - -OT - -A | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ACROSS THE CONTINUUM OF CARE | Davis M | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 W (09:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ACROSS THE CONTINUUM OF CARE
4.00 credits. Students will apply clinical reasoning, skills and knowledge to a various case scenarios in a variety of settings to include homes, communities, and facilities (inpatient and outpatient). Client examples will include newborns through elderly. *Prerequisite(s): OT 505, OT 515, OT 525, OT 532, OT 533 and OT 534. *Corequisite(s): OT 571. Summer term.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50045 | OT 553 - -OT - -B | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ACROSS THE CONTINUUM OF CARE | Staff S | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 H (09:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ACROSS THE CONTINUUM OF CARE
4.00 credits. Students will apply clinical reasoning, skills and knowledge to a various case scenarios in a variety of settings to include homes, communities, and facilities (inpatient and outpatient). Client examples will include newborns through elderly. *Prerequisite(s): OT 505, OT 515, OT 525, OT 532, OT 533 and OT 534. *Corequisite(s): OT 571. Summer term.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50046 | OT 553 - -OT - -C | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ACROSS THE CONTINUUM OF CARE | Staff S | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 T (09:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ACROSS THE CONTINUUM OF CARE
4.00 credits. Students will apply clinical reasoning, skills and knowledge to a various case scenarios in a variety of settings to include homes, communities, and facilities (inpatient and outpatient). Client examples will include newborns through elderly. *Prerequisite(s): OT 505, OT 515, OT 525, OT 532, OT 533 and OT 534. *Corequisite(s): OT 571. Summer term.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48938 | OT 556 - -OT - -A | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS | Wentzel E | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 H (09:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS
4.00 credits. The course provides opportunities for students to further investigate and practice skills related to the therapeutic relationship and process including providing training and education to clients and families, applying therapeutic use of self in individual and group intervention, directing and modifying intervention, and providing supervision to occupational therapy assistants. *Prerequisite(s): OT 310, OT 505, OT 515, OT 532, and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48939 | OT 556 - -OT - -B | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS | Wentzel E | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 T (09:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS
4.00 credits. The course provides opportunities for students to further investigate and practice skills related to the therapeutic relationship and process including providing training and education to clients and families, applying therapeutic use of self in individual and group intervention, directing and modifying intervention, and providing supervision to occupational therapy assistants. *Prerequisite(s): OT 310, OT 505, OT 515, OT 532, and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48940 | OT 556 - -OT - -C | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS | Wentzel E | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 W (09:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIPS
4.00 credits. The course provides opportunities for students to further investigate and practice skills related to the therapeutic relationship and process including providing training and education to clients and families, applying therapeutic use of self in individual and group intervention, directing and modifying intervention, and providing supervision to occupational therapy assistants. *Prerequisite(s): OT 310, OT 505, OT 515, OT 532, and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50047 | OT 573 - -OT - -A | OT FIELDWORK LEVEL I SUMMER | Walker R | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | OT FIELDWORK LEVEL I SUMMER
1.00 credit. Level I Fieldwork provides students with opportunities to integrate academic information with clinical examples through observations of and participation in activities with a variety of populations. Under the supervision of a qualified site supervisor and/or faculty, learning activities and assignments to support the students' learning process will be provided. Level I Fieldwork helps prepare students for Level II fieldwork but does not count toward the amount of time required for Level II fieldwork. *Prerequisite(s): OT 571 and OT 572. *Corequisite(s): OT 553. Summer semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50048 | OT 573 - -OT - -B | OT FIELDWORK LEVEL I SUMMER | Walker R | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | OT FIELDWORK LEVEL I SUMMER
1.00 credit. Level I Fieldwork provides students with opportunities to integrate academic information with clinical examples through observations of and participation in activities with a variety of populations. Under the supervision of a qualified site supervisor and/or faculty, learning activities and assignments to support the students' learning process will be provided. Level I Fieldwork helps prepare students for Level II fieldwork but does not count toward the amount of time required for Level II fieldwork. *Prerequisite(s): OT 571 and OT 572. *Corequisite(s): OT 553. Summer semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50049 | OT 573 - -OT - -C | OT FIELDWORK LEVEL I SUMMER | Walker R | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | OT FIELDWORK LEVEL I SUMMER
1.00 credit. Level I Fieldwork provides students with opportunities to integrate academic information with clinical examples through observations of and participation in activities with a variety of populations. Under the supervision of a qualified site supervisor and/or faculty, learning activities and assignments to support the students' learning process will be provided. Level I Fieldwork helps prepare students for Level II fieldwork but does not count toward the amount of time required for Level II fieldwork. *Prerequisite(s): OT 571 and OT 572. *Corequisite(s): OT 553. Summer semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50914 | OT 595 - -OT - -A | GRADUATE LEVEL II FIELDWORK | Friguglietti S | Open | 5/5 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 FIELD | 6.00 | GRADUATE LEVEL II FIELDWORK
Variable credits. Six months of full-time level II fieldwork, typically in two -12-week level II fieldwork experiences.6.00 credits for each full-time (i.e. 12 weeks) fieldwork: (part-time fieldwork approved by theProgram may be registered for 2.00 or 4.00 credits). Further information on Level II Fieldwork can be found in the Program Student Manual and the Level II Fieldwork Student Manual. *Prerequisite(s): B.S. in Health Sciences and completed coursework in Occupational Therapy. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Spring, Summer, or Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit, for a
maximum of 12 credits.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50130 | OT 596 - -OT - -A | GRADUATE LEVEL II FIELDWORK | Friguglietti S | Open | 60/60 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 FIELD | 6.00 | GRADUATE LEVEL II FIELDWORK
Variable credits. Six months of full-time level II fieldwork, typically in two -12-week level II fieldwork experiences. 6.00 credits for each full-time (i.e. 12 weeks) fieldwork: (part-time fieldwork approved by the Program may be registered for 2.00 or 4.00 credits). Further information on Level II Fieldwork can be found in the Program Student Manual and the Level II Fieldwork Student Manual. *Prerequisite(s): B.S. in Health Sciences and completed coursework in Occupational Therapy. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Spring, Summer, or Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit, for a maximum of 12 credits
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48943 | OT 641 - -OT - -A | ACUTE CARE AND REHABILITATION | Panchik D | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 T (01:00pm-04:00pm) | 4.00 | ACUTE CARE AND REHABILITATION
4.00 credits. This course emphasizes the practice skills and knowledge essential to practicing in medical model acute and rehabilitation areas with applications to both adult and pediatric populations. Students will explore advanced study in technology, documentation and treatments of these traditional medical model practice venues. Advanced splint construction, hand therapy, physical agents/modalities, ergonomic issues and other acute issues models are examples of options that may be addressed. Case studies apply traditional occupational therapy practice to individuals with physical disabilities. *Prerequisite(s): OT 505, OT 515, OT 532, and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48944 | OT 645 - -OT - -A | SCHOOL SYSTEM PRACTICE | Davis M | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 T (01:00pm-04:00pm) | 4.00 | SCHOOL SYSTEM PRACTICE
4.00 credits. This course is designed to enable students to gain content knowledge and expertise in a practice area of interest. This course is designed to allow students to explore in-depth the area of school-based practice. Students will learn and discuss current legislation governing therapy practice in general and special education in both public and private school arenas as well as best practice models for screening/evaluation, direct and consultative service delivery, and efficacy research. In addition to in-class lecture content, students will participate in seminars and service learning or continuing education activities. *Prerequisite(s): OT 515 and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48945 | OT 645 - -OT - -B | SCHOOL SYSTEM PRACTICE | Davis M | Open | 20/20 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 W (01:00pm-04:00pm) | 4.00 | SCHOOL SYSTEM PRACTICE
4.00 credits. This course is designed to enable students to gain content knowledge and expertise in a practice area of interest. This course is designed to allow students to explore in-depth the area of school-based practice. Students will learn and discuss current legislation governing therapy practice in general and special education in both public and private school arenas as well as best practice models for screening/evaluation, direct and consultative service delivery, and efficacy research. In addition to in-class lecture content, students will participate in seminars and service learning or continuing education activities. *Prerequisite(s): OT 515 and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
48942 | OT 660 - -OT - -A | EVIDENCE BASED APPLICATION | Martin D | Open | 5/5 | (4U) 05/12/2025 to 08/15/2025 ONLN | 3.00 | EVIDENCE BASED APPLICATION
3.00 credits. This course is the second of three parts in completing the Capstone Project for the entry-level Doctorate in Occupational Therapy. Students will use the evidence gathered in the literature review completed the prior semester to identify the problem or need correlated with the Capstone Project and complete a critical analysis of evidence found in literature review. Students will ultimately complete a needs assessment and state how the problem or need will be addressed through the Capstone Experience. *Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the OTD program and successfully complete one graduate topic course along with OT 554, 550, 556 Graded Pass/No Pass.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49520 | PHY101 - -PY - -A | GENERAL PHYSICS I | Wagner J | Open | 12/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | GENERAL PHYSICS I
4.00 credits. A study of the principles of physics, specifically that are required to be successful on the MCAT, including Newtonian mechanics (motion, work, energy, and static equilibrium), vibrational motion, mechanical waves, gases, fluids, and thermodynamics. *Prerequisite(s): Level II math placement or completion of Math Core requirement. Students who have credit for PHY 201 may not enroll in this course for credit. *Corequisite(s): PHY 101L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 2. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 50.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
49521 | PHY105 - -6NPS-C-A | NPS HOW THINGS WORK | Stuckey W | Open | 7/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | NPS HOW THINGS WORK
4.00 credit. (Natural and Physical Science Core Course) Based on activities experienced in daily life, students will learn several physical concepts. By experiencing science at work students will become more comfortable with it and will understand the predictable nature of the universe and dispel the "magic" of science and technology. Students learn how various technologies work and will develop their physical intuition of the world. Topics may include: amusement park rides, bicycles, baseball, human movement, automobiles, clocks, musical instruments, audio amplifiers, radio, lasers, cameras, computers, copiers, power generation and distribution, and nuclear reactors. Course will include a laboratory component each week. *Corequisite: PHY 105L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 1.5. Typically offered online summer and winter terms, as able.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 50.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49924 | PS 120 - -3CE -C-A | CE THE ART OF POLITICAL EXPRESSION | Kelly A | Open | 18/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | CE THE ART OF POLITICAL EXPRESSION
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) An introduction to the role of music and visual arts in political protests, social movements, and political activism, with emphasis on the creation of an original piece of political art. Summer and Winter Terms. Online only.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49849 | PS 150 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE POLITICS | Lang C | Open | 18/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | NCH INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE POLITICS
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) A comparison and contrast of the political systems of selected foreign nations, emphasizing the historical development of party systems, political cultures and executive-legislative relations.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49850 | PS 170 - -3CE -C-A | CE THE ART OF POLITICAL EXPRESSION | Kelly A | Open | 19/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | CE THE ART OF POLITICAL EXPRESSION
4.00 Credits. An introduction to the role of music and visual arts in political protests, social movements, and political activism, with emphasis on the creation of an original piece of political art.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49852 | PS 233 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH THE ARAB SPRING (INT 233) | Ozkanca O | Open | 19/20 | (3J) 05/12/2025 to 05/30/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | NCH THE ARAB SPRING (INT 233)
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) This course provides an in-depth analysis of the Arab Spring, series of revolutions, protests, rebellions that have been ongoing in the Arab world since 2011. It analyzes the causes behind the uprisings and the path that each continues to take. Situating the Arab Spring in diplomatic history, it explores the political and socio-economic characteristics of the countries to illustrate why the success of democratic transition in the Middle Eastern and North African region vary. *A Guided Writing and Research Course. May term only.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (100% Online) |
49851 | PS 245 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS | Ozkanca O | Open | 20/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | NCH INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) Survey of the basic units of analysis, concepts and principles of global international relations with emphasis on the formulation and implementation of foreign policy in the context of political, economic, military and cultural factors.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49934 | PSY240 - -PC - -A | CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT | Smith T | Open | 16/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT
4.00 credits. This course examines social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development from a psychological perspective. We will take a chronological approach and examine human development from the prenatal period through adolescence. The course will explore how sociocultural context and government policies influence children's development. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105. Students who complete PSY 240 may not enroll in PSY 247, and those who complete PSY 247 may not enroll in PSY 240. Offered annually.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
49855 | SO 101 - -7SSC-C-A | SSC DISCOVERING SOCIETY | Kanagy C | Open | 15/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | SSC DISCOVERING SOCIETY
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) An introduction to the sociological perspective to achieve an understanding of society and its impact on the individual through exploring social reality, processes and explanation.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49516 | SP 111 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH I | di Renzo S | Open | 13/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH I
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language and computer work supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
49949 | SP 112 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH II | Dutton S | Open | 20/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH II
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Expansion of basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. Additional development of communicative competency in five skill areas: listening, speaking, writing, reading, and sociocultural awareness. *Prerequisite(s): SP 111, or placement by examination.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
49518 | WGS205 - -4WCH-C-A | WCH WRITING TRAUMA AND RESILIENCE | Price-Hamilton E | Open | 16/20 | (5J) 05/12/2025 to 06/27/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | WCH WRITING TRAUMA AND RESILIENCE
4.00 credits. (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) Students will study trauma, gender, sexuality, and multifaceted identity through diverse forms of media and literature. The course engages students in cross-cultural dialogue(s) about the nature, framing, and representation of trauma and resilience.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |